Thursday, February 28, 2019
Ethical or Not Essay
As far as the media is concerned, one honorable warning I hit the hay they must follow is accountable account. If this alone is the standard, and because I would give a thumbs up for the showing of the documentary. By this criteria alone, the ventilation of the documentary is already ethical. As claimed by the article itself, this was a amenable and important documentary. It was non primarily rough Princess Diana or Dodi Al Fayed. It was ab break the photographers who were subjected to an authority instituted and media supported lynching. Locked up without charge for over two days. 2 years later they were formally cleared. Mohamed Al Fayed pursued an action a securest them for dampen of privacy and was awarded derisory damages. The rights involved here are non hardly those of Princess Diana or her sons or Al Fayed. The documentary was mainly focused on the rights of the photographers involved. Thus, if the motivation for ventilating system the documentary is to show t o the world how they were treated without ill-motives of ache the royal family or Princess Dianas memory, then there is no reason out why it should be unethical for stemma 4 air the documentary.Its dispersion falls as obligated reporting from where I stand. Why is it ethical? Ethics should be viewed from the point of view of the one whose acts are concerned. In this case, whether the act of airing the documentary is ethical or not should be viewed from the creed of transfer 4. Many great thinkers support the act of Channel 4 as ethical. Of course, this is assuming that it was done in the name of responsible reporting and without bad legal opinion on its part. And this is a fair trust because this is the only fact we can assume from the article as this was specifically mentioned therein.What I am driving at is that we cannot assume bad faith on the part of Channel 4, like for example, airing it just to gain ratings or money for the in-between commercials, because these are not mentioned in the article. To proceed, I leave start my defense with the ethical principles ordained by Socrates, who is regarded as one of the greatest teachers of ethics. He said that anyone who gets what virtue is will ineluctably act virtuously. He further said that those who act badly, therefore, do so only because they are ignorant of, or mistaken about, the real nature of virtue.Applying it to Channel 4, if they acted out of responsible reporting, then they acted ethically. If it should happen that they acted badly, then they were only mistaken on what should have been the proper conduct. This mistake should not automatically make the act unethical. Necessarily, Channel 4 should know what responsible reporting is. In fact, it acted upon this virtue. Thus, the airing of the documentary is ethical. Confucian ethics will overly support the act of Channel 4 as ethical. The heart of Confucian ethics is character.He said that it (ethics) centers neither on acts nor on the ir consequences, but on character. Applying this principle, airing the documentary or the consequences of airing it are not material to deterrmine whether the act is ethical or not. What matters is the character of Channel 4. Thus, the suspicion is whether Channel 4 aired the documentary with ill-motives or with a frightful and genuine purpose. Seeing that Channel 4 aired the documentary out of responsible reporting, which is a noble purpose as far as the media is concerned, then the act was nothing but ethical for them to perform.However, it should be borne in mind here that there might be different factors which Channel 4 considered before airing the documentary. These other factors may possibly rate from improving ratings, to generating income from the in-between commercials, to simply just starting an intrigue. Whatever these other factors are, they will not be considered in this discussion because we do not have enough facts from which we could draw a decent assumption. And finally, Spinozas view on ethics is that nothing is intrinsically good or bad, except to the extent that it is subjectively perceived to be by the individual.He therefore suggests that whether an act is ethical or not depends on the perspective of the person doing the act. Spinozas view makes my argument so saucer-eyed if Channel 4 thinks it is right and ethical to air the documentary, then airing it is right and ethical. As aforementioned, the motive behind airing the documentary is responsible reporting. If responsible reporting is an ethical thing to do in the opinion of Channel 4, then it is so. Did the habitual need to know or pauperism to know? I will not presume to know what is the opinion of the general public regarding the matter.So I will just portion a guess to answer this question. And I will assure you that it will be an intelligent guess. So let me proceed. Considering the facts that Princess Diana is a public figure, that the media is an manufacturing impressed with public interest, and that the wrongful detention of persons is contrary to public policy, then I would dare say that the public should see the documentary. They need to know what is in it. In fact, it is their constitutional right to know. The Constitution guarantees that the people should be informed on matters which are of public concern.It need not be belabored that the circumstances surrounding the death of Princess of Diana are matters of public concern. She is a notoriety and part of the royal family, which is the public head of England. This makes her a public figure. Moreover, authentic members of the media were wrongfully detained because of her death. This is also a matter of public concern. Therefore, the general public should be informed whether the rights of these people, which rights are zealously protected by no less than the Constitution, were violated or not. So yes, the public needs to know about the documentary and what is in it.
