Sunday, May 24, 2020
Emotional Intelligence Training Intervention Cognitive...
Emotional Intelligence Training Intervention There are many facets to leadership, however, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is both the most difficult to develop and the most critical to success. Cognitive intelligence and technical skills are required for most positions, but to be truly effective leaders must also demonstrate emotional intelligence. In today’s ever-changing world, technical skills become obsolete with each new iteration of a process or technology; yet soft-skills, or EI, transcend advancements and industries. â€Å"Leaders high in EI outperform the managers with average people skills†(Lussier Achuea, 2013, p.37). In fact, â€Å"when leadership is examined separately from general occupational performance†¦about 67% of leadership is†¦show more content†¦EI is typically divided into four components – self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness and relationship management. A person’s emotional intelligence is an overall range or profile that is created by examining their strengths and weaknesses in each of the four components. Self-Awareness â€Å"Self–awareness means having a deep understanding of one’s own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives†(Goleman, 1998, p. 95). This translates into several important characteristics of a successful leader. According to Goleman (1998) people with strong self-awareness: †¢ are not overly critical or unrealistically optimistic. Rather, they are honest with themselves and others and acknowledge when it is time to allow others to take the lead. †¢ recognize the impact of their feelings on themselves, other people, and their job performance. †¢ have defined values and goals and make decisions that are in alignment. †¢ take criticism well, learn from their mistakes, and have a self-deprecating sense of humor. †¢ understand the strengths and weaknesses of their skill set and avoid setting themselves up for failure – by either over-reaching or failing to ask for help. Self-Regulation Self-regulation refers to the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, and the propensity to
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What Is the Maximin Principle in Economics
The maximan principle is a justice criterion proposed by the philosopher Rawls. A principle about the just design of social systems, e.g. rights and duties. According to this principle the system should be designed to maximize the position of those who will be worst off in it. The basic structure is just throughout when the advantages of the more fortunate promote the well-being of the least fortunate, that is, when a decrease in their advantages would make the least fortunate even worse off than they are. The basic structure is perfectly just when the prospects of the least fortunate are as great as they can be. -Rawls, 1973, p. 328Â (Econterms)
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Media Acts And Its Impact On Society - 1190 Words
In our society today, media acts as an integral factor in creating and undoing social bonds, as well as communicating topics which enable social transformation. It is generally considered that political and economic subjects are rational and thus are treated as ‘men’s issues’, in comparison to social and cultural themes expressed as sensitive and accordingly correlated with femininity (Stevenson 1995). Although this is open to much criticism in terms of gender inequality, it is undoubtable that gender equality is progressing. Women have enrolled into conventionally male-dominated work places, reflecting the general consensus that women achieve better at school. Also, men have proceeded into ‘normally’ female-dominated areas such as†¦show more content†¦Over the course of the 40 years it was found that in both newspapers was an â€Å"evident gender bias, which has gradually overcome as new media genres have developed†(Stanley, 2012). I n the non-elite paper women are hardly pictured, and in the elite magazine women show up ‘just as often as men’ (Stanley, 2012). The audience of both papers consists of approximately 50% women and 50% men (Stanley, 2012). However, mirroring the diversity between elite and non-elite newspapers, â€Å"the typical reader of the New York Times has more formal education than is the case for the Daily News†(Daily News, 2012) (News York Times, 2012). Stanley states that the article addresses a myriad of key questions. Firstly, the progress of women’s appearance in newspapers today is explored in comparison to fifty years ago. Secondly, the location of where women are presented within the newspaper is of concern. The article then explores whether these locations are of similarity within elite and non-elite newspapers or whether they are different. An array of theoretical perspectives are provided, which are later used to justify and criticise findings. The first is an approach that the content within media is a parallel of realism; an increased number of women in society results in photography being progressively occupied by women. This is then followed by a supposition that the constitution of cultural presence in the media is influenced by cultural categories of editors
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
America’s Mafia From Real Life to Big Screen And Back Again
