Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Planet For the Taking essays
A Planet For the Taking essays "Problems facing us today are immense and many are direct consequence of science and technology," David Suzuki tells the world, but are we really at fault? Yes. The growing field of science and technology has given the world many benefits, but many downfalls as well. Some benefits include cures for diseases, and easier living conditions. On the other hand, downfalls include the endangerment of many species and destructions of ecosystems. The field of science and technology has been abused consiously and unconsiously to destroy species, ecosystems, and waterways and if drastic changes aren't made soon then we will be severly endangering ourselves. The past few generations of humans have unconsiously been destroying thier environments. Populations drive their cars, smoke their cigarettes, dump huge amounts of garbage in landfills instead of recycling most of it, and pollute the land in so many other ways. Suzuki mentions that the "Great Lakes, which contain 20% of [the] world's fresh water... is terribly polluted and the populations of fish completly muxedup by human activity," and even though humans are aware of the fact that they are destroying wildlife and ecosystems by abusing science and technology, they don't care enough to change their ways. The government is a prime example of abusing our environment with the use of science and technology. Instead of funding and supporting the public transit system, they fund highway and road expansions. If more funding was given to the TTC, then more of the population would be using the TTC and therfore help to cut down on pollution which destroys our surrounding environments. In rea lity, the government wants to make as much profit as possible and therefore more highways and freeways are built so that more cars can travel on them. The world's population will always unconsiously pollute the earth, and all because it lets them live their lives a little bit easier. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Scallop Facts
Scallop Facts Found in saltwater environments like the Atlantic Ocean, scallops are bivalved mollusks that can be found around the world. Unlike their relative the oyster, scallops are free-swimming mollusks that live inside a hinged shell. What most people recognize as a scallop is actually the creatures adductor muscle, which it uses to open and close its shell in order to propel itself through the water. There are more than 400 species of scallops; all are members of the Pectinidae family. Fast Facts: Scallops Scientific Name: PectinidaeCommon Name(s): Scallop, escallop, fan shell, or comb shellBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateSize: 1–6 inch valves (width of shell)Weight: Varies depending on speciesLifespan: Up to 20 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Shallow marine habitats around the worldConservation Status: Varies depending on species Description Scallops are in the phylum Mollusca, a group of animals that also includes snails, sea slugs, octopuses, squid, clams, mussels, and oysters. Scallops are one of a group of mollusks known as bivalves. These animals have two hinged shells that are formed of calcium carbonate. Scallops have anywhere from 50 to 100 eyes that line their mantle. These eyes may be a brilliant blue color, and they allow the scallop to detect light, dark, and motion. They use their retinas to focus light, a job the cornea does in human eyes. Atlantic sea scallops can have very large shells, up to 9 inches in length. Bay scallops are smaller, growing to about 4 inches. The gender of Atlantic sea scallops can be distinguished. The females reproductive organs are red while the males are white. Bobby Ware/Getty Images Habitat and Range Scallops are found in saltwater environments worldwide, ranging from the intertidal zone to the deep sea. Most prefer beds of seagrass amid shallow sandy bottoms, although some attach themselves to rocks or other substrates. In the United States, two kinds of scallops are sold as food. Atlantic sea scallops, the larger kind, are harvested wild from the Canadian border to the mid-Atlantic and are found in shallow open waters. Smaller bay scallops are found in estuaries and bays from New Jersey to Florida. There are large scallop populations in the Sea of Japan, off the Pacific coast from Peru to Chile, and near Ireland and New Zealand. The majority of farmed scallops are from China. Diet Scallops eat by filtering small organisms such as krill, algae, and larvae from the water they inhabit. As water enters the scallop, mucus traps plankton in the water, and then cilia move the food into the scallops mouth. DEA PICTURE LIBRARY/De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images Behavior Unlike other bivalves such as mussels and clams, most scallops are free-swimming. They swim by clapping their shells quickly using their highly developed adductor muscle, forcing a jet of water past the shell hinge, propelling the scallop forward. Theyre surprisingly speedy. Scallops swim by opening and closing their shells using their powerful adductor muscle. This muscle is the round, fleshy scallop that anyone who eats seafood will instantly recognize. The adductor muscle varies in color from white to beige. The Atlantic sea scallops adductor muscle may be as big as 2 inches in diameter. Reproduction Many scallops are hermaphrodites, which means that they have both male and female sex organs. Others are only male or female. Scallops reproduce by spawning, which is when organisms release eggs and sperm into the water. Once an egg is fertilized, the young scallop is planktonic before settling to the sea floor, attaching to an object with byssal threads. Most scallop species lose this byssus as they grow and become free-swimming.​ Conservation Status There are hundreds of species of scallops; in general, they are not endangered. In fact, according to NOAA: U.S. wild-caught Atlantic sea scallop is a smart seafood choice because it is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations. Bivalves such as scallops, however, are threatened by ocean acidification, which affects the ability of these organisms to build strong shells. Species Scallops are marine bivalve mollusks of the family Pectinidae; the best-known are species of the genus Pecten. The family Pectinidae includes about 50 genera and subgenera and more than 400 species which live around the world. Scallop species vary in their habitats; while some prefer coastal areas and intertidal zones, others live deep under the ocean. All scallops are bivalves, and in most species, the two valves of the shell are fan-shaped. The two valves may be ribbed or smooth or even knobbed. Scallop shells vary radically in color; some are white while others are purple, orange, red, or yellow. Scallops and Humans Scallop shells are easily recognized and have been a symbol since ancient times. The fan-shaped shells have deep ridges, and two angular protrusions called auricles, one on either side of the shells hinge. Scallop shells range in color from drab and gray to vivid and multihued. Scallop shells are an emblem of St. James, who was a fisherman in Galilea before becoming an apostle. James is said to be buried at Santiago de Compostela in Spain, which became a shrine and pilgrimage site. Scallop shells mark the road to Santiago, and pilgrims often wear or carry scallop shells. The scallop shell is also the corporate symbol for the petrochemical giant Royal Dutch Shell. Scallops are also a major commercially harvested seafood; certain species (Placopecten magellanicus, Aequipecten irradians, and A. opercularis) are highly prized. The large adductor muscle is the part of the scallop that is typically cooked and eaten. Scallops are harvested around the world; the most productive scallop grounds are off the coast of Massachusetts and in the Bay of Fundy off the coast of Canada. Romona Robbins Photography/Getty Images Sources Foster, Kelli. Whats the Difference Between Bay Scallops and Sea Scallops? 