Make Better Decision Essay
That the current era of economic uncertainty may maintain been ushered in by dint of a series of poor government and unified conclusivenesss is implied through the rear view mirror. Could some of the events that shaped todays crises have been avoided through meliorate close qualification addresses? Thomas Davenport (2009, p. 117) presents examples of decision do disquiet evident in both the public and private sectors and offers a fabric to guide managers in making better decisions in the future.His premise lies in the ineffectiveness of the individual decision-making process entrusting in dire consequences for the constitution. Davenport reserves a good example to guide managers in adopting a more analytic and organized approach, resulting in greater effectiveness. He posits that the spend of data, especially analytics embedded in change systems can be powerful tools when reposed with informed human judgment. Davenport presents no mod information entailing the de cision making process.He does, however, raise the headland of why the majority of organizations continue to rely on intuition and omit proven tools and methods with come forward regard for the evidence pointing to their effectiveness. The precedent warns that without proper prioritization and authoritative polish of the decision making process, victor remains a gamble. Article Highlights accord to Davenport (2009), allowing individual managers to make decisions without a systematic analysis has severe consequences that result in languishing profit margins.In spite of the resources available, most organizations fail to accomplish the recommendations that would help managers employ better decision making processes. The author notes that sequence these processes do not guarantee better outcomes, they certainly increase the capableness (p. 118). Davenport (2009) outlines a four-step process to improve managerial decisions, the components of which are identification, inventory , intervention and institutionalization. He suggests mangers begin by prioritizing the top decisions required to achieve a goal.He postulates without some prioritization all decisions are treated as equal, which probably center that the important ones wont be analyzed with sufficient carry off (p. 118). He goes on to stress the importance of identifying keystone decisions in in order to examine all variables through an inventory process to root effectiveness and lay the groundwork for organizational communication. Subsequent to identification and victorious inventory, considering all parameters of the decision, the appropriate intervention should rise to the surface.The final step is the institutionalization of the decision making process, for which Davenport (2009, p. 119) recommends hiring decision honests in guiding managers through the process. Davenport (2009, p. 119-122) cites two examples of organizations who modify the decision making process Educational Testing Serv ice (ETS) and The Stanley Works. run into with great achievement, ETS has expanded the new processes to evaluate and prioritize all harvest-tide changes as well as apply the methodology to handle new prospects.A center of excellence was developed at The Stanley Works that created an analytical tool for gross sales data and new potential sales opportunities. fit to the author, due to automated decision processes created by the center of excellence, the company established a 6% growth in gross margin. Although highly in favor of analytical tools, Davenport (2009) warns of reliance solely on automation, and cautions managers to use their expert human insight to monitor how well analytical tools are working. The decision making process should always be a human endeavor with analytics only a part of the overall toolbox.Significance of the article Davenport (2009) raises a universal concern encompassing the impact of poorly thought out organizational as well as individual decisions . The decisions of today are the realities of tomorrow, and in spite of the myriad of excellent resources available, a couple of(prenominal) organizations have reengineered their decisions (p. 117). The author presents an excellent argument for the necessity of a systematic decision making process as well as the use of analytical tools to provide reliable information in order to make sound decisions. corporal CEOs exist that agree with the concepts and actively ngage in systematic decision-making processes.Donna Thompson, CEO of Access Community Health Network in the moolah area is one example. She shares her ritual of going through the same decision-making process before taking any action, and offers good decision making isnt as much about having all the right answers as is employ a process to ask all the right questions (Reed-Woodard, M. A. 2006p. 164). Gully, Stainer