Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Discussion Board Post Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 36
Discussion Board Post Response - Essay Example t refreezing, in the context of your planned change, can be achieved through trainings with an intention of facilitation comprehension of the importance of the planned change. As explicated by McMurray et al (2009), such an approach would reduce fragmentation and hence facilitate adoption of a patient-centered approach to care. In doing so, patient-centered approaches will be adopted and subsequently absorbed within your organization. Jacqueline, I agree with your discussion particularly your observation that asking the right questions during evaluation will establish the practicability of the planed change. In my organization for instance, asking assessing the costs of the planed change helps establish the adequacy of available resources. I also agree that stability can be achieved through refreezing. Dr. Carol Huston (2013e) elucidates refreezing as a process involving adoption of the implemented changes as the norm or their absorption into organizational culture. Viewing change of implemented processes as part of the organizational culture ensures consistency and in doing so, stability is achieved. Dr. Carol Huston (2013e) also posits that evaluation should be a continuous and cyclic process. In this viewpoint, I agree with your observation that evaluation should be
Monday, October 28, 2019
Speech on the Underworld in Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free
Speech on the Underworld in Greek Mythology Essay The Underworld, better known as Hades after the god who ruled it, was a dark and dreary place where the shades, or souls, of those who died lived. In the next few minutes, I will tell you about how one came to die, the topography of the Underworld, and the beings whom dwelled there. br brYour whole life was planned and plotted by the Fates. The Fates were the three goddesses who controlled the destiny of everyone from the time they were born to the time they died. They were: Clotho, the spinner, who spun the thread of a persons life, Lachesis, the apporitioner, who decided how much times was to be allowed each person, and Atropos, the inevitable, who cut the thread when you were supposed to die. When Atropos cut your thread you were dead and then you made your journey to Hades. Upon death, the shade is lead by Hermes to the entrance of the Underworld and to the banks of the Acheron. br brThere were five rivers that made up the Underworld. They were the Acheron (the river of woe), Cocytus (the river of lamentation), Phlegethon (river of fire), Lethe (river of forgetfulness), and the Styx (river of hate). This poem, written by an anonymous writer, was written about the rivers in the Underworld. br brAbhorred Styx, the flood of deadly hate, brSad Acheron of sorrow black and deep; brCocytus named of lamentation loud brHeard on the rueful stream; fierce Phlegethon brWhose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage. brFar off from these a slow and silent stream, brLethe, the river of oblivion, rolls br Her watery labyrinth, whereof who drinks brForthwith his former state and being forgets, brForgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain. br brWhen one would die, the family would place one obol, or a coin, under the deceaseds tongue. This coin would pay as fare to Charon who would ferry the dead over the Acheron River. Charon is the ferryman who is often depicted as an old sulky man, or as a winged demon carrying a double hammer. Those who cannot afford to pay Charon were doomed to wonder the banks of the Acheron River for one hundred years. Guarding the Underworld was the three-headed dog Cerberus. He permitted new spirits to enter, but never one to leave. br brWhen you arrived at the Underworld, three judges determined your sentence. They were Rhadamanthus, Minos the first, and Aeacus. Rhadamanthus, the son of Zeus and Europa, was rewarded to be judge because of the justice he showed on Earth. Minos the First, the son of Zeus and Europa, was another judge who, before he died, was the ruler of Crete, and most know him from the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. The third judge is Aeacus, the son of Zeus and the nymph Aegina, assisted Poseidon and Apollo build the walls of the city Troy. After his death Zeus rewarded him the position of judge. br brYou could go to three different places in the Underworld, depending on your life on Earth and what you had done. Most shades went to the Asphodel Fields, but before you entered you drank from the Lethe River, causing you to forget everything that had happened in your past life. Asphodel was an ugly , gray, ghostly weed that covered the Fields. This place was for the normal, everyday person, who did nothing special in his or her life. The second place they could go was the Elysian Fields or Elysium. Elysium was reserved for the heroes, or people the gods favored. Regular feasts, banquets, and hunts were held there. The third and final place you could go to was the lowest region of the world, called Tartarus. It was surrounded by a wall of bronze and beyond that three-fold layer of night. Tartarus, presided over by Kronos, was where the souls went who had defied the gods in some way. The Hundred-headed Giants guarded it. Around Tartarus is Phlegethon, with its flames and clashing rocks. One of the Furies, Tisiphone, sits upon the iron tower, with her bloody robe, and sleepless day and night, guards the entrance. br brFew people dwell in the Underworld, because of its gloominess and darkness. Hades, the King of the Dead, rules over the entire Underworld. The god was a dread figure to the living, who were quite careful how they swore oaths to his name. To many people, to utter his name was frightening, so they used another word in its place. Since all precious minerals came from under the earth, the people thought of Hades as very wealthy. He was was sometimes referred to as Ploutos, meaning wealth. This accounts for the name given him by the Romans, who called him Pluto. Hades sits on a throne of ebony and carries a scepter. He also has a helmet that makes him invisible, given to him by the Cyclopes. Persephone, Hadess wife, also lives with him in his palace. Along with Charon, the ferryman, the Furies live down there also. The furies are the three daughters of Mother Earth, conceived from the blood of Uranus. They were powerful goddesses that personified conscience and punish people for their crimes. They were Megaera (jealousy), Tisiphone (blood avenger), and Alecto (unceasing in pursuit). They were usually depicted as winged women with serpent hair. When called upon they would hound their victims till they died in a rage of madness or suicide. br brThe Underworld is what the Greeks and Romans believed you went after you died. It was where everything horrible, evil, and sad lived. If you werent a hero or a favorite of the gods you were sent to that horrible place. What a dreadful thing to look forward to after your life was completed on Earth. I hope you enjoyed learning about the Underworld and the beliefs of the Greek and Roman peoples afterlife. Thank You.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Male Menopause: Fact or Fiction? Essay -- Biology Essays Research Pape
Male Menopause: Fact or Fiction? "Male menopause is a lot more fun than female menopause. With female menopause you gain weight and get hot flashes. Male menopause - you get to date young girls and drive motorcycles." (11) While 'male menopause' has provided both sexes a variety of jokes and frustration, there are researchers and scientists studying the alleged condition with great seriousness. Those who support the existence of male menopause feel strongly that its affects on the male mind and body should be regarded with the same credence that society attributes to the female menopause. Male Menopause begins with declining testosterone levels and is eventually characterized by the following symptoms: hair loss, depression, a slower immune system, weight gain, less stamina for physical activity, forgetfulness, irritability, and loss of or reduced interest in sex. (5) Impotence may also occur. Usually this "change" arises between the ages of 40 and 55, although it has been known to transpire as early as 35 and as late as 65. (6) Several different clinical terms exist for the popularized term "male menopause" such as "andropause" or "viropause". (2) Andropause was named for the hormone "androgen" which is essentially testosterone. It is also the name of the therapy with which they treat a man suffering from male menopause. This treatment comes in the form of injection, skin patches or liquid gel. (5) In order to be diagnosed with male menopause, one must have reached the eligible age then endure a physical exam wherein blood samples will be taken. These samples are tes ted for hormone levels. If these blood samples demonstrate low levels of androgen and the patient seems to be suffering from the symptoms associated wit... 7)Human Development Report, provides the average male life expectancy statistics for all countries 8)Human Development Report, provides the average female life expectancy statistics for all countries 9)ABC Science, short article by ABC questioning the reality of male menopause 10)ABC Interview, interview with Jed Diamond, author of Male Menopause, a 1998 best seller. who used to be a disbeleiver in male menopause but now firmly credits the possibility of a male 'change' 11)Women Joke Page, Male menopause joke
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Researched on magazines Essay
My magazine is called â€Å"Flava†and it is aimed at teenagers, as when I researched on magazines I found this one was quite popular. I spent 4 weeks on my magazine and put a lot of effort into it. Before I started to produce my magazine I planned out how I was going to set it out and what type of things I was going to include in it. I chose the above features, as they are the basic things included in a teenage magazine. I used Microsoft Publisher for the majority of it but I also used Microsoft word for things such as my real life stories. I found Publisher better because you get a wide variety of different backgrounds and formats whereas in Microsoft Word it is more basic. I used a number of different formats and fonts. I did a lot of research on the Internet using Yahoo and Google. I worked with another pupil in my class, Khiley Williams, and we both came up with our own ideas. The pages I produced was the, â€Å"Dear Angel†problem page, the album review of Christina Aguilera’s Stripped, dish of the day page, the real life story of â€Å"How I coped with Anorexia†, the front cover, the celebrity page (all the celebs dressed in black), and the whats hot and whats not page. The page which required the most research was the real life story but I also put a lot of effort into the front cover as I wanted to make it eye catching and interesting. I used Christina Aguilera on my front cover as she is hot and sexy and catches peoples eye as they look at the magazine. She is also a role model for a lot of young people so they would want to read anything that they see her on. The front of my magazine is bright pink as this also helps to draw people’s attention to it and would hopefully be intrigued as to what is inside it once they start looking over the cover. I used the band â€Å"Busted†‘s logo on my front cover as well as there is a feature on them inside the magazine. To get the logo I went onto the Official Busted website, www. busted. com, and had to cut, copy and paste it onto publisher. I then had to fill in its original red background with pink to match the background of my front cover. Also on the front cover, I have included the price, a barcode and a logo, â€Å"Girls with taste get Flava†. For my barcode I used the search engine â€Å"Google†and typed in barcodes. I found one and cut copied and pasted again.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How Does Mccarthy Tell the Story in Pages 229-241?