13 May 2016. Goff, Stanley. What Do Sea Scallops Eat Where Do They Live?​ ​ ​25 April 2017.Madrigal, Alexis C. Did You Know Scallops Have *Eyes*? Me Neither, but Look. 28 March 2013.Ramos, Juan. What Exactly Are Scallops? 17 Jan. 2018.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflectioin on the 3 articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflectioin on the 3 articles - Article Example Socially, adolescents prefer the experienced over inexperienced. Yet, that is truer for boys of the same age than girls. The acts are highly presented in the media and in order to be more accurate, findings should be made on more risk behaviours. The development of an individual is related to many factors in its life and romantic adolescent's relationships are one of the more important ones. Although, considered transitory, influencing and a problem; they are important when determining one's self-worth. Yet, romantic relationships of these sort are no in any way, a behaviour problem; these are no considered myths more true for previous centuries. The basis of recent researches focus upon the involvement of an individual partner chosen for it; which is not much important than shared interests. The quality of these relationships is directly related to its stability but the studies show negativity as adolescents mature. Lastly, the intense and unpredictable show of emotionality and cognitive abilities is not studied thoroughly. The media does not imply this confidently as they show both sides of the same coin. Hence, now the research is focused upon its impact on an individual's life than the myths themselves. Acceptance in a society is reflected upon by many standards where some of them are often unconstructive.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Analysis of Boeing Corporation Implementing PCMM Essay
The Analysis of Boeing Corporation Implementing PCMM - Essay Example Critical issues can easily be recognized through the implementation of PCMM; it is the foundation of best practices. Organizations use PCMM for cost reduction, waste and employee’s turnover reduction. Boeing Company’s turnover was 7% in 1998, and it came down by 5% in 1999 due to the implementation of PCMM (Curtis, Hefley, & Miller, 2003). Since 1991, Boeing Company was using the SW-CMM framework for the improvement of software processes and more than eleven thousand people were trained with SW-CMM. Boeing company always attempt to increase its activities, and the business goal of Boeing Company is to improve the quality and reduce cost and for this purpose Boeing conducted the first joint evaluation for PCMM in 1996. The company started the usage of PCMM in 1997 as a framework for the improvement of practices related to workforce, after twelve joint assessments PCMM level 2 was achieved by four organizations (Curtis, Hefley, & Miller, 2003). Boeing improved its software processes, retained skill workers, attracted newly trained workers and attained its business goals. The level of extremely satisfied employees got the increase. The industry benchmark for employees’ turnover was 16% in 1998, and Boeing’s turnover was 10 to 12 percent. Boeing increased it employees’ satisfaction up to 15%; Boeing reduced its defects related post-release, variation in schedules reduced by 38% and efforts variations that occur in labor work got reduce by 35% (Curtis, Hefley, & Miller, 2003). After having the analysis of PCMM, it has been clear that this model should be used as an improvement strategy for all organizational activities. According to human resource department PCMM should not be used only for HRM, rather the utilization of this program should be for the improvement of operational management’s capabilities (Curtis, Hefley, & Miller, 2003). Meaningful early meetings should be fixed with sponsors.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A&P by John Updike Essay Example for Free
AP by John Updike Essay The short story entitled â€Å"AP†by John Updike was published in 1961 and confirmed the author’s reputation as a master of detail. In reality, the author merely expressed the spirit of the 1960s, which includes decadence, transformations of polity and society, which ascended certain people, but spiritually impoverished others, as well uncertainty in the next day. The short story thus reveals multiple contexts, all of which can be tied to its title. The present paper is intended to discuss the narrative in relation to its short and simple title.  The plot of the short story takes place in a provincial grocery store â€Å"AP†and is narrated by the protagonist, 19-year-old Sammy, who works there as a checker. â€Å"One Thursday afternoons the store is empty for the most part. The only people that inter the store are old woman and woman with six children whom he refers both to as sheep, when three girls walk in dressed with nothing more that bathing suits. This catches his eye and he watches them closely and studies each one of them with great detail†(Luscher, 1993, p. 168). Furthermore, the youth distinguishes the leader of the group and refers to her as Queenie, as she seems to behave with great self-confidence and social competence, and the two other girls simply follow her. . Sammy is aware of the fact that the girls violate the rules of this store concerning outfit, but doesn’t begin confrontation until his manager Lengel, who informs the girls abut the internal rules of â€Å"AP†. Queenie states that they are not doing shopping, as they seek to purchase only one product, but Lengel still continues blaming the girls for the abuse of the regulatory policy. Queenie responds that they are decent and do not intend to abuse the other customers’ convictions concerning morality. Sammy finally allows them to make a purchase, but observing the manager’s behavior, he concludes that he is not going to work for this shop any longer and announces that he is quitting. Thus, the idea of the short story circles around the transition from adolescence to adulthood and the growth of the ability to make one’s own moral judgments, which can be free and independent from any redundant formalities (Luscher, 1993). The period of adolescence is usually associated with the formation of role models, which might dictate behavioral patterns to follow (Luscher, 1993). In this sense, both his professional identity as an employee of the AP and his self-awareness have been nurtured under the influence of two adults: Stokesie, a major breadwinner in his family, and Lengel, the store manager, whose career began in this place. Sammy, in this sense, seeks to imitate the relaxed behavior, demonstrated by Stokesie, who exclaims â€Å"Oh Daddy, I feel so faint!†(Updike, 2007, at Similarly, â€Å"Sammy whittles away his days looking at pretty girls and thinking about the ways of people. He hardly realizes that this is how he will spend his entire existence if he doesn’t soon get out of this job. During this day that will prove to change his life, he makes the step towards his realization†(McFarland, 1983, p. 95). In fact, he originates from a working-class family, as his parents served at cocktail parties, and at first he decided to make a career, connected with the service sphere, but on the day of argument with the three girls, the youth begins to build his own superstructure over the foundation of convictions, imposed by parental desire to penetrate into middle class and by the corresponding values, which view job as the sense of existence, regardless of the agent’s attitude towards this employment (McFarland, 1983; Luscher, 1993). Thus, his competition for store manager’s position finally appears to him pointless, similarly to the movements of the â€Å"sheep†, who make purposeful actions (do shopping) in order to satisfy their basic and not always conscious needs. Sammy, on the contrary, begins hard cognitive work on his own goals and makes his first conscious decision to leave the job. Furthermore, the young man seems to realize the responsibility he should take for his actions. In fact, his second role model, Langel, influences this decision in the most notable way (McFarland, 