and Stainer (2006), in their report on moral decisions within organizations, have also found a systematic pro cess to yield the best decisions.The authors describe an organized balance sheet designed to prevent disordered thinking as a model of cooperative business behavior. Their findings include the contain for systematic decision-making and state the moral decision making maze needs ordered move of asking questions and providing answers that can readily be applied to solving problems and dilemmas in business (p. 194). Davenports (2009) article continues with accolades for analytical tools within automated systems as long as managers thoroughly understand the models.Jim Ciampaglio CEO of NeoSpire exuberantly claims the success of an analytical sales tool used to manage leads and store sales information and states this tool helped us change who we are as a sales organization (McKay, L. 2010). Executive decisions lay the foundation for business system poorly thought out decisions lead to less than optimal results and systematic decision making takes the emotionality out and puts the issu e in an target area framework, leading to better outcomes. Organizations integrating this type of framework reduce the lay on the line of moving ahead with a faulty plan.Davenport (2009) states while managers are buying and most likely reading resource material providing the basis for better decision making, few actually adopt the recommendations (p. 118). Conjecture rather than interviews with key decision makers is offered to support this particular viewpoint with the implication that this may be due to the failure to connect bad outcomes to faulty decision making Conclusion Davenport (2009) does an excellent job of tying the process of decision-making to an organizations ultimate failure or success.His thought provoking discussion as to what exactly transpires during the individual decision making process and why organizations need to gain some control over this process makes intuitive sense. The success of the authors suggested framework for making decisions is well supported by the organizations cited in his work, with confirmations easily found in other studies such as Gully et al (2006). Further research is recommended examining the decision making processes generally use by organizations before conclusions that support Davenports (2009) negative assumptions can be drawn.The author does not support his claim that only a few companies employ a systematic process and is biased in his intuition of the poor calls made in both the public and private sectors in recent years. Overall, Making Better Decisions provides food for thought and raises the question that if Davenports (2009) assumptions are in fact correct, why is it that corporations continue to allow managers to use more intuition than systematic processes to arrive at decisions that impact the organizations bottom line?
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Childhood as key role in our life Essay
Childhood plays a key manipulation in our life, rattling our character and personality builds up in electric shaverhood. Besides, we as adults take a lot of concern and we should face many stressful situations like purpose jobs, lift outting married and so on, On the other hand, children are foreswear of all them. I do agree with the statement which childhood is the happiest clipping in persons life, I explain more approximately as follows. First, adults, they nonplus a lot of responsibility. For instance I as mother and wife not only do I welcome to take fearfulness of my children and house just also I pay to work as a teacher. Therefore, I am so wish but ,when I was a child my most concern was game. I just play with my friends all the time. I do not have any responsibility. I believe that childhood is the happiest time because you are do by free, so children enjoy their life without any stress. They are not worry about the future. Second, as an adult I am happy in some especial events.see morespeech on role of teacher in student lifeFor example when I get promotion in my carrier or when I get lofty salary I feel happy, but children do not have big expectations they satisfy with toys and friends. I can remember when I was a child everything were new for me I ask about anything which I saw. child finds out what a beautiful, amazing world. I was just curious I wanted to discover new things, I can remember what a amazing time was when I saw sheep for the first time. Everything which seems usual and rotin but that time everything were new and wonderful. Taking everything into consideration, childhood is happiest time because children are care free and they do not have any responsibility too everything are new and strange to children . their most concern is play and find out and understand new things.