America’s obsessions with the mafia and mafia-style films have existed for decades. The ability for an audience to connect on a deep level with a character of shady morals and seedy behavior is a requirement for gangster films to be successful. Hollywood has been able to successfully take real life mobsters and make them larger than life on the big screen. Though not all mafia films created are taken directly from real life, most movies have some essence of reality buried within the plot. To understand this obsession with the mafia, it is necessary to understand the beginning of the Mafia’s presence in America. The Great Depression and Prohibition helped usher in a new kind of violent criminal: The Mobster. Mostly of Italian†¦show more content†¦If Capone’s men went rogue into the Purple territory, Capone could expect it to be handled with only a word. This kind of connection of crime families would create system of crime that America had not perv iously seen and would make for some sensational stories later down the line. Hollywood’s first movies about these gangsters were oddly accepted by the public who could identify with men forced to use crime as a way to make a living. Movies such as Little Caesar (1932), Public Enemy (1931) and Scarface (1932) were a few of the great films of the period. After 1942, gangsters largely disappeared from news and media with the start of World War I when the villains of Hollywood were shifted from gangsters to Nazi’s and monsters. In 1950, a senate committee was set up to investigate organized crime in America. Thanks to the new invention of television, millions of viewers could watch the testimonies of these hearings in their homes. Senator Estes Kefauver proposed an investigation between organized crime and interstate commerce. Kefauver created a committee and was placed as its Chairman, despite his personal fear that â€Å"being a special group, the committee usually feels it has to justify its existence by doing something sensational.†Coined â€Å"the Kefauver Committee,†they were responsible for determining to what extent and manner of influence organized crime had on commerce andShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War Era1871 Words  | 8 Pagesother. Many events contributed to and were derived from the Cold War such as the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, the Civil Rights movement, the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy Assassination, and the hippie movement. Some of the most important questions that could be asked of these events are these: of what significance were they to the Cold War and where would the world be today if they had never happened? Lessons learned from the past affect everything about the future, and withoutRead MoreCold War Influences on American Culture, Politics, and Economics2221 Words  | 9 Pagesother. Many events contributed to and were derived from the Cold War such as the Truman Doctri ne and Marshall Plan, the Civil Rights movement, the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy Assassination, and the hippie movement. Some of the most important questions that could be asked of these events are these: of what significance were they to the Cold War and where would the world be today if they had never happened? Lessons learned from the past affect everything about the future, and withoutRead MoreLessons Learned From The World War II1862 Words  | 8 Pagesother. Many events contributed to and were derived from the Cold War such as the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, the Civil Rights movement, the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy Assassination, and the hippie movement. Some of the most important questions that could be asked of these events are these, of what significance were they to the Cold War and where would the world be today if they had never happened? Lessons learned from the past affect everything about the future, and withoutRe ad MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagesof Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Concepts to Text Topics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource leveling 7.2 Setting
The Psychology And Motivation Behind Consumer Decisions
People, as consumers, make decisions every day. To make a good market plan, it is necessary to understand the psychology and motivation behind consumer decisions. Usually, decision making is classified into three â€Å"buckets†which are cognitive, habitual, and affective (Solomon P38) . Based on their unique individual features, different market strategies are come up with to promote a new product which is a hotel booking application called HomeOnTheGo. It is a cybermediary product which filters and organizes the online hotel and lodging information so that travelers can identify and evaluate a place more efficiently. The potential competitors are TripAdvisor, Expedia,, Airbnb, and etc. The marketing plan is inspired by the†¦show more content†¦Coupon on TV commercial would be a common sale promotion way which will be also used here. The price difference with coupon will increase the ideal state so that consumer will have opportunity recognition. Beside T V commercials, sweepstakes will be put on twitter and facebook, the winner will get free booking code which can be applied in the HomeOnTheGo website or application. This strategy was used by Ford Company, and the result is many consumer requested more info about Ford’s product (Solomon, P71). The second step is information search. Customer reviews are a key driver of satisfaction and loyalty. The survey mentioned in book said half of the respondents who bought an item from a major web site remember seeing other buyers’ reviews (Solomon, P74). However, some consumers don’t have urge to write reviews. Therefore, we think a review reward plan would be a good strategy to encourage consumer to write more reviews. A chart will also be given for consumers to know their personal preference when they register into the app or website. This kind of long tail strategy was used by many famous cybermediary such as amazon. The third step is evaluation of alternatives. When the potential consumer search hotel info online, they will choose some cybermediaries such as Expedia and to compare different deals’ price, location or rating stars. How to add our app into their evoked set even the consideration set is a huge challenge