1983; Porter, 1972). After Langel’s appearance at the scene, Sammy concludes that he doesn’t wish to grow into such snobbish and arrogant manager, who regards himself as the last resort in all moral dilemmas and successfully combines preacher’s duties with his professional responsibilities. Langel highlights one phrase in his admonition: â€Å"This isn’t the beach†(Updike, 2007). Sammy believes the way the executive firmly repeats this phrase look â€Å"as if it had occurred to him, and he had been thinking all these years the AP was a big sand and he was the head lifeguard†(Updike, 2007). As Porter notes, â€Å"his â€Å"sand dune†is the world of work, whereas the girls’ is the world of play†(Porter, 1972, p.1156). As one can understand, the first approach to the interpretation of the title derives from the central idea of the short story. In this sense, the AP appears a place, where the protagonist’s psychological maturation takes place, so the emphasis upon the name of the shop can be alleged as the author’s natural desire to prioritize the settings, including the social context (the desirable shift from one social class to another), which puts the main character on his path to the insight. Another approach to the title is aesthetic or spatial. The author might have sought to prioritize the place itself rather than the most important idea, primarily – in order to provide the reader with sample environment, in which contemporary teenagers perform their working duties. This means, the concept of the AP as shop, which stores not merely goods, but also human fates and aspirations, is also valuable and deserves a more detailed examination. Due to the fact that this approach requires focusing upon senses and perception, it is important to include the atmosphere, depicted by the author. As McFarland notes, â€Å"to a large extent, the aesthetic pleasure in â€Å"AP†depends upon the reader’s sensing this dramatic irony. Sammy’s words resonate and gain meaning through a larger artistic context out of which he comes (Updike’s knowledge and imagination) but of which he, the fictive character, is unaware†(McFarland, 1983, p. 96). Importantly, two scholars, McFarland (1983) and Shaw (1986) compare the method of building the relationship between the imagery and the protagonist’s inner world to the allusion, depicted in â€Å"The Birth of Venus†by Sanrdo Botticelli. Similarly to all Renaissance paintings, it depicts a nude woman, who comes from sea spirit. The protagonist also focuses on the appearances of three females, who have merely bikinis on and therefore to great extent resemble to Renaissance patterns of depicting female body. Furthermore, Sammy concentrates his attention on the leader of the group, who appears a queen in his eyes, because of her unique step, movements and gestures. The protagonist thoroughly fixes all these details about the girl and she seems a source of aesthetic pleasure for the protagonist, rather than merely a person, who belongs to the opposite gender (Shaw, 1986) Sammy soon begins to describe the nature of femininity and indicates that girls’ inner life is always a puzzle for him. He upgrades his perception of the girl, as the essential aspect of their appearance is the alteration of the atmosphere and the emergence of the spirit of freedom in the air, rather than merely the girls’ clothing and the way they communicate with one another. In Sammy’s opinion, Queenie fills the store with her aura, comprised by charm, self-determination and ingenuousness. In order to improve the reader’s understanding of all these emanations, which saturated the accommodation, Sammy poetically describes the young girl: â€Å"If it hadn’t been there you wouldn’t have known there could have been anything whiter than those shoulders†(Updike, 2007). The protagonist’s description of Queenie to certain degree reminds Venus by Botticelli: white body, high shoulders, bare feet and pride in the eyes. When the girl brings her purchase to the cashier, Sammy feels as if he has just been chosen by Fortune (Shaw, 1986): â€Å"Queenie puts down the jar and I take it into my fingers icy cold: Kingfish Fancy herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream: 49. Now her hands are empty, not a ring or a bracelet, bare as God made them, and I wonder where the money is coming from†(Updike, 2007). The thorough depiction of all details, associated with the girls’ visit to the shop implies that the event was so meaningful to the protagonist that he memorized it completely, primarily, because of the surrealistic alteration of the place into the scene or arena of theatrical performance. After Langel confronts the girl, the sense of theatricality reinforces, as the manager explicitly plays hi professional role, whereas the girl behaves naturally and appears a â€Å"positive character†of the play. The girl, similarly to the Greek goddess in the ancient literature, inspires the protagonist and brings him into a different dimension of cognition, primarily through participating in the affected episode, initiated by the executive, which in fact occurs at the workplaces like the AP. Sammy thus understands that the service area turns employees into dull puppets, which perform uncreative job and inhibit inspiration, embodied by Queenie (Shaw, 1986). After the girl leaves, Sammy begins to feel the pressure of his workplace and finally decides to quit the job. The final interpretation of the title derives from the protagonist himself, especially when taking into consideration the fact that he is a teenager, who uses to simplify his life and at first doesn’t disclose any deep reflection. In this context â€Å"AP†points to the teenage perception of the event, i.e. if a 19-year-old man like Sammy wrote this story he would probably given it this title. The reminder about the protagonist’s teen age can be found in the vocabulary he uses. As Grainer suggests, the narrator is defined primarily by his â€Å"tones and vocabularies†(Grainer, 2007, at Furthermore, â€Å"No one else supplies background information or details to round out character [†¦] when he [Sammy] describes the girls, we wonder if his lyrical flights of language expose the inadequacy of his slang as he stretches to show why these teen-agers deserve his sacrifice†(Grainer, 2007). Furthermore, beyond the typical colloquial language, the protagonist behaves as impulsively as teenagers often do when they suddenly discover something fundamental and make corresponding decisions. Thus, the title perfectly fits the protagonist’s personality and the psychological features of his age. To sum up, the essay has outlined three major perspectives, from which the title can be interpreted. Firstly, the viewing the title through the prism of the central idea, the AP appears a place, where the protagonist’s philosophy of life evolves. Secondly, approaching to the title in terms of the atmosphere in the store, one can conclude that the author also attempts to describe an ordinary shop, as a place which determines human fates. Finally, the short title matches the teenage psychology and the author’s simple and understandable reasoning. Works cited Greiner, J. â€Å"Sammy’s Colloquial Voice in â€Å"AP††. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from: Luscher, R. John Updike: A Study of the Short Fiction. New York: Twayne, 1993. McFarland, R. â€Å"Updike and the Critics: Reflections on ‘AP’.†Studies in Short Fiction, 20 (1983): 94-100. Porter, M. â€Å"John Updike’s ‘AP’: The Establishment and an Emersonian Cashier†. English Journal, 61 (1972): 1155-58. Shaw, P. â€Å"Checking Out Faith and Lust: Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’; and Updike’s ‘AP’†. Studies in Short Fiction, 23 (1986): 321-23. Updike, J. AP. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from:
Friday, November 15, 2019
Jealousy in Three Dramatic Monologues by Browning Essay -- Robert Brow