Crossing Borders †Interracial Dating Essay
In the hodge-podge of American culture you argon bound to find interracial dating. in that respect are umteen releases between muckle. One that is obvious to the naked eye is the difference of race. In the lodge that we live in it is sometimes difficult for mess of different races to be a couple. The Dominant Culture positions come forth an occult surround that separates pack of different races.In an experiment that I did with a tweed friend named Michelle, we went place as a couple. Me being Indian and her being Caucasian posed some difficulties for some spate to understand. We setoff went to a park and decided that we would equitable sit on the swings. There was a nonher little Caucasian fille next to us. The next topic I saw really surprised me and Michelle. The mother of that little girl came and quickly grabbed her daughter and brought her to another part of the playground. All along, the mother looked at me and Michelle in a weird way. After that, we went to the shopping mall. Keeping in mind that we are in a pre overridingly gaberdine suburb, we held give at the stores. concourse looked at us as if we were from another planet. I guess they could not believe that an Indian guy and a snow-white girl could be going out on a date. We counterbalance brought another one of my friends to see the reaction of other people that me and Michelle could not see. Our other friend, Jim, said that many people kept on feature at us. Also that some people were whispering about us after they had passed us up. This really was a surprise to me. This experiment that I did was a real eye- ease uper be pull in it gave me the evidence that people really were not capable seeing different races dating. Although this is not the doctrine of all people, it seemed to be the opinion of a quite a number of people. These people are what detention the invisible border present in cabaret.The real question that I asked myself is why this happened. One conclusion I came to was that since this was a primarily white suburb, people would not be too open to different races just being there. If someone different from them was to come into their society, it would be natural for them to not accept them. Especially in a power that come to dating, people would be closed minded. Not only would they want themselves having nothing to do with interracial dating, they would want others of their same race not to be involved with interracial dating.The white people in this suburb probably looked blast upon Michelle for being with an Indian guy. Furthermore, the events of September eleventh did not help this situation either. Ever since that date, Indian people have been clumped into the whole middle-eastern terrorist category. This just gives the people of this suburb a reason to denounce me and our relationship. Much of this anger comes out of stereotypes. Since these people think that most middle-eastern people are bad or somehow connected to terrorism , this creates a stereotype that I am labeled with.Another reason we got such a hard time is that our cultures did not match up. Even though we have similar values, the customs of Caucasians and Indians are obviously different. Many people in the suburbs that we saw probably did not understand my culture, so what they do not understand, they do not like. People still have stereotypes of Indians. They might think that we cannot speak English or that we smell. These stereotypes bring the Indians in a lower regard with the dominant culture. wherefore is it harder for black and white couple to be accepted by society rather then an Indian and a white couple? This crabby question can be answered in many ways. One of the many reasons is that social standards are set in our community that base blacks waste the totem pole. Blacks have been discriminated against from the start of slavery and to this day in some archaic cases.The dominant culture has looked down upon blacks because of their skin color for many generations. This is cause for the dominant culture to look down upon blacks. When it comes to Indians, some white people perceive Indians as somewhat semi-British. Whites are less prone to be against a relationship with an Indian person. It is more accepted for Indians to date white people because the dominant culture holds Indians in higher regards than blacks. It is because of biased idea that this notion came into being.After everything, people are still not open to other ideas or beliefs. Even though the dominant culture puts out an invisible border, that border is becoming more visible with stereotypes that are put out there. This invisible border is displayed by their actions when they see interracial couples. They come to it more difficult for these couples to be together. Other things like September 11th added to this invisible border in me and Michelles case. What this manner is that the majority of our society will be closed minded to interracial d ating. What it also means is that the racial lines will be erased if these couples get married and have children. The dominant culture wants to keep the races separate.In relating my experience with Michelle in that suburb, I matte up like we should not be together as a couple. The reactions I got made me feel like I did something wrong. It is this feeling the invisible border is suppose to bring to me. I realized this only in the end. It is up me to decide who I date. It should be the concern of the two people that are dating and not the society.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Evualiating strategies of Inter Continental Hotel groups Essay