In this extract, McCarthy conveys the anticlimax of the protagonist and his son’s arrival at the â€Å"Cold. Desolate. Birdless. †environment of the beach. McCarthy juxtaposes the bleakness of the landscape with the boy’s optimism in order to highlight the boy’s inherent goodness. McCarthy tells the story using narrative voice in this section of the text. He contrasts the third person extradiegetic narrator with the man’s interior monologue in order to convey multiple perspectives to the reader. He’d left the cart in the bracken beyond the dunes and they’d taken blankets with them and sat wrapped in them in the wind-shade of a great driftwood log. †Here, McCarthy constructs the lexis of the third person narrator using what some critics have called a limited linguistic palette. The polysyndeton creates a steady rhythm, which parallels the rhythm of the journey the man and boy are on, which is, like the sentence, seemingly never- ending. Here the narrator presents the reader with a practical account of the man and boy’s response to the disappointment of the beach, detailing their movements with unelaborated, unemotional language.The pared back language poignantly conveys the sense that the bleakness of the beach was inevitable. In contrast, the tricolon: â€Å"Cold. Desolate. Birdless†, is clearly the man’s interior monologue. The three adjectives highlight the extent to which the reality of the beach does not live up to the characters’ expectations of it. Where they had hoped for warmth when heading south, instead they found â€Å"cold†. Where they had hoped for a more habitable climate, they found a â€Å"desolate†environment. Where they had hoped for life, they had found a â€Å"birdless†environment.Thus, the tricolon convey’s the man’s disappointment to the reader. McCarthy utilizes stream of consciousness in order to enable the reader to u nderstand the man’s emotional response. The narrator is typically unemotive, presenting a pared back account of events and it is thus these rare glimpses into the man’s thoughts that enable the reader to empathise with his perspective. McCarthy also manipulates language in order to convey the bleakness of the beach. The â€Å"Cold. Desolate. Birdless†beach has a parallel in the â€Å"barren. Silent.Godless†landscape in the novel’s opening pages, creating symmetry in the narrative. Just as the rest of the narrative is permeated with metaphorical â€Å"ash†, so the beach too is describes as â€Å"gray†, with the â€Å"gray squall line of ash†. This lexical clusters connoting decay suggests that the beach, like the rest of the world, has been irreparably tarnished by the apocalypse. The simile, â€Å"like the desolation of some alien sea breaking on the shore†is poignant as the sea is â€Å"alien†, belonging to an other world, highlighting the extent to which the sea has disappointed the man and boy.McCarthy also utilizes structure in order to present this anticlimactic moment to the reader. The writer presents uninterrupted passages of narration and then starkly juxtaposes them with almost two pages of unattributed dialogue between the protagonist and his son. McCarthy presents the unadulterated dialogue without narrator intrusion, bringing the reader closer to the narrative as if they are experiencing the conversation firsthand. Although McCarthy does not explicitly attribute dialogue to either character, the reader has become accustomed to patterns within the speech of each of the characters.This dialogue is to a certain extent typical of the two characters, with the boy expressing his optimism through a series of questions. In spite of the desolation, the boy asks, â€Å"do you think there could be ships out there? †and suggests that other humans could also be â€Å"carrying the fire†in spite of negligible evidence that this could be the case. Furthermore, he suggests that â€Å"maybe there’s a father and his little boy and they’re sitting on the beach†. Through the boy’s dialogue, McCarthy reinforces the sense that the boy could be an â€Å"angel†or a â€Å"god†in his unwavering optimism.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Explanation of Japanese Electronic MNEs Global Expansion Pa essays
Explanation of Japanese Electronic MNEs Global Expansion Pa essays Explanation of Japanese Electronic MNEs Global Expansion Pattern During the late 1970s leading up to the 80s and early 90s, Japanese electronic firms expanded their organisation vigorously. As well as domestic expansion, the firms also spread globally in all regions. However, a discernable pattern can be found among the relationship between the nature of the activities and the target countries. In this essay, I will first assess the possible expansion strategies that were possible to the Japanese multinational enterprises (MNEs) and suggest my personal recommendation. This will be done through the use of several frameworks, most notably the OLI (ownership, location, and internalisation) model to describe the firms motives for expansion, and Porters Diamond of National Advantage and the PEST framework to explain the benefits of different regions. Then I will draw from the article Global Location Behaviour and Organizational Dynamics of Japanese Electronics Firms and Their Impact on Regional Economies by Masahisa The firms in question are nine Japanese electronic companies; Hitachi, Matsushita Electric, Toshiba, NEC, Mitsubishi Electric, Fujitsu, Sony, Sanyo Electric, and Sharp providing a broad range of electronics products, from consumer electronics to industrial systems to electronic devises. To examine the motives for MNEs expansion, we can utilise the OLI framework. The OLI model looks at the ownership advantages, location-specific advantages, and internalisation advantages that can be gotten out of foreign direct investment (FDI) to overseas countries. Ownership looks at firm-specific characteristics that might justify the move abroad (such as competitive advantage over competitors in host country through strong branding), location-specific advantages look at the benefits the target countries present to the MNE, an...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Halifax Explosion of 1917 - World War I History
Halifax Explosion of 1917 - World War I History Updated: 07/13/2014 About the Halifax Explosion The Halifax Explosion occurred when a Belgian relief vessel and a French munitions carrier collided in Halifax Harbour during World War I. Crowds gathered around to watch the fire from the initial collision. The munitions ship drifted towards the pier and after twenty minutes blew sky high. More fires started and spread, and a tsunami wave was created. Thousands were killed and injured and much of Halifax was destroyed. To add to the disaster, a snowstorm started the next day, and lasted for nearly a week. Date December 6, 1917 Location Halifax, Nova Scotia Cause of the Explosion Human error Background to the Halifax Explosion In 1917, Halifax, Nova Scotia was the main base of the new Canadian Navy and housed the most important army garrison in Canada. The port was a major hub of wartime activity and Halifax Harbour was crowded with warships, troop transports and supply ships. Casualties more than 1900 people killed9000 injured1600 buildings destroyed12,000 houses damaged6000 homeless; 25,000 people with inadequate housing Summary of the Explosion The Belgian relief vessel Imo was leaving Halifax Harbour on its way to New York and the French munitions ship Mont Blanc was on its way to wait for a convoy when the two ships collided at 8:45 am.The munitions ship was carrying picric acid, gun cotton and TNT. Her top deck carried benzol which spilled and burned.For 20 minutes crowds collected around Halifax Harbour to watch the billowing smoke filled with sparks and fire as the Mont Blanc drifted towards Pier 6. While crews from nearby ships raced to put out the blaze, the captain and crew of the Mont Blanc rowed in lifeboats for the Dartmouth shore. When the crew landed they tried to warn people to run.The Mont Blanc rammed Pier 6, setting its wood pilings on fire.The Mont Blanc exploded, flattening everything within 800 metres (2600 feet), and causing damage for 1.6 km (1 mile). The explosion was said to have been heard as far away as Prince Edward Island.Fires spread quickly after the explosion.Water around the ship vaporized, a huge tsunami wave flooded the streets of Halifax and Dartmouth and swept many people back into the harbour where they drowned. The next day, one of the worst blizzards ever recorded in Halifax began, and lasted for six days.Relief came immediately from the troops in the area. Assistance also poured in from the Maritimes, central Canada and the northeastern United States in the form of medical supplies and workers, food, clothing, building supplies and labourers, and money. Emergency teams from Massachusetts arrived, and many stayed for months. To this day, the people of Nova Scotia remember the help they received, and every year the province of Nova Scotia sends a giant Christmas tree to Boston in thanks.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Earth Day Origins
Earth Day Origins Earth Day is celebrated annually by millions of people worldwide, but how did Earth Day begin? When was the first Earth Day? This is a trickier question than you might think. There are actually two official Earth Day celebrations every year, and both got their start in the spring of 1970. The First Widespread Earth Day Celebration The Earth Day most often celebrated in the United States- and in many other countries around the world- first took place on April 22, 1970. It was a nationwide teach-in about the environment, dreamed up by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. A Democrat from Wisconsin, Senator Nelson had been instrumental earlier in introducing conservation in John F. Kennedys presidency. Gaylord Nelsons Earth Day was modeled on the anti-war teach-in demonstrations that Vietnam war protesters had used successfully to educate people about their issues. On the first Earth Day, more than 20 million people turned out at thousands of colleges, universities and communities all across America for an environmental teach-in day, which sparked a global environmental reawakening. More than half a billion people in 175 countries now celebrate Earth Day on April 22. The April 22 date was chosen for its fit within the American college calendar, before end-of-semester exams but when the weather is likely to be relatively pleasant nationwide. Conspiracy theorists relish the fact that April 22 is also the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, seeing in that choice more than the mere coincidence that it is. A Second Claim to First Earth Day Yet, it may surprise you to learn that April 22, 1970 was not the first Earth Day. A month earlier, San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto had issued the first-ever Earth Day proclamation on March 21, 1970. Mayor Aliotos action was inspired by John McConnell, a San Francisco publisher and peace activist, who a year earlier had attended the 1969 UNESCO Conference on the Environment where he proposed an international holiday focused on environmental stewardship and preservation. McConnell suggested that Earth Day coincide with the March equinox- the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, March 20 or 21 depending on the year. It is a date filled with all the symbolism associated with spring, including hope and renewal. That is, until one remembers that south of the equator that date signifies the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. About a year later, on February 26, 1971, then-UN Secretary General U Thant supported McConnells proposal for an annual global Earth Day celebration at the March equinox, and issued a proclamation to make it official. Today, the United Nations rallies with Senator Nelsons plan and every year promotes an April 22nd celebration of what they call Mother Earth Day. Edited by Frederic Beaudry.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Resource Management - Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Resource Management - Business Plan - Essay Example existing market trends, customer’s requirements, and the ways to fulfill their needs. Our aim is to provide our customers with highest quality services and products to keep them staying with us again and again. At small scale, the company will mostly contain male professional customers between the ages of 18 to 65 years of medium to high income. On the large extent, we will focus on retailers and wholesale dealers. We believe that by getting crucial financial support through its sale, in 02 years, the company will be able to capture 5-10% of the premium cigar market in the Greece. ABC Tobacco has estimated that its market share revenues will be of $1000000 in a year and $1600000 and $2300000 at the end of 2nd and 3rd year respectively. We will specialize in the tobacco field and our mission is to gain and maintain the top position in tobacco industry by offering high-quality cigars at inexpensive rates and at easily approachable sites. ABC Tobacco Company is a Greek based corporation and is equally shared and owned by Michael Collins as president, Jonathan Smith as vice president, and Jeffery Thompson as production manager. The administrative composition of the company has been designed on divisional structure as shown in the following figure. The results carried out through a recent survey reveal that the use of all types of tobacco brands is almost constant in all age groups. ABC Tobacco is going to launch its tobacco brands in ten major cities of Greece where the biggest cigarette user age group is 18 to 25 years. The following data represents the percentage of tobacco user age groups of different brands. Men use typical type of tobacco more frequently. But generally pipe and cigar smokers remain in touch with a particular product. Another interesting trend in pipe smokers is their continuous purchase of extra pipe. The survey reports point out that pipe smokers feel themselves comfortable by purchasing extra pipes. ABC will have to train its