Jealousy in Three Dramatic Monologues by Browning The poems 'My Last Duchess', 'Porphyria's Lover' and 'The Laboratory' are three dramatic monologues, theatrical tales of bitter jealousy told by anonymous, murderous lovers. 'My Last Duchess' and 'Porphyria's Lover' use the simple idea of cruel male domination to portray the narrator's jealousy, as these two men do not know any other way of controlling their seemingly flirtatious lovers' behaviour. They try to completely possess their women as objects, and such a need for power seems to be a pure statement of irrational jealousy. The following quotations show this idea clearly and, although the later is not direct to the murder of his lover, it is plain that the narrator is cruel, objective possessiveness. "I propped her head up as before." This quotation clearly shows that Porphyria's lover did not seem to understand the full consequence of murdering this woman, an idea which is also quite apparent in my last duchess, as the Duke certainly appears to brag about his wife's flirtatious behaviour, and it stopping. Returning to the idea of cruel male domination, though, this is obviously apparent in 'My Last Duchess' when the Duke suddenly proclaims the following; "Notice Neptune, though, taming a sea-horse." I would argue that Neptune is representative of the Duke, 'taming' though I would suggest imprisoning, brutally dominating a beauty of nature, which is representative of the Duchess, whom the Duke violently 'tamed' also. This idea is not so apparent in 'The Laboratory' because the narrator is female. We do, however, see her plotting the murder of her adulterous husband, so in a way is trying to 'tame' him too. Cruel, male domination... ...ithee?" The woman has bought a poison to kill her husband's lover with, which is a typical murder weapon of women, and also the most vicious of the three murders, as it would be the most painful for the victim. Murder, therefore, is the main presentation of jealousy in the three poems, and gives us considerable insight to the point of the narrator, because the poems are dramatic monologues. The narrators cannot see that their jealousy has overridden natural behaviour because they simply couldn't control and dominate their lover's behaviour. In conclusion, therefore, jealousy is presented throughout the poems as an ultimate need for control and brutal domination, leading to the irrational behaviour of the narrators, and unprecedented murder through inability to control their own behaviour, let alone anyone else's, and of course, their own jealousy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Continuous Professional development Essay
Continuous professional development (CPD) is a framework of learning and development that ensures a professional’s competency, effectiveness, knowledge, skills and practice are continually kept up to date through ‘lifelong learning’ strategies and activities. There is not a fixed CPD standard or structure and a ‘one size fits all’ process would not work for all professions and individuals who work for companies with diverse objectives and working practices. The various approaches may have common themes and goals such as setting objectives for development and charting progress towards them, or asking questions such as where I want to be, and how I plan to get there. Reflection is also a key element of the process. Just as important is the motivation and responsibility of professionals for keeping their own skills and knowledge up to date. An early definition of CPD was developed in 1986 by the Construction Industry Council (UK). However, Friedman et al. (2000) found that it was still the most commonly cited definition of CPD among UK professional bodies in 1999. ‘The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities necessary for execution of professional and technical duties throughout the individual’s working life’. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) suggest the following elements of a good and broad CPD structure. be a documented process be self-directed: driven by you, not your employer focus on learning from experience, reflective learning and review help you set development goals and objectives include both formal and informal learning. CIPD further suggest the benefits to CPD practitioners provides an overview of your professional development to date reminds you of your achievements and how far you’ve progressed directs your career and helps you keep your eye on your goals uncovers gaps in your skills and capabilities Opens up further development needs provides examples and scenarios for a CV or interview demonstrates your professional standing to clients and employers helps you with your career development or a possible career change. CPD can involve any relevant learning activity, whether formal and structured or informal and self-directed. Good CPD practice will include a variety of learning models that help professionals remain competent and up to date. Whatever the model or structure the process should highlight the needs of the job, strengths and weaknesses of learners and their future goals so learning gaps can be addressed. Listed below are examples and a short explanation of types of CPD learning and practice. The training model – often delivered by an expert in a classroom type environment. The award-bearing model – validation achieved via a standard or qualification. The deficit model – weak performance highlighted and measures taken to improve it. The cascade model – one learner cascading their learning down to other colleagues. The standards-based model – meeting standards, often highlighted in observations. The coaching/mentoring model – on the job training that includes shadowing. The community of practice model – secondment or interagency training initiatives. The transformative model – flexible approach involving many of the above models. My own development is based very much on the transformative model of CPD that involves a range of both formal and informal learning, this provides me with the up to date knowledge and skills I need to do my job competently. Schunk describes learning as, ‘Learning is an enduring change in behaviour or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion which results from practice or other forms of experience’. Schunk, Learning theories, 5th ed, 2008 Formal learning through training or qualification is often related to something specific, like a skill or competence. Formal training may include on-line and CD-ROM based courses or full or part time study leading to qualifications. Development on the other hand can be more informal and has a broader outlook on learning and may include private study such as reading, observing and reflection. Structured continual learning is important in any profession because new research and practices may require new knowledge and skills. For example the QCF Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development is one example of formal learning that I have considered and want to undertake. This is for both professional and financial reasons. Professionally it proves a level of academic ability, knowledge and credibility. It is the standard that many career companies now expect from professionals delivering career guidance in schools. Gaining the qualification should also help me remain competitive when applying for a job and hopefully keep me within a reasonable pay scale. Conferences, workshops and seminars also help keep professionals up to date with changes to practice and can be a vehicle for networks to be built up and experiences shared. On the job training such staff training, shadowing, secondment, coaching and mentoring all provide excellent provision for professionals to learn new skills and build up work based knowledge. Professionals may also learn by taking part in working groups or involvement in research projects. Babcock recognises the benefit of CPD and is committed to broadening and developing all employees’ knowledge and skills in the pursuit of excellence. They understand the process helps promote career development and ensure legislation and contractual agreements are met. The company handbook CPD at Babcock Education and Training – Guidance for Staff’, describes the process of CPD as, ‘’any activity which increases the knowledge, skills and understanding of staff, improves job