Sustainable Communities Aerotropolis on Urban Growth
Question: Discuss about theSustainable Communitiesfor Aerotropolis on Urban Growth. Answer: Since the year of 1980, livability has emerged to be an important concept that explains the extent to which a specific place is suitable for the inhabitants to lead a healthy, normal life. Accordingly, as an inner suburb of Brisbane, Toowang possesses a variety of indicators that do enhance its livability factor, such as well-built infrastructure, high quality education, and tree cover. However, it is important to assess the livability of the suburb in terms of the presence of open, green space. It is important to note that some of the most livable cities of the world, such as the Hyde Park in London, or Central Park of New York, are known for open, green space as much as their well-developed infrastructure. Recent research reports have claimed that there is a close association between the structure and design of the cities, and the overall well-being of its inhabitants (Charles et al., 2015). The reports claimed that open green space is associated with reduced level of depression, stress level and anxiety among the residents, and improved health of the inhabitants. Hence, open green space is highly important in Toowang. Green space refers to the idea of having a great outdoor including open spaces as well as natural landscapes that can promote the health and overall well-being of the residents. The children are required to reside in areas which have accessible green spaces, as these green spaces aid in their overall mental and social development. Besides, the green space is also highly important as it helps in ensuring the overall health and well-being of a larger group of people- the older people, the children, and wealthy as well as poor people (Woodside et al., 2015). Besides, research also states that green space is also important in areas such as Toowang, as it can help the suburb generate huge income as well. It has been observed that various parks, located in the USA, France, and China feature cafes, restaurants as well as rental facilities that add up to the revenue of the government, and in turn help it to keep on funding the ongoing maintenance and upkeep. The government of Queensland, considering the importance of open green space, has already take initiatives to expand national parks, set up various marine parks, as well as implement plans to protect the green space from the urban sprawl. In fact it is important to note here that the strength here is that the Queensland government since 1990 had increased the total amount of land allotted to the national park estates from 3.8 million hectares to 8.1 million hectares (Callanan, 2016). Considering the shortfall in the urban green space in Toowang, the government is also planning to set up a variety of new parks such as the Kangaroo Points Cliff Park (Kozlowski Yusof, 2014). In fact, it is worthwhile to mention that Toowang already enjoys a diverse array of green spaces, such as ecology parks, boulevards, botanic gardens as well as community gardens. However, the weakness is that the area is gradually becoming more congested, with the rise in population, and hence the government must i nvest in setting up new public spaces to eliminate the chance of imbalance between nature and urban development. The urban green space can thus largely benefit the Toowang area. Being a suburb, it has not yet achieved much recognition, but the green space projects can help it in boosting its recognition and economy, while also helping it in the protection of habitats and preservation of biodiversity. Reference List: CALLANAN, J. (2016). Impact of aerotropolis on urban growth and related commercial activity. InPRRES 2016(pp. 1-6). Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. Charles-Edwards, E., Bell, M., Corcoran, J. (2015). Greening the Commute: Assessing the Impact of the Eleanor Schonell GreenBridge on Travel to the University of Queensland, Australia.Urban Policy and Research,33(1), 61-78. Kozlowski, M., Yusof, Y. M. (2016). The role of urban planning and design in responding to climate change: the Brisbane experience.International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management,8(1), 80-95. Woodside, A. G., Correia, A., Gnoth, J., Kozak, M., Fyall, A. (2015).Marketing Places and Spaces. Emerald Group Publishing.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Hamlet Act III Scene II free essay sample
This paper is an analysis of William Shakespeares Hamlet, and goes into detail about Hamlets elaborate plan to expose the king as the murderer of his father. This is an analysis of the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Special attention is paid to the scene where the real murderer of the king is divulged. The author explains how this is a pivotal scene as it solves the mystery that has been building up until that point. Act III, Scene II is important for a number of reasons. Essentially, it is the start of the second half of the play. It could be argued that the first half of the play is when Hamlet sets up his strategy to avenge his fathers death. Naturally, the second half would then be Hamlet taking the vengeance he so baldy wants. Unfortunately for nearly all parties involved, it does not happen how he planned. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamlet: Act III Scene II or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Act III Scene II, Claudius guilt as well as his moral values had been exposed for all to see. Hamlets underhanded slyness was also revealed by his non-confrontational means of proving the kings role in the murder of his father. Lastly, the reader also discovers the queens apparent innocence.
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