Employee motivation - case scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Employee motivation - case scenario - Essay Example switching all the data base on to a computerized Management Information System that can be accessed by each member from anywhere around the globe. Looking over the companies needs and requirements, the Lewins Change Management Model seems to be the most adequate choice of change for the organization. This shall be further justified along side the three steps to this process. During project proposal, several people will and will not be in favour due to personal reasons and opinions. These individuals will be reluctant to change and hence will resist for it to occur. The solution is to unfreeze the pessimism by convincing them of the benefits that will be received through the new system. The main reasons for reluctancy may be due to feeling neglected of their importance and value, autonomy, monotony of work, job insecurity, lack of computer skills and literacy, lowered salaries etc as stated by Freud. However, automation is the main concern considering all manual data systems (humans) will be replaced by computer systems. The company now re-establishes itself and the staff refreezes itself into the new change of work operations. This is done gradually as each member will adapt to the new system with time. Business activities will then be within a click of a button, with the vast media horizon of internet emails, chats, audio and video conferencing etc. (Normandin, 2012) All the departments will be affected including the accounts, administrative and human resource departments. The aim is to achieve paperless forms of communication with its various clients and suppliers. However, all the employees will not be in favour of this huge change so employee motivation strategies must be employed. Looking into Maslows Hierarchy of Phsical, Emotional and Intellectual Needs for Employee Motivation will help overcome resolve this issue. (Maslow,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Outcome 2,8,11,12 and 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Outcome 2,8,11,12 and 13 - Essay Example On examination, his pulse rate was 120 per minute and his blood pressure was 80/50mmHg. I immediately made a diagnosis of anaphylactic reaction and stopped the iron drip. I started oxygen and initiated plain saline drip. I gave 10ml per kg bolus. I then called the house officer who was appreciative of my immediate response to the reaction that saved the patient. Intravenous iron therapy is associated with risk of anaphylactic reactions that can be fatal. hence it is important to closely monitor any patient on intravenous iron therapy. The patient was worried and asked me as to what was the problem. I told him that he reacted to the drug that was administered to him. he then asked me as to what would be the other means of increasing his hemoglobin and I told him that the next option would be blood transfusion. Outcome 8 12 year old Annah, a known case of acute lymphatic leukemia was brought to the emergency department with complaints of fever. She has been on chemotherapy for the past 3 months. She has no other complaints except for feeling of weakness. On examination, her pulse rate was 120 per minute and the pulses were bounding. She was febrile and even respiratory rate was high. Her blood pressures were11/90mmHg. She appeared toxic. She also looked pale. Examination of the systems revelaaed no abnormality. I suspected neutropenia in this patient secondary to chemotherapy. I send blood samples for complete blood picture including neutrophil count, blood culture and urine culture. In view of rise in respiratory rate, I checked her saturations which were normal. I asked for an X-ray. The reports revealed neutropenia. I made a diagnosis of febrile neutropneia and called the oncologist who ordered to initiate broad spectrum anitbiotics ceftazidime and gentamycin, while awaiting culture results. The parents were worried and asked me about the cause of fever. I told them that due to cancer treatment, the defense mechanisms were lost which contributed to increased r isk of infections. It is very important for a nurse taking care of hematological cancer patients to be aware of the most significant and disastrous complication, febrile nuetropenia which needs admission and management in the hospital. Febrile neutropenia can lead to sepsis (Bedbie et al, 2000). If untreated, it can lead to severe sepsis and shock. Annah's parents were worried that she might go into shock. I understood the concerns of the patient and directed them to the physician's chamber to meet the physician who was more qualified to address the needs of the parents. Outcome 11 In our out-patient department, we often would encounter patients with iron deficiency anemia who would be started on oral iron supplements. Iron supplements are very nasty because they can cause many side effects like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and constipation, because of which compliance is very poor. There was one particular 55 year old gentle man who had persistent low hemoglobin levels despite iron therapy. Infact, we were planning to evaluate for other causes of hemoglobin when his wife told us that he was not taking his medication regularly because of side effects. I then told the patient into confidence and educated him about the important and benefits of iron therapy. I told him to take iron medication about one hour after meals to minimise side effects and also to have the best absorption possible. I told the patient to drink some orange juice after taking iron
Discuss the themes expolred in George Eliot's Adam Bede Essay
Discuss the themes expolred in George Eliot's Adam Bede - Essay Example She lived in a male dominated society and which is why she was forced to satisfy her desire of writing by acquiring a Pseudonym, which was again a male name â€Å"George Eliot†. She was a rebel and her novels were not fantasies but were based on real life experiences. In this novel she has explored various themes like – Class Discrimination, Love, Motherhood, Identity of Women, Human Infanticide, Industry, Nature, Adultery and Reputation in the society. Every character in Eliot’s novel bears some kind of significance. Each one possesses certain traits that make readers understand how a person should be or should not be. As every character unfolds in the novel, we find how skillfully, Eliot has dealt with different themes or issues in the form of events or happenings in the lives of those characters. Every character is the personification of every theme, which the writer intends to convey to the readers. Adam Bede, the protagonist of this novel is a carpenter by profession. He is a very lovable character, good looking and is a true moralist. He is described to have extra-ordinary skills in carpentry. He falls in love with Hetty Sorel, the orphaned niece of Mr. Poyser. Mr and Mrs. Poyser feel that Hetty and Adam would make a good match, as they both belong to the same social class. On the other side, Captain Arthur Donnithorne, who is the grandson of the Squire Donnithorne also is in love with Hetty. He is physically attracted towards her but suddenly changes his mind and thinks that it would not be good to continue his courtship with Hetty, who belongs to a lower class than his. Hetty too loves Arthur and dreams of marrying Captain Arthur and becoming a gentlewoman. She dreams of the riches and the respect she would be getting after marrying Arthur. Thus we come to know that marriage was moreover based on social class than love. Before marrying every person thought of the reputation or the standard of his or her partner. Thus we see that Eliot has
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analysis of an Angel Island poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of an Angel Island poem - Essay Example It is apparent the carvings and writings are remaining evidence demonstrating the experiences of Chinese immigrants and occurrences at Angel station in San Francisco. The poems discovered at the station are the most dramatic discoveries in American literature. Today, at least scholars are translating and interpreting poems across the world (Lai, Lim, and Yung 12). Carved on wooden buildings by Chinese immigrants who never became laborers in America following Exclusion Act, the poems expose the unusual detention of immigrants for weeks and months on the island awaiting clearance by American immigration officials (Lai, Lim, and Yung 20). In addition, these poems exposed the labor conditions and economic conditions in California in the 20th century. By providing a detailed account of the plight of Chinese immigrants in San Francisco, the collection of poems questioned American ideologies of unlimited and equal opportunity floated in the 20th century. It is apparent the poems expose various themes not limited to immigration, alienation, race, and labor in America. An immigrant from Heungshan wrote a prominent poem that fuses the experiences and occur rences in San Francisco to demonstrate several themes. The poem was translated into English by Lai, Lim and Yung (1991) and organized into prose. According to the poem, Angel Island Immigration Station was a place of suffering and sadness. The Chinese immigrants were seeking labor opportunities in order to earn a living in America. The Exclusion Act in late 20th century that prohibited increased Chinese migration led to sufferings and problems. Many immigrants stayed in unhygienic and deplorable conditions awaiting clearance from immigration officials, and the carvings and writings demonstrate the bitterness and resentment among immigrants. However, many Chinese immigrants endured and withstood conditions at Angel Island Immigration
Korb v. Raytheon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Korb v. Raytheon - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Korb was a former Secretary of the Defense between 1981 and 1985, later he joined Raytheon Corporation, which supplied equipment to the army, navy and air forces of the US. For a short period, Korb was appointed as the Vice-President since he could strongly influence the Department of Defense and Congressmen whom he had worked with earlier. The President of Raytheon appointed Korb as the VP in Washington as he felt that Korb had a strong public image and his presence could politically and publically help Raytheon to develop itself. Korb also joined a nonprofit organization titled Committee for National Security (CNS) in December 1985 and this was the organization concerned with the prevention of nuclear armament. One day Korb spoke at a press conference related to defense budgets; he was quoted in the dailies which stated that he was critical of high defense budgets and urged the government to spend less for warships and carriers. His statement was not taken well by the Department of Defense and many of the high-end defense officials complained to Raytheon about Korb's statements. Korb wished to clarify on the statements but in March 1986 his company relieved him of his post. He was given the choice of remaining in office as a special advisor, but at all future speeches, he would have to obtain prior consent. Raytheon also made it clear that Korb would not work in coordination with the Defense Department anymore. Korb was never happy with the deal given by Raytheon, and, hence, in 1987 filed a case to Massachusetts state civil court for a wrongful termination. He cited both the Massachusetts state laws concerning civil rights and the First Amendment of the Constitution in support of his opposition. However, Raytheon wanted the case to be heard on a bigger platform and moved the case to the Federal District Court located in Boston. In order to ensure that he still could win the case, Korb changed his complaint and removed the references to the First Amendment. Since there was no federal involvement, the case was sent back to the Massachusetts state court. The Massachusetts court gave the judgment in favor of Raytheon, though Korb had the freedom of speech. Korb was in fact hired to work as an advocate and spokesperson of the company and if he brought the company in a bad light, then he was ineffective, and the company was right to have fired an ineffective employee. Here Korb was not acting privately as it was his duty to bring about a good public image of Raytheon and by posing that the defense budgets had to be lowered, he was, in fact, tarnishing the name of the company. A company can pursue any legal and ethical cause as it was seen that Korb was harming the name of his company. Korb could be accused of being inefficient and publicly spoiling the name of his company. Korb, in general, had a right to freedom of speech but in this case, his speech directly interfered with his role in the c ompany, for which the court granted the case in favor of Raytheon. Challenges with freedom of speech The court agreed that any person, including Korb, had the right to deliver a speech on a matter of public concern, including nuclear spending. Korb was basically hired to be a spokesperson with Raytheon and if he spoke against Raytheon, it did not interfere with his freedom of speech but was in direct conflict with his role at Raytheon. Hence, Raytheon could dismiss him for being ineffective at his work and, thus, his dismissal could not be considered a wrongful termination.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Analysis of an Angel Island poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of an Angel Island poem - Essay Example It is apparent the carvings and writings are remaining evidence demonstrating the experiences of Chinese immigrants and occurrences at Angel station in San Francisco. The poems discovered at the station are the most dramatic discoveries in American literature. Today, at least scholars are translating and interpreting poems across the world (Lai, Lim, and Yung 12). Carved on wooden buildings by Chinese immigrants who never became laborers in America following Exclusion Act, the poems expose the unusual detention of immigrants for weeks and months on the island awaiting clearance by American immigration officials (Lai, Lim, and Yung 20). In addition, these poems exposed the labor conditions and economic conditions in California in the 20th century. By providing a detailed account of the plight of Chinese immigrants in San Francisco, the collection of poems questioned American ideologies of unlimited and equal opportunity floated in the 20th century. It is apparent the poems expose various themes not limited to immigration, alienation, race, and labor in America. An immigrant from Heungshan wrote a prominent poem that fuses the experiences and occur rences in San Francisco to demonstrate several themes. The poem was translated into English by Lai, Lim and Yung (1991) and organized into prose. According to the poem, Angel Island Immigration Station was a place of suffering and sadness. The Chinese immigrants were seeking labor opportunities in order to earn a living in America. The Exclusion Act in late 20th century that prohibited increased Chinese migration led to sufferings and problems. Many immigrants stayed in unhygienic and deplorable conditions awaiting clearance from immigration officials, and the carvings and writings demonstrate the bitterness and resentment among immigrants. However, many Chinese immigrants endured and withstood conditions at Angel Island Immigration
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Has the No Child Left Behind Act Severely Impacted Special Needs Research Paper