satisfaction and raises company performance’’. The policy strongly advocates that practitioners should be accountable for their own personal growth and not solely rely on the company for training and development. It also requires professionals to maintain competent levels of learning as directed by their own professional bodies. If professionals are to be committed to their own CPD practice then there needs to be a certain level of self-motivation. Career Advisers as with all professionals need to remain competent to practice, regardless of whether they qualified yesterday, last year or twenty-five years ago. (Golding ; Gray, 2006) agree and suggest that the last day of professional training signals the beginning of lifelong learning. According to Maslow (1943) hierarchy of needs that suggests people are motivated by a range of wants such as basic needs from food and shelter right up to the final stage of self-actualization and fulfillment. Herzberg (1959) showed that to motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make them feel fulfilled in the workplace. He suggested motivators such as achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement will motivate the worker to want to succeed and do well. Both models recognise that when conditions are right workers want to do a good job and find satisfaction in their work. I would argue that professionals such as career advisers go further by recognising their duty of care to clients and desire to serve them well by providing the best service possible. This is only achieved by having up to date skills and a positive outlook on personal learning and development. CPD clearly benefits professionals, employers, customers and users. For it to be best utilised practitioners may need some form of CPD training. Learning how to learn is a skill in itself, Joyce and Showers (2001) suggest that a positive impact on performance is more likely if training is provided on it. Cunningham (2001) agrees and says ‘’It cannot be ‘caught; people must be trained in the process’’ A full understanding of the CPD process gives the practitioner a methodical and structured approach to their learning that can be flexible and involve a number of learning styles that best suits the learner’s needs. My own CPD practice and planning is assisted through various policies and templates implemented by Babcock. Supervision meetings with line-managers take place every 6-8 weeks where performance against SMART targets (objectives broken down to specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals) are discussed and feedback given. Before annual reviews take place a pre-review template is filled in by the member of staff. This process alone demands employees to take time to reflect on their past performance and draw attention to skill gaps and future training needs. Another template used during the annual review guides both practitioner and line-manager through the process. This tool asks questions that demands a certain level of thought and reflection. Questions are asked around time spent on an activity, why it was done, what was learned and can it be shared with others. The pre-review template and review process agree much with guided reflective theory developed by Johns (1995) where he suggests a series of questions can challenge the motivation and rationale for actions. These questions from a third party can help guide learners through the reflective process. Johns suggested reflective diaries and sharing experience with others can lead to a greater understanding than reflections done alone. Though I do not keep a written diary of reflection I do reflect constantly and can relate to Schon’s ‘reflection in action’ and ‘reflection on’ practice. I also incorporate much of Rolfe (2000) Driscoll’s (2000) thinking by asking what, so what and now what into my practice. Another simple strategy I endorse and find useful is SWOT analysis, a technique accredited to Albert Humphrey in the 1950’s that asks practitioners to scrutinize their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Practitioners can also be unaware of issues in their own practice, this is suggested by the Jo Harari window, developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955; it proposes that others see things about us to which we may be blind. New objectives and action plans can then be agreed and formalised. Feedback from supervision and annual review meetings help to evaluate work and clarify agreed targets and future development tasks. The meetings also offer a platform to formally raise concerns or requests for training. A training request was made after I became aware of a number of young people in school who seemed to be unmotivated, withdrawn or depressed. I had no knowledge of mental health issues and felt out of my depth to offer solutions and wanted to be able to offer better front-line support. I approached my line-manager and it was suggested I investigate possible training options. I later attended three one day courses on adolescent mental health that were free of charge and run by Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH). The training was around spotting mental health disorders, early intervention and ideas for support in school. Networking is also a valuable source of gathering information and developing support channels. It was through a network that I learned of the free training delivered by CAMHS. Another effective learning tool is observation. Feedback from formal interview observations and those from colleagues, teachers, pupils, parents and others has benefited my overall reflections and development by highlighting levels of performance. Critical thinking allows me to analyse different qualities, talents, views and opinions of others. I often ask myself whether I would have handled a situation differently to a colleague and would my actions have made the situation better or worse? Writing regular case studies has been useful when reflecting on my work. They help me focus on what went well and what hasn’t gone so well. The discipline of writing down events and analysing them requires much deeper thought processes. Attending regular training events and seminars ensures I remain up to date with new practice, law and policy changes. Training has broadened my knowledge around specialist areas such as homelessness and sex education. Some training programmes are also compulsory requirements of Babcock and include child protection training or online courses like equality and diversity. Attendance at staff meetings keep me up to date with events in the careers industry and practice at a local level. Often meetings include training workshops, group discussions and presentations from guest speakers. As a group member of the Career Development Institute I receive regular updates, advice and information on topical subjects through journals and annual conferences. In summary CPD is an investment that gives professionals a methodical structure to directly link learning with practice. It records learning undertaken and helps plot any future training. Confidence and professional credibility can be boosted and it may accelerate career advancement. Through creative thinking and tackling new challenges personal interest and job satisfaction can also be increased.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
P1 M1 D1
| Type of |Example |Description |Purpose | |information | | | | |Verbal |Telephone, Face to face |Telephones are used to conduct live conversations with another |Telephones are used in Lambeth Academy for teachers to | | |meetings |individual. |contact each other and to call parents when necessary. | | |Face to face meetings are where two individuals have a |Face to face can be used to give students feedback for | | | |conversation where they can both see each other face to face. |their work. | |Written |Letters, Reports |A Letter is a written form of communication which is read by an |Lambeth Academy use letters in order to inform parents | | | |individual which is presented on paper. |of any information that is vital for them to see. | | |A report is a written form of communication that is which is |Reports are used by Lambeth Academy to inform parents | | | |made with the intention of based on recent events. |about their child’s current progress in school. | |On-screen |TV Commercials, Plasma screens |A TV Commercial is a way of portraying a message to potential |Lambeth Academy don’t use TV commercials as they aren’t| | |for digital display |customers in order to gain awareness. a large organisation that needs to attain awareness | | | |In a firm, plasma screens can be very useful as they can portray|from the public. This form of communication isn’t | | | |messages for employees as they walk passed. This enables to keep|necessary as Lambeth Academy doesn’t need to compete | | | |up to date on current notices. |with a rival. | | | |Plasma screens are useful to Lambeth academy as they | | | | |use them in order to deliver important messages and | | | | |achievements for students. This can motive them to work| | | | |harder. |Multimedia |Web Conferencing, Internet |Web conferencing is used to conduct live meetings through the |Web conferencing isn’t a means of communicating | | | |internet. This is a very useful way of communicating with |information in Lambeth Academy as we don’t have the | | | |someone if they’re not in the same region as you. Web |technology in order to do so. | | |conferencing involves using sound vision through a webcam and |The internet can be very useful in a class room. For | | | |microphones. |example in Lambeth Academy, teachers may use the | | | |The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks that can|internet to present information to students in the form| | | |be used to attain information. |of text from a website or a video off YouTube. | | | | | |Web-based |Email, Instant messaging |Emails are electronic mail. They’re sent through the internet to|Lambeth Academy use emails to contact other colleagues. | | | |reach other respondents. Emails can be sent to a large amount of|This is done in order to keep teachers up to date on | | | |people at one time.This makes it easier on the sender if the |current issues that are formulating around the school. | | | |individual needs to send the same information to a number of |Lambeth Academy doesn’t have any need to use instant | | | |people. |messaging as it may distract employees and students | | | |Instant messaging is a web based form of communication that is |from doing their work. | | |used to share information instantly through the web. People are | | | | |able to communicate via the through the internet if two | | | | |recipients have the same software as each other such as MSN or | | | | |Facebook. | P1 M1 Verbal Communication: In terms of giving students feedback from within a classroom, face to face communication is the most efficient way of doing so. There are a number of reasons for this. If a student and teacher were to have a face to face discussion, the student would be able to grasp more information compared to if the teacher was to write down all of the information instead. Face to face enables the student to ask questions if he or she is confused about anything work related.Whereas if the information was written down it may lead to confusion of the student which will then lead to incorrect answers. From the reasons that I’ve stated, face to face communication is a more reliable and relevant way of communicating Other than in the classroom, face to face communication is used throughout various scenarios. In parent evenings verbal communication enables the teacher and students to have an in depth discussion about the students’ progress so far in school. Any queries or concerns can be brought up by using verbal ommunication. Whereas if the conversion was delivered through a telephone, the parent wouldn’t be able to understand and see the teachers hand gestures or facial expressions. These factors contribute to the overall outcome of the conversation. Written Communication: When sending confidential data to students, a letter is the most effective way. Due to the contents of certain documents, only specific people are necessary to view them. If the documents are sent by mail it can reach specific people without anyone else seeing them.Whilst on the other hand if the school were to fax the information to the student’s home, it enables anyone that picks up the paper from the fax machine to be able to see it. Another addition to written communication is the fact that hand held documents enables the user to constantly look over it as much time as needed as it’s recorded and can be referenced at any time. This is one of the key features of written communication. If the information was verbally communicated to the individual, it could lead to some information to being misheard or forgotten and could have been vital to the discussion.On screen communication: On screen communication has many advantages. Through using plasma screens throughout Lambeth Academy, it enables large audiences to view the information at once. Plasma screens are placed on the ground, 1st and 2nd floor of the school. Due to the variety of students and teachers that continuously walk passed them, it reaches a large number of people. When we compare plasma screens to emails, in this situation plasma screens may be a more liable source of communication. The reason for this is because the information displayed on the plasma screens are more general and implies to most of the people in the school.If the information was sent through email, people may discard it as junk causing them to ignore it overall. Multimedia communication: This type of communication is used to convey information through using sound and video. In a classroom multimedia communication is a good way of engaging the class. By using YouTube in an educational manner, it’s possible to gain the attention of all students. Whilst written communication is a good way of conveying information, students may get bored causing them to get side tracked which will lead to a loss in attention. This will cause the aims and objecti ves to be lost.Web Based communication: This type of communication is used in order to communicate messages over the web. This can be done in the form of emails. Lambeth Academy use emails in order to communicate with other teachers and colleagues around the school. Through using emails an individual can send a mass amount of information to a wide range of people in an instant. D1 In this assignment I’ll be talking about Coke and the strategic decisions that they’ve made in order to retain and attract new customers. In 1982 Coke decided to break into a new market by introducing a lighter version of the original Coke.The name of this product was Diet Coke and would be aimed at people that were health conscious, but at the same time, still enjoyed the taste of Coca Cola. This was done to explore and fill a gap in the market which increased both market share and revenue. During the years that Diet Coke was in production, the company realised that Diet Coke was only attrac ting female customers. This was a huge error in Diet Coke, so the company made the decision of creating a new product that attained the needs of male health conscious customers.Coke Zero was produced in order to fill this gap. Therefore with all the above information in mind, this issue encouraged Coke to come up with some strategic planning, hence them entering a new market with a product that is aimed specifically at men that were interested in sport or who lead healthy lifestyles. Coke managed to attain data by acquiring comprehensive market research. Before Coke Zero was put on the production line, data needed to be gathered. During their market research, Coke decided to ask males whether they buy Diet Coke, the answer to this question was no.There are various reasons why this could have occurred. First of all, the name. The name ‘Diet Coke’ doesn’t appeal to men as it gives off a feminine impression. Also the way that the product is packaged and advertised. Diet Coke uses various techniques to target women. One way in which they do this is through using