Has the No Child Left Behind Act Severely Impacted Special Needs Students by Expecting them to do Things That Normal Kids - Research Paper Example Introduction. The No Child Left Behind Program enhances the education of the special needs students. The research centers on the effect of the No Child Left Behind Program on the special needs learners. The research focuses on the test taking environment of the special needs test takers. The No Child Left Behind Act had not severely impacted special needs students by expecting them to do things that â€Å"Normal†Kids do. Related Literature. The No Child Left Behind Program states that the progress of all special education students should be monitored (PBS, 2008). Likewise, the program states the scores of the special Needs students will be included in getting the average scores of the students within a stat by 2014. Specifically, 95 percent of the learning disabled students’ scores in the English and Math subjects will in included in the overall state’s student tests’ statistical results. To level the playing field in the area of test taking, some leeway is legally given to the disabled learners. One such leeway, giving the disabled students tests incorporating large print questionnaires. Next, the special needs test takers are given more time to take the tests. Third, the special needs students allowed to take the tests in small groups, compared to the normal test groups. Fourth, the special needs students can be allowed to take the tests on a one on one basis. Fifth, some of the test watchers or teachers are allowed to aid the students on how to fill up the answer sheets. Sixth, the blind students are allowed to take the tests using the Braille method. Seventh, some special needs students are allowed to use sign language and other communication help to finish the tests. Eight, some of the special needs students are allowed to use computers to finish the tests. Lastly, many of the special needs students are allowed to use bilingual test booklets to solve math problems (English and Spanish version or English and another language ver sion). Further, the No Child Left Behind Program requires all schools that fail the state’s Adequate Yearly Progress goals in math and reading are classified as â€Å"in need of improvement†. Consequently, the school is required to put into place an educational program to improve the school’s ratings in the next Adequate Yearly Progress results in the areas of reading and mathematics. On the other hand, Alice Hammel (2011) insists the No Child Left Behind Act has severely impacted on the schools for the failure of the Special Needs Students by expecting them to do things that normal kids do, not the special needs children. The schools will receive complaints if the rights of the special needs children are not addressed. For example, students with emotional needs must be educated and tested in a special way, different from the normal learning kids. The students with behavioral needs, including ADHD students, should be taught in a special way to ensure the student will not be bored and reduce interest in the subject. In addition, the special needs children’s learning environment includes parental intervention. The procedural due process includes giving leeway to students with special learning needs to cope with the learning levels of the normal
Monday, October 14, 2019
Human motivation Essay Example for Free
Human motivation Essay In studying human motivation, one of the key concepts includes the notion of needs and drives which may be the spring boards of actions or behavior. In line with these, efforts were exerted to look into the possible link of control of one’s impulsivity and certain critical behaviors that may affect any individual undertaking, his normal development through life’s stages, and possibilities of disorders or problems with the person’s overall functioning (Baumeister et al. ; Mischel et al, 1989). There is an offshoot of these studies (Hom and Knight, 1996) which highlights delayed gratification and the advantages of individuals who understand either by training or by serendipitous circumstances the rationality of their choices. Delaying the gratification of certain desires at the present entails certain calculations of the possible effects of these options at a certain point in the future. It involves the understanding of â€Å"profiting†from what the self is deprived of at the present to secure a better output or outcome in the near future. According to studies, a person who has been reared to control many of the urges to satisfy immediate needs or wants, may reap immense benefits in terms of significant life choices; choices that spell longevity (living physically healthy), prospect of better income, and healthier relationships. There are various reasons offered why this is so, but more often, the results of these choices to delay gratification oftentimes reveal the benefits; otherwise, when immediate satisfaction is allowed in most cases, the awareness of detrimental effects becomes a stark reality. The issue pertains to persistence, control, character development, cementing of values that enables a person to become an asset rather than become a liability to one’s community. Implications of a person’s ability to delay his or her immediate gratification (because of the prospect of more favorable results later) include responsibility over his/her actions and decisions and thereby increasing awareness of consequences including those which not only impact his/her own survival but also the effects of his/her decisions and actions to the people around (Mischel et al, 1989). References: 1. Baumeister, Roy, Brandon Schmeichel,Kathleen Vohs. Self-regulation and the Executive function: The Self as controlling agent. Accessed October 13, 2008 http://72. 14. 235. 104/search? q=cache:qpSCcMZijV0J:www. csom. umn. edu/assets/71708. pdf+Explain+the+value+and+importance+of+delayed+gratification+in+human+motivationhl=tlct=clnkcd=46gl=ph 2. Hom, Harry, Jr. Heather Knight, 1996. Delay of Gratification: Mothers Predictions about Four Attentional Techniques; Journal of Genetic Psychology, Vol. 157. 3. Mischel, W. , Shoda, Y. Rodriguez, M. L. 1989. Delay of gratification in children. Science, 244, 933-938.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Light In The Forest :: The Light In The Forest
The Light In The Forest              Conrad Richter's book, The Light In The Forest, is about a boy from Pennsylvania who was adopted into an Indian family. After a long period of time, True Son had to go back to his white family. The ordeal in the story is that he wanted to go back to the Indians and not stay in the white village. When he came back, he made a big mistake and got kicked out of the Indian village. In my opinion, Cuyloga made the most difficult decision in the novel when he decided to send True Son away at the end.  My first reason why it was difficult for Cuyloga to make this decision is that he loved his son, and he wanted him to live. He knew True Son didn't mean what he did, but it just happened. So he decided that since he was the father he should take full responsibility for True Son's action. When he wanted the Indians to fight True Son, they didn't. So instead he told True Son he had to leave and not come back. If he came back, he would be killed. Parents have to make difficult decisions for their children because they care for them. If they didn't make decisions, something could happen to the children.  Secondly, it was a difficult decision because Cuyloga thought if he stood there and watched them kill True Son, he couldn't face his family at home. His family would be mad at him if he let the Indians just kill him. He thought if he spared him his life and never saw him again, everything would be okay because he'd be much safer. He chose to make him leave because he cared for True Son. I would have done the same thing for True Son's sake. At least I'd know he was alive and not scalped.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Computer Direct-Sellers :: Internet Technology Essays
Computer Direct-Sellers Computers and computer sales have evolved rapidly over the past few decades. Purchasing computers no longer has to involve an intermediate sales person. You can order your computer direct from the manufacturer through the Internet. Although there are many computer direct sellers, I am analyzing three of their web sites, Dell, IBM and Gateway. I chose these based on their similarities. They are all large manufacturers that use Intel processors and they allow the buyer to select the exact specifications of the computer they wish to purchase. The first thing I would like to compare is the overall appearance of the web pages. It is important because this is how customers receive their first impression. All three web sites are attractive and have good use of color and pictures. The home pages contain many links but not enough to be overwhelming. The sites do not contain any outside ads or annoying pop ups to distract viewers. All three companies sell computers for home, small and large business, industry, government and education. Although they do sell to all different types of purchasers, each appears to be targeting a different audience. Gateway’s site has a large picture that would likely appeal to the common person. The web site’s home page alternates the use of three different pictures. One picture is of a person holding a notebook computer and refers to the notebook as a friend. Another picture shows a man sitting on the floor working on the notebook. The pictures on Gateway’s web site all contain notebooks and are showing the use of computers beyond the normal business setting. The last picture is of a man outside and refers to the office as a state of mind. Dell appeals to those looking for personal computers but focuses more on the business world. Their home page contains two pictures at a time; one with people and one of a product. These pictures change consistently when you return to the web site, most are pictures are of business or professional setting. For example, one picture portrays Dell as a way to expand a strategic partnership. IBM’s main target is industry. It provides services the other two web sites do not offer. This web site is focused more on these services rather than their products.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Project Budget Paper Essay
The project for the company offsite 2 day training session has given a preliminary go-ahead. The budget of the project will determine any important factors that will impact the training project. The company of AER has given the opportunity for all workers to get the training required. The budget of the 2-day training session project will recover any expenses that occur before the initiation, during processes, and until completion of the project. Resources The first step of the project is to develop a budget. The budget management process involves the project manager in developing all the cost, estimates, and the total amount of money resources necessary for the implementation of all the activities. All the tasks and events are defined and stated in the WBS and Schedule in the lower section of the memorandum. Budget Development Budget development should cover the capital, and the operating expenses to ensure the success of the project completion. The project manager needs to gather all the funding requirements and then send a formal request to the sponsor. The sponsor needs to look first in the feasibility study, business case, and project charter before making any final decision. For developing a budget project sheet, there are a few estimation methods, like the cost baseline measurement, and the cost aggregation. The budget development is the initiation of the project that will measure all the tasks with cost and time. The process will be evaluated with decisions of the participants. The milestones reflected in the document will be also revised by the specialist of the cause and utilized for further interruptions. Budget Use The next step of the budget is to allocate the financial resources and start running the plan of the budget. The project manager has to control and track the budget resources to make sure the task is performed with necessary funding. Also the project manager has to make sure that there is no lack of money for the implementation of the entire project. We need to develop an investment plan to track and control the budget for better results. This document will include justifications and approvals for necessary items and services. The investment plan will support the project with any acquisition. After it gets completed, the project manager will have sent the investment approval request to all the stakeholders. Budget Measurements and estimates This phase of the project is the most important because it has to be appropriately done with cost performances. The project manager has to work with performance data, like deliverables, and cost-schedule estimates. Developing the budget analysis, and performance reviews will help conduct the project in the right direction. In this step we will compare the current cost performance against the planned amount of financial resources discussed in the project budget. In case of any deviations, it is necessary to make formal changes request to modify the budget with approvals. Budget Updating After all the changes have been done, the project manager can proceed with the update of the budget plan sheet to make any deviations, or changes to the original break down structure of financial resources. In the update, we can make changes to the cost estimates, cost performance, resource activity estimates, and the cost management plan. References My management guide. (2010-2014). Retrieved from Project Management Docs. (2014). Retrieved from
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The exploration of the human nature, of the mind and of experience, forms the basis for the works of writers like John Donne or Jonathan Swift