young male models (usually half naked) cleaning windows or doing some kind of masculine activity, such as maintenance. This attracts the attention of female customers and draws them in to buy the product.In order to make this product a success, Coke had to maintain data on whether or not they was any demand for Coke Zero on the market as there was already a similar product which was produced by their main competitor, Pepsi (Max). Thorough research was done on Pepsi Max in terms of their sales and their male attraction. This was done due to the two products aiming a similar product towards the same audience. After all the research had been done towards the needs of Coke Zero, a meeting would be needed between the people at the top of the hierarchy of Coke.Looking at all the data that had been gathered by Coke’s research team, it was decided that there was enough room in the market for Coke’s new product to be released. After the idea of Coke Zero had been established, it then had to be run through the finance department in order to assess whether or not it would be efficient to release this product during this economic climate, at this time period. After the decision to release Coke Zero had been established, Coke had to think of an effective marketing technique which would draw in sales for the product.This was done through specialising their Coke Zero advertisements to appeal to men. This can be seen through their commercials, where they keep their male audience’s attention by adding explosions and adrenaline pumped sport activities. All the information that Coke gathered has been productively used in order to make Coke Zero the best it can be. This was done through using thorough research based on areas which aided the production of Coke Zero in terms of potential sales and demand. [pic]
Friday, November 8, 2019
45 Synonyms for Old and Old-Fashioned
45 Synonyms for Old and Old-Fashioned 45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old†and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old†and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†By Mark Nichol Our culture’s attitude toward age is reflected in the often-pejorative meanings of words synonymous with old and old-fashioned, though some are neutral or even reverent. Here are forty-five words that refer to people, places, and things that are, or are considered, old or old-fashioned. (Unrelated senses are also listed.) 1. Aged: advanced in age, typical of old age; also, at an age 2. Aging: advancing in age, or the concept of growing older 3. Ancient: aged, old-fashioned, or pertaining to long-ago times, or see venerable 4. Anile: pertaining to or resembling an old woman, or see senile 5. Antiquated: of advanced age, or out of fashion or style 6. Archaic: pertaining to an earlier time 7. Dated: old-fashioned; also, provided with a date 8. Decrepit: infirm because of old age, or dilapidated, run down, or worn out 9. Dà ©modà ©: unfashionable 10. Demoded: see dà ©modà © 11. Doddering: see senile 12. Elderly: pertaining to the late period of life, or old-fashioned 13. Fossilized: see outmoded; also, fixed or rigid, or converted into a fossil 14. Geriatric: old or out of style, or pertaining to older people or to the process of aging 15. Kaput: outmoded; also, broken, or defeated or destroyed 16. Long lived: characterized by a long life span 17. Medieval: see antiquated and outmoded; also, pertaining to the Middle Ages in Europe 18. Moribund: inactive, obsolete, or nearing death 19. Mossy: see antiquated; also, something similar to moss, or covered by moss or something similar 20. Moth eaten: see antiquated and outmoded; also, eaten by moths or their larvae 21. Noachian: see ancient and antiquated; also, pertaining to Noah or the era in which he lived 22. Neolithic: old-fashioned because a holdover from another era; also, a scientific term (always capitalized) referring to the later Stone Age 23. Obsolete: old-fashioned, or no longer useful; also, in biology, flawed or vestigial in comparison to similar features 24. Out of date: see outmoded 25. Outdated: see outmoded 26. Outmoded: out of style, or not acceptable or current 27. Outworn: see outmoded 28. Overage: too old to be of use, or older than normal 29. Over the hill: advanced in age, or past one’s prime 30. Passà ©: past one’s prime, and see outmoded 31. Prehistoric: see outmoded; also, in archaeology and language, from before written history 32. Quaint: old-fashioned; also, odd, elegant, or skillfully designed 33. Retro: see retrograde (however, the short form is from the French term rà ©trospectif, not from retrograde) 34. Retrograde: fashionable nostalgic, or trendily old-fashioned; also, various technical senses of moving backward or contrary to normal motion 35. Rusty: clumsy or slow due to old age or lack of practice 36. Senescent: old, or becoming old; also, the part of a plant’s life cycle from full maturity onward 37. Senile: pertaining to old age, especially to loss of mental faculties 38. Senior: older, or older than another; also, someone in the highest level in an institution or organization or with high rank or status 39. Spavined: see decrepit; also, afflicted with swelling 40. Stone Age: a period or a stage in the development of a field or institution considered old or old-fashioned; also, in archeology, the earliest period of human culture (always capitalized in both senses) 41. Superannuated: older than is typical, disqualified for active duty because of age, or old-fashioned 42. Tottery: infirm or precarious 43. Unyoung: old 44. Venerable: prompting respect because of age and attendant wisdom or skill, or impressive because of age; also, sacred or deserving of reverence 45. Vintage: old or old-fashioned; also, among the best (said of a particular person or thing), or of enduring interest or worth Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Grammar Test 1Taser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?How to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children... and Your CEO
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Use Bingo to Teach Any School Subject
Use Bingo to Teach Any School Subject Bingo is a wonderful teaching tool to have at your fingertips no matter what you are teaching. You can even make it up as you go along! The basic premise of Bingo is simple: players start with a grid filled with answers and they cover up spaces as the corresponding item is called from the Bingo caller. Winners make a complete line going vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Or, you can play Black Out which means the winner is the first person who covers all of the spots on the card. Preparation There are a few ways you can prepare for playing Bingo in your classroom. Buy a Bingo set from a teacher supply store. Of course, this is the easiest way, but we teachers don’t make too much money so this option may not make too much sense.A cheaper option requires you to prepare all of the Bingo boards ahead of time, making sure that all of the boards are configured differently from each other.For older students, you can hand over some of the preparation to them. Prepare one Bingo board with all of the options filled in. Also, keep a copy of a blank board. Make copies of each page, one per student. Give the children time to cut apart the pieces and paste them wherever they want on the blank boards.The most teacher-friendly way to do Bingo is to give each child a blank piece of paper and have them fold it into sixteenths. Then they get to write the terms into their bingo sheet from your list (on the chalkboard or overhead) and voila! Everyone has their own unique Bingo board! You can play Bingo with virtually any subject. Here is a rundown of some of the different ways you can play Bingo in your classroom: Language Arts Phonemic Awareness: Kindergarten teachers can use this type of Bingo to help students learn the sounds that correspond to the letters of the alphabet. On the Bingo chart, place single letters in each of the boxes. Then, you call out the letter sounds and the students put a marker on the letter that makes each sound. Or, say