The exploration of the human nature, of the mind and of experience, forms the basis for the works of writers like John Donne or Jonathan Swift. Swift fully utilizes the psychological realism as he tries to be as faithful to the nature of human mind as he conceives it to be, while Donne injects drama and passion into the lyrical form and enlivens the poem through the speaker's voice. Throughout his poems, John Donne considers his own character, expresses emotions, and searches for a place in a society as well as for salvation. The reader is involved in the drama between the speaker and the â€Å"blank†audience and the use of conceits and paradoxes aid in establishing the change and turmoil within the speaker or the poet. As John Carey writes in his essay, â€Å"this dramatic mode makes the poems intense, but temporary, like masks or costumes. †Thus, Donne can be theatrical, switch roles, expose thoughts and ultimately, â€Å"express divergent states of mind, to dramatize the potential for contraries within himself. (Carey, xxv) Similarly, Jonathan Swift in his work Gulliver's Travels, utilizes Gulliver's narrative voice as a means of characterizing his person but the notion that the protagonist is also an object of Swift's satire makes the reader aware of the perhaps unreliable nature of the narrator. Thus, in their works, both Donne and Swift trace the path of conciousness and the work of the mind and ultimately provide commentary on broad matters such as religion (Donne) or society and p olitics(Swift). John Donne's sonnet 5, reflects the mode of dramtic realism in its exposition of the speaker's thought process and change. The speaker confronts a strong fear of sin and punishment with a plea to be forgiven or â€Å"cleansed†, either by water or by fire. He recognizes himself as a microcosam but also perhaps fears that these â€Å"elements†or substances that we are built of and which are combined with spirituality or soul-â€Å"angelic sprite†will die and be condemned, as expressed in â€Å"both parts must die. †The speaker then calls for heavenly seas, â€Å"new seas†to drown him or at least to wash his world-himself, which if looked through Christian symbolism can indicate his desire to be cleansed or purged from â€Å"black sin†. Moreover, the structure of the poem also conveys the idea of psychological realism and of dramatic mode in that the change happens in line 10. Donne does follow the Petrarchan sonnet style in that the change occurs in last 6 lines but instead of it happening in the 9th line he chooses to place it in the next line. The phrase, that signifies the change, â€Å"But oh it must be burnt†represents a sharp change because the images of tears and water are replaced by fire imagery. The â€Å"flames†, â€Å"fiery zeal†and burning evoke a more dark state of mind and the final realization that the only way toward salvation is by Lord's â€Å"fire†. Thus, this disruption, both in imagery and the poem's structure, common to his style, reflects the thought in process as well as perhaps, Donne's rejection of the form and the accepted. Just as the speaker finds the washing and tears insufficient, Donne perhaps finds the Petrarchan sonnet form insufficient to express his flow of thoughts and emotions. As discussed in class, it is a poetic trick, â€Å"a peculiar combination of playfulness and artificiality in a passionate cry. †The poet thus, does more than just tell, he shows. Gulliver's Travels appears to be a ship doctor's account of his voyages into strange places, but it is actually a criticism of the human race. Book 4 reveals the bestial and brutal view of humanity through the depiction of Yahoos, the servants of a race of horses, called Houyhnhnms who are characterized with Reason. The psychological realism is conveyed primarily though the narrator and the protagonist, Gulliver. For the readers, he is the only source of information and as no contradictory observation are offered, at first it is difficult for the reader to choose a particular attitude. Although the ending and Gulliver's choice of lifestyle may appear ridiculous or on verge of insanity, it is still moving and effective. Gulliver, has undergone a transformation from a proud Englishmen to a man ashamed of the entire species to which he belongs. This shame that he finds is the shame that the reader can clearly see. The ridiculisy behind war, the concepts of greed and envy, the exposition of lawyers, it is all relatable. However the dramatic or psychological component exists in Gulliver's narrative that ultimately reveals the unreliability and irony of his character. As a traveled, adventurous man of experience one expects him to be open minded but in the end, by his stern refutation of all humanity, the reader can realize that he is far from a creature of reason, (that he perhaps believes himself to be) and instead he tends to judge and adapt through identification with a group, much like the majority of human beings. Perhaps, then such detail that Swift adds such as the room where Gulliver sleeps is actually halfway between the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms, and this can then be seen as the position most of us find ourselves in, between pure reason and pure emotion or between stoicism and eupicurenism. Then the character like Captain Mendez also represents this balance and contradicts Gulliver's perhaps over bitter, generalization of humanity. This depiction also offers the reader an excuse to identify with the better more positive side of human nature. However, Swift continues to show the bitterness and contrast between the Yahoos and Houyhnhms. The filtiness of the Yahoos their diet is contrasted to the Houyhnhnm cleanliness and simple diet. Gulliver cannot live on the repetitive but healthy diet of the Houyhnhnms, and this is perhaps Swift's way of once again pointing at further human barbarism. But at the same time it can be argued that Houyhnhnms are also an â€Å"ironic device†and not an ideal. Their language is limited, they use and exploit Yahoos as servants and they cannot even mourn their dead. In addition, Gulliver's hate for the Yahoos should not be taken at face value(like much of his narrative) because the Yahoos, too, are exaggerations. Just as life of pure reason is inadequate so is the life of pure emotion. Moreover, in the last chapters, Gulliver's behaviour and acts such as buying the stallions and talking to them for hours in the language of Houyhnhnms, or making his wife seat at the far end of the table, are illogical and bizarre. Thus, all the experience he has gone through and the possible understanding, can not be taken very seriously because the narrator who tells us the story lacks critical judgement in a sense that he fails to see his own inconsistencies and flows. This is what makes the novel a satirical one, because as discussed in class, Swift has created a gap between the story itself and the voice telling the story. It is in the place of this gap that the reader enters and needs to make an evaluation. Despite his desire for privacy and the guarding of his poems, Donne appears concerned to involve the reader into the probing and surprising thought process that also perhaps reflects the uncertainty, passion and discovery of the Renaissance period. Thus, both Swift's use of narrative voice and Donne's dramatic mode have the effect of engaging the reader into the work and provoking his judgement. It is through this collaboration that the meaning is generated.
Investments Essay
1) In 1994 the Bulgarian government issued bonds on which the coupon payments were tied to the GDP of the country. I’m simplifying here, but basically a low level of GDP (a country-level measure of economic growth and activity) would reduce the interest payments on the bonds, and a high level of GDP would increase the interest payments.  ·Ã‚  Suppose a US investor buys these bonds, what risks is the investor exposed to? (list everything which could negatively affect the investment!) One of the risks associated with this bond is Interest rate risk. The prices of bonds are inversely related to rates of interest. A higher GDP of Bulgaria would mean that the price of the bond will decrease, however a lower GDP would mean that the price of the bond will decrease. The interest rate on a bond is set at the time it is issued, which is in 1994. The coupon in 1994 reflected the interest rate at the time of issuance, however the increase in interest, in GDP, will make people unwilling to purchase bonds. In other words, the US investor will have a difficulty reselling the bond to secondary markets should the GDP of Bulgaria increase. Should he decide to keep the bonds, then his interest income is very much dependent on the GDP of the nation. There are is no fixed amount that he can count on. Another risk associated with bond is credit risk. Just as individuals default on mortgage payments, bond issuers can possibly default as well. Usually, bonds issued by the government are immune from this risk, but nothing is risk free in issues such as credit. Call risk is another risk the investor is exposed to. The government of Bulgaria can easily call back the bonds before maturity so they can issue it at a lower interest rate forcing the investor to reinvest the principal at a lower interest rate. Inflation risk is perhaps the worst of the investor must endure. The GDP of Bulgaria will suffer immensely if significant inflation is suffered by the country. Anything that affects the GDP of the nation will affect the interest rates of the bonds issued.  ·Ã‚        Are their any ways to manage/offset some of these risks? Credit risk, generally associated with any kind of credit is practically managed in investing in these bonds. Governments, generally pay out their bonds, and on time too because it will not look good for the government to default from its loans to its people or its investors. The other kinds of risks are hard to manage given that they are dictated by a nation’s GDP. The investor from the US cannot likely influence how Bulgaria’s GDP shall fluctuate. 2) In the 1970’s Yale University implemented a system for students in which the students would receive loans to pay their tuition. Repayment of the loans involved the following arrangement: -after graduation all students enrolled in the program would pay 0.4% of their annual income per $1,000 borrowed until the entire cohort, or class, had paid off their debt, or until 35 years had passed, whichever came sooner. (See â€Å"The New Financial Order†by Robert Shiller, 2004, Princeton University Press, page 143)  ·Ã‚        What risks are the students exposed to? The students, are exposed to the risk of paying more than they owe given that the program ensured that they can finish their studies but they essentially had to pay for royalties for 35 years. Imagine a student in 1974 who borrowed $30,000 to finance his Yale education. Assuming he has graduated in 1978, and started to earn $100,000 annual. For this first year alone, he will have to pay Yale .8% of his annual income which is $800. This payment will not stop until each person in his class, who obtained a loan from the University, has paid off his debt. The percentage of payment is fixed but the salary of this Yale grad keeps increasing yearly. Suppose this student managed to pay off his loan in 20 years, yet there are 5 people from his class who have not yet paid theirs, possibly because these 5 people have no income, then for fifteen more years the person is indebted to Yale for .8% of his annual income that is probably in the million dollar bracket by now.  ·Ã‚        What risks are the lenders of money exposed to? Yale, on the other hand is exposed to the risk of students paying off their loans quickly. Given that Yale produces quality graduates (i.e. President Bill Clinton), the students can easily pay back their indebtedness given their instant financial status after graduation. The time value of money is the greatest exposure of Yale. A $30,000 loan the University has given in 1974 has bigger value as compared to the $30,000 the students gave back in installment payments. The entire class might a find a way to fully pay their debts and Yale may not recover any interests for the loan extended.  ·Ã‚        Are their any ways to manage/offset some of these risks? If one student, or a group of students has/have the means, then he or they can just buy off the remaining loan of their classmates, to ensure that everyone is debt free from Yale and the annual payments of every shall stop. The group may in turn collect from those who cannot pay Yale yet and draw up new terms and conditions for the loan. 3) In 1997 so-called Bowie bonds were issued. These were 10 year bonds paying a 7.9% annual interest coupon, where the money for meeting the payments on the bonds was to come from the future income of musician David Bowie (see if you’ve never heard of him!). What is the purpose of issuing bonds of this nature (i.e. what’s in it for the issuer)? David Bowie pretty much protected himself to the decline of his popularity. His bonds were issued in exchange for ten years worth of royalties. Bonds were issued in this instance as a security. David Bowie has benefited from this deal, he may or may not have known it at that time but the bonds secured him from music piracy which has plagued the industry at the end of the 90’s. What risks are investors in the bonds exposed to? After a while, bond investors were exposed to David Bowie’s decline in popularity. Also, they have been exposed to the ultimate enemy of the music industry: piracy. David Bowie issued the bonds on time before website like Kazaa have grown over the internet. Are their any ways to manage/offset some of these risks? The investors have exposed themselves to the ultimate risk. They have relied too much on the popularity of David Bowie at the time when David Bowie himself protected himself from his decline. Consumer tastes are highly unpredictable and I do not see a way on how the bond investors could have controlled the popularity of music piracy throughout the end of the 90’s and early 2000 when they were supposed to get the royalties. 4) In â€Å"The New Financial Order†by Robert Shiller, the author proposes â€Å"livelihood†insurance in the form of derivative contracts on the performance of particular professions. In brief, the way it would work is: -we construct an index which broadly captures the current levels of compensation in a particular profession based on market data. If demand (and salary) for people in a certain profession increases then so would the index, and if demand decreases then so would the index. In other words, the index attempts to capture how good the current career prospects are in that field. Why might people be interested in contracts valued in this way? Think of both speculation and hedging when considering this question. People might be interested in these kinds of contract because of speculation and hedging. These people are presently employed of course. However, should the demand for their current profession grew, and various companies here and there are offering the same job at a higher compensation, then the person will not be happy at his current job. This kind of insurance will at least get him compensated for that opportunity lost while he stays with his present employer. He speculated that he would gain in the future given that he foresees better-paying opportunities for his career, but it requires a move to another nation or state, so he entered into a contract that would allow him be compensated as he wanted but remain secure in his current position. How is this proposal different to an individual simply taking out an insurance policy against failing to succeed in his/her chosen profession? (for example, an aspiring musician taking out an insurance contract which pays out if the person never actually ever gets offered a recording contract) This specific example has failure in mind. In the first example, the individual did not have to fail anything. He remains secure in his current position.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Genetic Engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Genetic Engineering - Research Paper Example Genetic engineering has been used to develop GM foods for human and animal consumption. Contrary to what the proponents of GE present to consumers, these foods are harmful and dangerous. There are various health risks associated with GM foods, both in the long term and the short term. The potential effects of GM foods on human and animal health result from the increased intake of ant-nutrients, the transfer of antibiotic resistant genes and use of viral DNA in plants (Dona & Arvanitoyannis, 165). For example, the introduction of a new gene can cause an increase of the anti-nutrients, and when such products are consumed, drug resistant genes can be transferred to humans (Dona & Arvanitoyannis, 165). There have been reported deaths as a result of GM foods. In 1989, many Americans died and thousands others impaired when they consumed the genetically modified supplement L-tryptophan which caused an ailment referred to as Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) (Batalion, 11). In addition, pe ople have suffered near deaths and allergic reactions after consuming GM foods. In 1996, Pioneer Hi-Bred Company used Brazil nut genes to increase protein methionine in soybeans. Unfortunately, many people suffered allergies after consuming the soybeans (Batalion, 11). Furthermore, certain GM foods are known to increase cancer cases (Pusztai & Bardocz, 12). For instance, the GH protein hormone is injected in cows to increase the production of milk. However, the genetically modified version, rBGH, has been known to increase IGF-1, which is a potent chemical hormone that is associated with breast and colorectal cancer (Batalion, 12). Although proponents of GM foods and products have argued that these products are not harmful to human health, studies reveal that such claims are false. For example, Bt corn and Bt cotton plants, which are genetically modified, contain Bt-toxins which exert toxicity to human cells. According to a report by