a short word and ask the kids to identify the beginning sound. Vocabulary: In the Bingo chart boxes, put the vocabulary words your class is currently studying. You will read out the definitions and the kids have to match them up. Example: You say to find and bring back and the students cover up retrieve. Parts of Speech: Get creative with using Bingo to help kids remember the parts of speech. For instance, read a sentence and ask the kids to place a marker on the verb in that sentence. Or, ask the kids to look for a verb that begins with a g. Make sure there are all different types of words that begin with that letter so that they really have to think about it. Math Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication, Division: Write the answers to applicable problems in the Bingo boxes. You call out the problem. This is a great way to reinforce the math facts that kids must memorize. For example, you say, 6 X 5 and the students cover 30 on their game sheets. Fractions: In the Bingo boxes, draw various shapes cut into portions with some of the parts shaded. Example: draw a circle cut into fourths and shade one of the fourths. When you read out the words one fourth, the students will have to determine which shape represents that fraction. Decimals: Write the decimals in the boxes and call out the words. For example, you say, forty three hundredths and the kids cover the square with .43. Rounding: For example, you say, Round 143 to the nearest 10. The students put a marker on 140. You may want to write the numbers on the board instead of just saying them. Place Value: For example, you say, place a marker on a number that has six in the hundreds spot. Or, you can put a large number on the board and ask the students to place a marker on the digit that is in the thousands place, etc. Science, Social Studies, and more! Vocabulary: Similar to the vocabulary game described above, you say the definition of a word from your unit of study. The children place a marker on the corresponding word. Example: You say, the planet closest to our sun and the students mark Mercury. Facts: You say something like, the number of planets in our solar system and the children place a marker on 9. Continue with other number-based facts. Famous People: Focus on famous people associated with your unit of study. For instance, you say, This person wrote the Emanicaption Proclamation and the students put a marker on Abraham Lincoln. Bingo is a wonderful game to keep in mind when you have a few extra minutes to fill in the day. Get creative and have fun with it. Your students surely will!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The History of advertising and Brand Promotion Assignment
The History of advertising and Brand Promotion - Assignment Example The contribution of universal creative studios, Rowling and Warner Brothers have been successful in creating a brand in Harry Potter through branded entertainment (Thomas, Chris, & Semenik, 2012). Through various advertising and promotional channels, and partnerships the partners have made Harry Potter both a product and a brand. Potter’s marketers are continuing to keep the brand going through cross-promotional partnerships. Cross-promotional strategy and brand recognition sustain the success of the Potter brand. Coca Cola’s â€Å"Timely refreshment†ad fits in the designer era. This is because the ad appeals to the social class and conscious value for time management. Designer labels and social class-consciousness were some of the characteristics of the designer era ads. The calving Klein ad â€Å"fits in the e-revolution era because it includes a technological appeal of the current generation. The ad displays a woman wearing the latest design clothes. The diet coke ad was developed in 2002, so it is supposed to fit in the e-revolution era. However, it does not display the public consumption status of the designer era. A home improvement ad called â€Å"the perfect daughter†by Fahrenheit DDB in Lima Peru shows the problem a dad face on a trip to Promart. The ad is appealing to women because it tugs into viewers emotions. The family approach in the ad will attract female consumers. An automotive ad for Fiat 500L â€Å"The Motherhood†appeals to women because it explores the concept of motherhood, which, is core to women’s emotions. The ad will attract consumers because it targets the female niche. Budweiser â€Å"puppy love†ad was appealing to women as it shows a woman expressing moments of tenderness on a puppy. This would attract women consumers to these
Friday, November 1, 2019
Choose from the book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Choose from the book - Essay Example He played a significant role, in the Watergate scandal, by supporting his president through the aftermath of the scandal. Question # 5 The two primary objectives of the Women’s Movement were protecting of homes and acting against the negativities of alcohol abuse. It encouraged women to stand up and participate in nation building. It advocated for a healthy lifestyle and shunning all that was defective, in society. Question # 6 The Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred on the East coast of North Vietnam and to the West Coast of Hainan Island. Vietnamese torpedo patrol boats attacked the American destroyer, Maddox, marking the official involvement of the United States of America in the Vietnam War through the signing of a decree by the then president. Question # 7 My Lai massacre took place on March 16TH 1968. It was a village with 700 people South East of a United States army base in Danang. It involved the killing of village civilians amounting to between 347 to 504 people killed by the American forces. Question # 8 Tet is the name given to the Vietnamese New Year. The Tet offensive was conducted on the Tet of 1968, by the communist forces, on all Southern Vietnamese cities, including an attack on the American embassy where many civilians were killed escalating the situation even further to an all out war. Question # 9 The Iran-Contra was a secret action by the United States that was not affirmed by congress. It happened in 1985 when the United States administration under President Ronald Reagan, supplied weapons to Iran in exchange for hostages that were being held by Hezbollah a terrorist outfit loyal to Ayatollah Khomeini the Iran leader. Proceeds from this sale were given to the Contra guerrillas in Nicaragua. The Contras were armed opposition to Nicaragua’s Sandinista Junta, of National Reconstruction, which formed after Anastasio Somoza Dabayle was overthrown from government ending his dictatorship regime. Question # 10 Bob Woodward and Carl Ber nstein were two Washington Post reporters who broke out the Water-gate scandal to the public. They got their information from a source they called Deep Throat, whose real identity they never revealed to protect their source of information, which was allowed by law and enshrined, in the constitution. The law is still applicable up to today to protect journalist’s sources. Question # 11 The Gorbachev policy of Perestroika and Glasnost were the two policies that were put into practice, in the USSR. Perestroika was the democratization of the communist party allowing civilians to have a modest ay in government, economic reform by allowing some industries to operate semi-privately and end price control through a semi-free market system. Glasnost meant openness which increased the freedom of expression in the media and in the people which helped whistle blowing and exposing corruption. Question # 12 A group of Communist Hardliners led by his former vice president Gennady Yanayev arr ested and imprisoned Gorbachev. President Boris Yeltsin convinced them to release him. Question # 13 The destruction of the Berlin Wall marked the symbolic end of the Cold-War which united the communist East and the capitalist West Germany into one capitalist state. Question #14 President Clinton was impeached because for high crimes of perjury, abuse of power and obstruction of justice. The allegations
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