Monday, October 7, 2019
Powerlessness in Amongst Nurses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Powerlessness in Amongst Nurses - Research Paper Example Managers have a tendency to overlook the internal conflicts that exist amongst the staff. Nurses experience intense conflicts amongst each other, and they require an arbitrative party to resolve the rivalry (Manojlovich, 2007). When the conflicts are highly persistent, the nurses develop a negative attitude towards the workplace. They feel that situations will remain conflicting. Consequently, the nurses do not anticipate changes and harmony within the workplace. The negative attitude amounts to a feeling of powerlessness in the workplace. Powerless staff will relieve their negative feelings amongst each other (Carpenito-Moyet, 2007). This is according to the oppression theory. Evidently, conflict and powerlessness have a direct affiliation in the workplace. Lateral violence is also a key attribution to powerlessness within the unit. This vice amounts to bullying. Most of the minority nurses experience much adversity from majors within the unit. In this case, the majors oppress colle agues with demeaning tasks (Russell, 2012). Consequently, the patient care is significantly deprived due to the impaired relationships that exist within the staff. Powerful groups extremely humiliate and exploit the powerless groups. Nurses invest in lateral violence in the quest for power. Consequently, they render their colleagues powerless within the workplace. ... Nursing proficiency is a source of power within the unit. Expertise has a definite positive impact to the nurses’ self-esteem. With the advancement of expertise, nurses attain a sense of authority (Manojlovich, 2007). Expertise and proficiency are attainable resources within the confines of the unit. Nurses encounter diverse challenges and experiences that enhance nurse expertise. Attainment of knowledge and skills within the unit accredits the nurse with professional influence to other workmates. In this case, the nurse with expertise will mentor and train newly recruited staff. They are in a capacity to provide a mentorship affiliation with the incoming workforce (Porter-O'Grady, 2009). Consequently, the experienced nurses gain power to induce skills to the recruited nurses. Expertise power amounts to healing supremacy. It transforms the lives of the patients significantly towards healing and recovery. Therefore, expertise elevates the power to care for the patients. Ethics and expertise are evident sources of power within the unit. Question 1c Nancy has an obligation to encourage the nurses towards empowerment. She also has an obligation to resolve the unwanted behaviors within the unit. Nancy ought to spell the impacts of negative relationships. This would involve specific and relevant examples within the nursing unit (Carpenito-Moyet, 2007). Therefore, Nancy should illustrate the ramifications of abusive relationships amongst the nurses. For example, Nancy would outline the impacts of the negative relationships to the patients. She would achieve this by showing the high mortality rate and deprived care towards the patients. Through this illustration, the nurses would be encouraged towards healthy
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Decision making process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Decision making process - Case Study Example In the year 2012, for example, locals, â€Å"farmers, students, researchers, and activists†demonstrated against a decision on application of the tract to illustrate its significance (Occupy the Farm 1). Threats to similar demonstrations have similarly been realized in the recent past following decisions to utilize part of the tract (Breslaur 1). The public and a special committee for the project will therefore be involved in the decision making process that. The public, through the different stakeholder will participate in the initial decision making stage that will involve identification of possible alternatives whose implementation will meet people’s needs. Investors whose interest lies in the decision on application of the tract will also be involved in identification of possible applications (Burger 29). The committee of experts that will be instituted by the tract’s caretaker institution for managing the tract will then take the active decision making role. It will analyze offered opinions by the public and investors to determine and align their exact meanings. It will then conduct a research on factors to the tract and potential effects of identified options and conduct analysis to inform its decision on the project (Schermerhorn 93). The decisions will be made at different times and in different forums. The public has undertaken its role in the decision making through specialized forums that were organized, separately, for students, researchers, farmers, and local residents to offers their opinions on possible application of the land for their best interests. Investors’ decisions and the decisions at different stages of the management committee are scheduled for the next two months. The following timeline shows the timeline for the past decisions and proposed schedule for future decisions by investors and the committee. Breslaur, George. â€Å"UC Berkeley issues a response
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example The Ends Based Ethics would see buying a customized essay paper as unethical. First the buyer is not learning. First it is highly unlikely that this student will pass on exams or practical tests, so they will be dismissed from college before getting a degree. If they do pass, a professor or another student will find out about the cheating. The end result will be expulsion from school. The purchase of a custom essay in this scenario does not justify the wanted or potential end to this action. The Rule Based Ethics in this dilemma are straight forward. It is against the rules to plagiarize. Passing off someone else’s work as your own is against the rules. Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. Plagiarizing can be intentional, or unintentional. Intentional plagiarizing is buying an essay from a custom essay website, or using information and not crediting the source. Common knowledge does not count. The sun rises in the east is an example of common knowledge. An example of unintentional plagiarizing is reviewing many articles and including a fact picked up from one of the articles. This is still plagiarizing. One type of plagiarism that most people do not consider is self-plagiarism. If a paper is written by someone for one class, and then submitted for another class that is self-plagiarism. Your paper becomes a source that must be cited. Once written a paper becomes a source, whether it is from a famous physics professor or a first year student. These rules on plagiarism are well defined by the DeVry. The writer of the paper is not ethically unethical on either level. When a writer produces an essay based on guidelines given by a client, they are not doing anything ethically unethical. The writer is producing a plagiarism free paper from scratch. This plagiarism free essay is their Intellectual Property to sell. What the buyer does with the paper makes it
Friday, October 4, 2019
Land Registration Act Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Land Registration Act Reforms - Essay Example Previous to this act, the unregistered lands were regulated by the 1925 property legislation and the common law and equity rules. The creation of the 2002 Land Registration Act brings about a revolutionary change in the way conveyancing in Wales and England is carried on, and also to create a modern land registration system1. The primary aim of the Land Registration Act 2002 is to significantly reduce the amount of overriding interests which can potentially bind a registered title purchaser and replace most of them with entries which are registrable. 2. Registered Land Registered land refers to the land where the title of the land has been registered into the Land Registry and the objective is to make an registered entry of ownership of land and also of the third party which is involved into the registration process. The theory states the purchaser may not need to look other than into the register to make enquiries regarding the price of land purchased. In actual condition, if overri ding interests are applicable on a piece of land, which may happen even in case when the buyer is bound to the land and the name of purchaser appears nowhere into the register, then the purchaser needs to look far beyond the register. Registered land ownership is often more striking than the ownership of unregistered land.2 Wherever the title has been registered, they are bound to be ascertainable and registered from the register; however it is often subject to overriding interests. 3. Aspects of Overriding Interests Overriding interests are mainly the interests that are given for registered land which has not been registered and it binds the purchaser to the land. Overriding interests can be divided into two categories - the overriding on the first registrations (mentioned under LRA 2002 of s. 1) and the overriding registered disposition (mentioned under LRA 2002, s. 3). In both the schedules, similar categories of interests' terms are mentioned, although there are many restriction s within the scope of these interests. Overriding interests is applicable on short leases and it provides the right to people who are actually occupying the land,3 while it does not include mortgages of registered land or estates, the third parties which are registered against the estate and the short term lease which overrides minor interests. If the third party is overriding interests against the registered estate, then it automatically gets the right to bind the buyers. This can be compared to the legal interests, which is provided against unregistered title. If the third party does not override, then it becomes the minor interest which will bind the purchasers only in a condition when it is protected through some type of register entry (This is comparable to the land charges required for registration). It is stated by the mirror principle that until it affects the title, the legal use of the enjoyment of the land can never be complete and this means the category should be abolis hed or it should be significantly reduced. There are sometimes a number of interests which includes the legal and equitable interests which are not on the register and it binds the purchaser of the land, irrespective of the inconsistency of notice with the concept of title registration.4 Other related aspects of the proposals of overriding intere
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Culture Day Topic Essay Example for Free
Culture Day Topic Essay History of Judo was created by Jigoro Kano. He was a highly educated man; he was considered the founder of the modern Japanese education system. He wanted to preserve and combine the ancient martial traditions of Japan. One of the most important innovations was the emphasis of â€Å"randori†, or non-cooperative free sparring practice. The majority was based on pre-arranged sequences of attack and defense known as â€Å"kata†. For several years Kodokan Judo reigned supreme. Kudo was challenged by a man named Mataemon Tanabae. Maeda Mitsuyo Maeda became one of the greatest fighters in the history of Judo. Maeda retired without ever losing a fight. The Gracies, Maeda settled in Brazil and created an academy of â€Å"Jiu Jitsu†. One of his students was Carlos Gracie. After studying for several years he opened his own academy. He and Maeda created the â€Å"Gracie Challenge†, all challengers were welcome to compete in the challenge. The Gracie fighters were victorious against all kinds of fighters from different backgrounds. Several members of the Gracie family began to go to the US in the late 1980’s. The Gracies and their particular brand of fighting has had a major impact on martial arts today. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was very similar in many ways with to Judo and other systems of Japanese Jiu Jitsu. Judo was originally designed as a powerful system of self-defense. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is divided into three categories: self-defense, free fighting competition, and sport grappling. The fighting strategy of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is to make a physically smaller or weaker person be able to defend from a larger or stronger attacker. When applying BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) techniques leverage is key. As leverage is the secret to the most use of force.
Marketing Plan For Coca Cola
Marketing Plan For Coca Cola The Coca-Cola Company is one of the leading manufacturers, distributors, and marketers of non alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. They produce non alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups which are sold to bottling partners. The bottlers usually add carbonated water with the concentrates and sweeteners and then bottle the product and sell it to wholesalers or retailers. Coca-Cola owns more than 400 brands in which they market for in over 200 different countries (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Cola sells a variety of soft drinks, juices, sports drinks, teas, and water. They operate in eight segments, but most of their revenues come from three of those segments. Their three major segments are North America, South Asia and the Pacific Rim, and Bottling Investments. Their five other segments include Europe; North Asia, Eurasia and Middle East; Latin America; Africa; and Corporate. Coca-Cola also has the leading brand (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Their vision is to maximize profits and returns to shareholders. Coca-Cola wants to have skillful workers and inspire them to do the best that they can. They want Coca-Cola to be an enjoyable place to work at and for employees to be motivated in coming to work. The company likes to obtain a product line of beverages that satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Coca-Cola wants to build trusting relationships with their partners and suppliers along the supply chain. Also Coca-Cola prides itself in making a difference in their community and their many contributions that work to improve the environment. The business decisions that Coca-Cola makes are guided by their values. Their main values include: leadership, passion, integrity, accountability, collaboration, innovation, and quality (Coca-Cola Company 2006). Coca-Cola has remained successful by maintaining strong values, visions, and mission. Marketing Objectives Future growth for Coca-Cola will emerge from their focus shift towards the global market as well as the health conscious market. They are implementing and continuing to build on their global strategy (FrontPage, 2007). Coca-Cola would like to continue to market to countries around the world outside of the United States. They are having growth in emerging markets in Latin America, the BRIC, and Western Europe (FrontPage, 2007). This will be their major focus in the future, because they feel this is where their major growth opportunities lie. Consumers are moving towards a healthier lifestyle, which in turn is causing Coca-Cola to expand their products to continue to meet their needs. They would like to focus on providing juices, sport drinks, and water lines that will aim at the more health conscious market. Coca-Cola has been performing trials on their Minute Maid Heart Wise orange juice to prove that it does help lower cholesterol and improve health. Also they are having trials for their Enviga green tea which can help boost metabolism. This new market is huge and creates a lot of growth opportunity for Coca-Cola (Credeur, 2007). The core of our business is healthy and its poised to capture significant growth over the coming years (Credeur, 2007). Consumer behavior is changing therefore Coca-Cola must adjust their marketing strategies and product lines to meet the consumers needs. Industry Analysis The Coca-Cola Company falls in the beverage industry with many other developing companies. Leading the beverage industry by generating revenues of $24,088 million dollars, Coca-Colas closest competition in this industry is Coca-Cola Enterprises and Anheuser-Busch. Others that fall into the industry include Pepsi Bottling, Molson Coors Brewing, Constellation Brands, Pepsi Americas, and Brown-Forman (Fortune 2007). The beverage industry is moving toward the more health conscious consumer. The market is shifting from soft drinks to juices, sport drinks, and water products. To remain competitive Coca-Cola must also enter into this market and follow the healthier trends. In many European countries, the increasing consumer trend toward a healthier lifestyle continues to grow demand for functional beverages that offer physical or mental well being, lower calories and other added values (Fuhrman, 2007). Consumers value products that are going to help them live a healthy lifestyle and feel better both physically and mentally. SWOT Analysis Strengths Coca-Cola has a lot of strength in their marketing plan and business. They are the worlds leading brand name, and they have a large scale of operations, and have continuing revenue growth in all of their three segments. Coca-Colas three major segments are Latin America; East, South Asia, and Pacific Rim; and Bottling Investments. These are the segments that earn the highest revenues. Each of these segments continuously grows in revenues each year. The revenues earned in these segments have helped The Coca-Cola Company to grow and expand (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Colas brand name is valued higher than their biggest competitor, Pepsi. Business Week valued Coca-Cola at $67,000 million and Pepsi at only $12,690 million. The brand of Coca-Cola is known globally and allows the company to enter new and emerging markets. Having a strong brand name also allows them to expand their company by adding products such as Cherry Coke and Coke with Lemon, and allowing them to meet different consumers needs. Coca-Cola owns the brand names of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, and Fanta which are four of the leading brands in soft drinks (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Cola, with large scale operations, is the leader in manufacturing, distributing, and marketing nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. Selling in 200 countries, Coca-Cola owns 32 beverage concentrate manufacturing plants. They also own bottle water production and beverage facilities. The companys large-scale of operation allows it to feed upcoming markets with relative ease and enhances its revenue generation capacity (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Weaknesses Coca-Cola has three major weaknesses that occur internally in the company, they include: negative publicity, poor performance in North America, and decrease in cash from operations. In 2006, Coca-Cola was accused of selling a product with pesticide residues in India and received negative publicity. These residues contained harmful chemicals that could damage the nervous and reproductive systems and could potentially cause cancer. Coca-Cola was plagued with harmful publicity much like this scenario throughout the year. This type of publicity can affect their brand image and decrease demand for their products (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Cola focuses on North America as their major target market; therefore it is important for them to have a good performance for the target market. In 2006, Coca-Cola did not perform well and its market growth ceased in North America. The company actually got worse. If this poor performance continues, it could affect the overall companys growth in the future and could allow their competitors to surpass them (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Cola had a decrease of 7% in cash flows from operations in the year 2006. This affected the company by reducing the amount of funds available for Coca-Cola to reinvest in the company (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Cola must then finance their growth with debt which makes them vulnerable to interest rates. Opportunities Major opportunities for growth for Coca-Cola include acquisitions, the bottled water market, and the growing Hispanic population in the United States. This growing demographic segment gives Coca-Cola an opportunity to try and reach new consumers and expand their product lines. Some acquisitions of the Coca-Cola Company are Kerry Beverages Limited in 2006 which is headquartered in Hong Kong. By acquiring Kerry Beverages Limited Coca-Cola gained control over distribution and manufacturing joint ventures in nine major Chinese provinces (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). They also acquired Apollinaris in Germany, which sells sparkling and mineral water. Coca-Cola also took over TJC Holding, a bottling company located in South Africa. They even acquired companies in Australia and New Zealand. This enabled Coca-Cola to have a strong hold on the global market, which as a result helped their international operations grow and get stronger. It also gives them an opportunity for growth and to enter into new markets. The increasing health conscious market is just one of the new markets that Coca-Cola has shown a growing interest in, like the bottled water market. Bottled water is one of the most fast-growing segments in the worlds food and beverage market owing to increasing health concerns (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Threats Even a large and successful company like Coca-Cola has external threats. Three of their major threats are intense competition, dependence on bottling partners, and slow growth of carbonated beverages. The nonalcoholic beverage industry is highly competitive, leaving Coca-Cola with many competitors in their industry. Their largest ones are PepsiCo, Nestle, Cadbury Schweppes, Groupe Danone, and Kraft Foods. This intense competition influences Coca-Cola and their strategies. Key aspects that are affected are pricing, advertising, sales promotion programs, product innovation, and brand and trademark (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). The high dependence Coca-Cola has on their partners and suppliers makes them vulnerable. Most of the revenue that Coca-Cola generates comes from selling concentrates and syrups to bottlers, in which they have no ownership control. These distributors and bottling partners make their own business decisions and Coca-Cola has no say in the choices they make. Not having control over a major aspect of their business is a major threat. (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Target Market As Coca-Colas mission statement states it wants to refresh the world (Coca-Cola Company, 2006). Therefore the companys target markets are any and all consumers that have a thirst that demands satisfaction. However, there are some brands that target specific consumers. For example, Coca-Colas PowerAde is a sports drink that is aimed at athletic men and women, where as its diet soft drinks are targeted at consumers who are of older age (Clark, 2005). This type of marketing approach is referred to as market segmentation. Market segmentation is defined as the process of dividing a market into meaningful, relatively similar, and identifiable segments or groups (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 212). Two ways in which Coca-Cola segments its target market are by demographic and geographic segmentation. Before 1960 the Coca-Cola Company only had one beverage aimed at the entire soft drink market (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 212). Currently Coca-Cola offers a wide range of products includi ng coffee, tea, sports drinks, energy drinks, water and their well-known Coca-Cola soft drinks (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Market segmentation allows the Coca-Cola Company to market to people with different product needs and preferences. For example, in the past year the Coca-Cola Company felt like they needed to focus on the need that their products satisfy for their consumers. They came out with a beverage portfolio based on seventeen need states of their consumers. Some of these included relaxation, hydration, weight management, and heart health (MacAuthor Thompson, 2006). Therefore the Coca-Cola Companys target market strategy is to segment the entire soft drink market to better understand and design marketing mixes that specifically matched with the characteristics and desires of each segments. Marketing Mix: Product, Place, Price, Promotion Product: In order for an organization to be successful it needs to have a well-defined marketing mix. The marketing mix consists of the four Ps; product, place, price, promotion (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 48). Product is defined as everything, both favorable and unfavorable, that a person receives in exchange (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 48). The Coca-Cola Companys products consist of beverage concentrates and syrups, with the main product being the finished beverages (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Coca-Colas products can be viewed as both business and consumer products. Ultimately, the main goal of the Coca-Cola Companys is to satisfy a consumers personal want, which is the definition of consumer products (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 248). The type of consumer product the Coca-Cola Company creates is convenience product. Convenience products normally require a wide distribution in order to sell sufficient quantities to meet profit goals (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 285). In addition, the Coca-Cola Company often pays a certain amount to retail stores to resell their product. Therefore the Coca-Cola Company products can be considered a business product. The Coca-Cola Company has a fairly large product mix which contains about 400 brands, including diet and light beverages, waters, juice and juice drinks, teas, coffees, energy, and sports drinks (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). The Coca-Cola Company has increased its product mix width since 1960. This enabled the Coca-Cola Company to spread risk across many product lines rather than depend only on one and to help generate sales and boost profits within its organization (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 287). The Coca-Cola Company also packages its products different sizes to appeal to certain consumers (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 286). For example, Diet Coke is available in twelve-ounce or even six-ounce cans and various plastic containers, ranging from two liters to twenty ounces (Coca-Cola Company, 2006). The Coca-Cola Company has increased its product mix by product line extensions as well as creating new products. The Coca-Cola Company has extended its product line by introducing a variety of drinks (Will New Cokes, 2006). These include Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, Cherry Vanilla Coke, Coke Plus and many more to attempt to meet the needs of all of its consumers. The Coca-Cola Company also increases its product mix and broadens its market by the innovation of new juice and sport drink products (Marcial, 2007). This fairly large product mix enables the Coca-Cola Company to satisfy the needs of their consumers thirst, whatever it may be. This type of product mix allows the Coca-Cola Company to achieve its mission statement in which it states that it wants to refresh the world (Coca-Cola Company, 2006). Place/Distribution: Another crucial part of the marketing mix is place and distribution of an organizations product. Place and distribution strategies are concerned with making products available when and where customers want them (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 48). The Coca-Cola Company states in its mission statement that it wants to offer its products to all consumers globally (Coca-Cola Company, 2006). The Coca-Cola Company uses intermediaries (i.e. retailers and distributors) instead of directly selling to distribute its products worldwide (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). The Coca-Cola Company also uses intensive distribution strategies to make sure their products can be available everywhere. One low profile type of retailing that the Coca-Cola Company does to increase its distribution of its product is the use of automatic vending machines. These can be found in a number of places, such as schools and concert venues (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 411). Since their product is a convenience produc t, it requires a wide distribution in order to meet profit goals (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 285). Recently the Coca-Cola Company has focused more on their global strategy to help them increase their growth. Much of this growth is coming out of Latin America, the BRIC, and Western Europe (Innovation, acquisitions, 2007). Currently many Europeans are beginning to be more worried about their health, which has increased Coca-Colas Diet Coke and Coke Zero sales (Fuhrman, 2007). In addition, the Coca-Cola Company is in many other countries including India that are in the growth stage of the product life cycle (Marketing: New products, 2007). The Coca-Cola Companys growth in these areas are caused by their improved marketing to consumers, better relationships with bottlers, their live happily campaign in 200 markets, and the launch of Coca-Cola Zero. They also launched Minute Maid juice in India as well as China and Korea (Marketing: New products, 2007). Their innovation and introduction of new products as well as their winning culture has helped them begin to grow again worldwide. Price: Price of the product or service is another important part of the marking mix. Price is defined as what a buyer must give up to obtain a product (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 49). Price is the quickest and most flexible element to change in the marketing mix. The prices of the Coca-Colas Companies products vary according to the brand and the size in which they come in (Coca-Cola Company, 2006). The Coca-Cola Companys products are sold by a wide variety of distributors and retail stores, such as convenient stores and gas stations, as well as vending machines (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). The distributors and retail stores that the Coca-Cola Company deals with often implement their own pricing strategy (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). Gas stations and convenient stores usually sell Coca-Cola products at a fixed price. However, the retail outlets use a variety of pricing methods and strategies when selling Coca-Cola products (Coca-Cola Datamonitor, 2007). There is often competition pri cing of the Coca-Cola products and prices are set around the same level as its competitors. In addition there are also psychological pricing strategies that are used to make consumers perceive that the products are cheaper than they really are. Promotion: The fourth aspect of the marketing mix is promotion of a product. The promotions role in the marketing mix is to bring about mutually satisfying exchanges with target markets by informing, educating, persuading, and reminding them of the benefits of an organizations product (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 49). Since the Coca-Cola Company operates on a global scale, their promotional strategy needs to consider the external environment in which their products are. These external environmental factors include culture, economic and technological development, political structure, demographic makeup and natural resources (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 77). For example, the Coca-Cola Company promoted its new Coke Zero in Australia differently than it did in the United States because of the different external environmental factors associated with that segment (Alarcon, 2007). In addition, the Coca-Cola Company often has to adapt its advertisements in different cultures. For example, an ad in Singapore portraying teenagers careening down a store aisle on a grocery cart was perceived as too rebellious (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 129). The ultimate goal of any promotion is to get someone to by a good or service. There are four main aspects of the promotional mix that integrate together to create a competitive advantage for an organization. The four aspects of the promotional mix are advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 411) The advertising part of the promotional mix allows the organization to reach the masses with its product. The Coca-Cola Company was built heavily on advertising and marketing investments. Today the Coca-Cola Company spends most of its money on advertising that maintains the brands awareness (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 468). Thus advertising is a main source in increasing consumer awareness. The Coca-Cola Company uses many forms of advertising, from TV advertisements to magazines and billboards (Steinberg Vranica, 2004). One target segment that the Coca-Cola Company is having trouble trying to advertise to is the more outdoor, health conscious and environmentally friendly consumer (Steel, 2007). The advertisers are unsure how to advertise to them in a green fashion where the advertisement achieves its goals of persuading, informing, and reminding as well as being environmentally friendly. Public relations part of the promotional mix helps maintain an organizations image and educate consumers (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 444). Many organizations hire outside professional help to deal with public relations within an organization. Public relations are the element in the promotional mix that evaluates public attitudes identifies issues that may elicit public concern, and executes programs to gain public understanding and acceptance (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 441). The type of public relations tools that the Coca-Cola Company uses widely are product placements and sponsorships (Steinberg Vranica, 2004). The Coca-Cola Company often uses is a spokesperson to appeal to the younger more youthful (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 163). An example of this can be seen in China where the Coca-Cola Company has increased advertising containing younger Chinese celebrities to help inform, persuade, and remind their target segment (Flagg, 1999). The Coca-Cola Company also uses publicity to try and create a good company image. An example of this is when the Coca-Cola Company invested 60 million dollars in creating a recycling plant in South Carolina. By creating this plant the Coca-Cola Company hopes to help eliminate carbon dioxide emissions and recycle a mast majority of their plastic bottles (Truini, 2007). This effort in trying to help reduce the carbon dioxide emissions strengthens the Coca-Cola Company image of wanting to create value and make a difference everywhere they go. Personal selling allows the organization to build relationships with their consumers or other business associates (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 444). Personal selling is defined as direct communication between a sales representative and one or more prospective buyer (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 443). Personal selling in the Coca-Cola Company often is done in a business-to-business fashion. An example of this is seen when the Coca-Cola Company was trying to boost their sales in North America by forming alliances with Nestea to create coffee and tea drinks (McKay Corderio, 2007). This demonstrates how the Coca-Cola Company uses personal selling in a business-to-business atmosphere to provide its consumers with a larger variety of products that can satisfy their need. The Coca-Cola Company also uses sales promotions to increase their effectiveness of their promotional efforts. The essence of sales promotion is to help stimulate a purchase (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 444). Some examples of sales promotions that the Coca-Cola Company uses are coupons and rebates and are used frequently because they are more likely to influence customers buying decision (Hair, Lamb, McDaniel, 2006, p. 442). Another type of sales promotion that the Coca-Cola Company is currently using is their coke rewards points promotion. My Coke Rewards is customer loyalty marketing campaign from the Coca-Cola Company. Customers enter codes from specially marked packages of Coca-Cola products into a website. These codes are converted into virtual points which can in turn be redeemed for various prizes or sweepstakes entries (Coca-Cola Company, 2006). The ultimate goals and tasks of promotion mix are to inform, persuade, and remind the target audience. Marketing Research The Coca-Cola Company is a mass company with many marketing channels. They are widely distributed throughout the world. Many marketing decisions they face are backed with data or conflicts that result in them creating a fancy or reasonable solution. Even though Coca-Cola does an excellent job of quenching ones thirst, they sometimes have trouble understanding what regions of the world to emphasize marketing certain products towards. To stay competitive, Coca-Cola conducts marketing research to try and better understand their consumers. Coca-Cola creates products and services that will help fit into the needs and wants of their marketplaces. They have found that people expect more from their beverages. To try and fill this desire Coca-Cola has developed the Beverage Institute For Health and Wellness. This institute develops and tries new product ideas that can contribute to their product line. In additions, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the Institute works with the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to research the active ingredients in Chinese medicinal beverages and soups for the potential development of new beverages (The Coca-Cola Company Annual Review, 2006). Coca-Cola wants to be able to keep their market alive and constantly drinking their line of refreshments, so they continue to do research that will benefit their consumers, as well as being potential profits for the company. Coca-Cola within the last decade has been slowly grasping the idea of introducing and emphasizing products that may not be profitable in certain regions to other cultures where they may find value in such a product. For instance, Coke Zero is a product that carries no carbohydrates or calories and was not quite meeting the expected profits in the United States, but Coca-Cola started to advertise it more in Europe to areas that to enjoy it. This region seemed more concerned about their health and well being, which contributed to Coke Zero becoming more of a profitable product. Coca-Cola also develops interesting marketing techniques such as business to business strategies to make their products more appealing to the younger generations. According to marketing research, younger generations will pay more attention to consumer products when they are advertised in a modern and hip way. For example, Coca-Cola united with iTunes, so that whenever someone purchased a Coca-Cola product they would receive free songs to promote both products (Fuhrman, 2007).Since in younger generations are very music oriented. This relationship proves to be effective in promoting their products and attracting to the youth. Even though Coca-Cola has interesting ways to promote their products, they need to find an effective way that will sell and promote their whole product line. With more marketing research, Coca-Cola is now being scrutinized for selling their product in public schools. Upset parents and school faculty see the carbonated drinks as contributing to the nations obesity. The ban limits the company to selling products in schools to children less than twelve years old. The company has also agreed to only advertise healthier products towards this targeted market. A solution to this could be that Coca-Cola should input their marketing skills to other products, as well. In addition, The soft drinks giant would do better to concentrate its advertising efforts on newer products with greater growth potential (Datamonitor). With the Classic Coke, being one of the most popular carbonated drinks in the world. Coca-Cola could try and promote their other products that would acquire to different tastes. Coca-Cola could put more efforts towards their Dasani, Inc. brand, known for their bottled water. Bottled Water is a non carbonated drink that is becoming increasingly popular and more of a competition towards the carbonated and other drinks. Organizational Structure and Plan Coca-Cola implements an organizational strategy that better involves the employees and customers. The ultimate goal of Coca-Colas structure is to continually build customer relationships. Coca-Cola likes to have a flexible organizational structure that will be compatible with the market environment. Since 2006, the market has been seen as a complex environment and to help fix this problem, Coca-Cola conducted a thorough company analysis through their departments and segments. They assembled a diverse, multi-functional executive group mix from separate countries and divisions. They mixed these executives from the organizational levels and created a new business model that would accommodate to the centralized as well as local Coca-Cola divisions. Coca-Cola claims that the impacts and benefits of this new business model are already showing improvements. For example, Among our results, we improved our efficiencies throughout the supply chain, grew our volumes of single-serve presentations, and increased our EBITDAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (The Coca-Cola Company Annual Review, 2007). Coca-Cola has been making new improvements all over the globe for their operating segments. The eight operating segments in the Coca-Cola empire: North America; Europe, North Asia, Eurasia and Middle East; Latin America; Africa; East and South Asia, and the Pacific Rim; Bottling Investments and Corporate. Then each of these regions is broken down into smaller segments. The Coca-Cola segments work together as well as dependent from each other to fit their demographic segments. But all groups prove to be successful of share the similar approach and idea to operating: to create happy consumers through their products. Recently in 2006, Coca-Cola decided to move the operating group headquarters to Johannesburg, South Africa from its previous home in the United Kingdom. This enabled the company to be closer to more potential and current business, and be able to expand their empire through Africa. They also opened a new office in Cairo, which helped increase the products volume sale in that area by 23 percent (The Coca-Cola Company Annual Review, 2006). Coca-Colas repositioning and structure allows them to be more intact with their consumers and business. Financial Projections Coca-Cola has had an extremely successful year with improving the image of the company, introducing new product lines, acquiring companies, and increasing their products profitability from around the world. Coca-Cola expects to see a continue rise in profits through the next year. Even though the rising costs of commodities pose a threat, Coca-Cola will still prove to be profitable. With an upcoming year of hopefully new promising products, Coca-Cola might be looking at their lines of bottled water, juices, and sports drink to bring in most of the revenue due to their increasing popularity and consumer demand. The companys top sellers in 2006 were their sparkling beverages, juice and water products. From 2006 to 2007, the net income per share has already risen 2.6%. This increase is just the beginning for the company which shows extreme efforts towards the growth of the company. Coca-Cola will continue to expand its empire throughout the world. With already being sustainable in China and successful in India, Coca-Colas profit will only increase. For instance, Coca-Cola is set to switch its focus to the China market in an effort to sustain growth. The company said that with current economic growth continuing apace, China should be its third biggest market by 2008 (Coca Cola Looks to China For Future Growth, 2004). China is a very profitable segment for Coca-Cola and will only continue to contribute to increased profits. With excellent resources and planning, Coca-Cola can only bring in more consumers. The companys financial future projections are looking promising and the companys profits will continue to rise with more consumers drinking their products daily world wide. Summary The Coca-Cola Company demonstrates unique traits and strategies. Not only do they serve the world with quality products ranging for any type of taste, but they contribute to the well-being and restorat
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