1. IntroductionThis report eitherow evaluate strategies of InterContinental Hotels ag stem (IHG) in mainland china and how they rose to being the biggest and most succeederful hotel operator in china. What strategies were formed and implemented to drop dead to position. Then this report proceeds to lay out scheme and apply the SWOT, accession guards diamond forces posture and door guards five forces to IHG in chinaw ar. 2.1 Company Profile InterContinental Hotels GroupInterContinental Hotels Group is wizard of the worlds sense(p) hotel companies having 679000 in e trulyw here 4,600 hotels in tight 100 add upries and territories around the world. IHG operates society mails which ar InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, Cr cause stead Hotels & Resorts, Hotel Indigo, vacation guild Hotels & Resorts, holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites Hotels, Candlewood Suites Hotels, EVEN Hotels and HUALUXE Hotels. This portfolio includes everything from luxurious upmarket hot els in the worlds major(ip) cities and resorts to reliable family oriented hotels offering great service and encourage. So guests travelling for furrow or leisure, honeymoon or a family holiday, IHG leaveing absorb a hotel thats right for them. 2.1.1 Goal To rise up by making their f only guys the commence choice for guests and hotel owners 2.1.2 Strategy To build the hotel fabrications punishingest operating system focused on the biggest markets and segments where scale rightfully counts. 2.1.3 operate System IHGs operating system is make up of altogether the things they do to drive need for their brands. This report willing look at this in the next section. 2.2 Driving DemandThis includesHotel distri howeverion 4,600 hotels in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. When spate travel, they look for familiar brands they know from home, increase the pauperization for hotels that operate under their brands around the world. IHGs Advertising and selli ng campaigns Annual fund totalling $1.2bn through a central fund where their franchisees give a fee into, used on their behalf for marketing and promotions to generate demand for their hotels. Web/Mobile presence Websites operating in 13 divers(prenominal) languages and IHG have 6 una give c argon language apps for smartphones. IHG Rewards club The worlds largest hotel obedience scheme with everywhere 76million members. Reservation systems Their 11 global reservation delegacys (call centres) atomic number 18 available to take hotel bookings from guests 24 hours a day in 11 disparate languages. Sales force A global sales force of more(prenominal) than than 17,600 professionals throughout the world, talking most and selling the booking of hotels under their brands to individuals and companies. Food and beverage Over $4.6n of food and beverage revenue and everywhere 4,500 outlets widely distributed. Focusing on the biggest markets where their scale squargonly counts ens ures that IHG concentrate their re inaugurations on the opportunities that will permit the sterling(prenominal) return. 2.2 IHG trading firmament instanceIHG operates hotels in 3 different ways as a franchisor, as a manager and on an owned and hold basis. Their logical argument model focuses on managing and franchising hotels, whilst their strain enterprise decomposeners own the bricks and mortar. Below is the breakdown of IHG business FranchisingThis is the largest part of IHG business 3,955 hotels operate under franchise agreements. ManagingIHG manage 689 hotels worldwide.OwningIHG owns 9 hotels worldwide (less than 1% of their portfolio). root system IHG, 20132.3 IHGs winning waysThese are a set of behaviours based on IHGs values helping them to exit one of the very best companies in the world. These winning ways provide a strong sense of shared purpose, and are critical to hotheaded their business performance forward, as well as making them a great, enjoyable pla ce to work. These are Doing the right thingShowing helpAiming superiorerCelebrating differenceWork better togetherThese winning ways make IHG a high-performing judicature that helps deliver their societys middle purpose Great Hotels Guests passion. 3. Chineseculture and Chinese Hotel constancyIntroduction of the Open Door Policy in 1978 kick ined the door to what would construct decades of unprecedented sparingal gain in chinas history. Riding on the waves of cutting found economic liberty and the freedom to partner with unconnected investors, Chinas hotel investment community seized the probability to welcome outside investment. The hotel persistence in China quickly demonstrable from 137 properties in 1978 to 14,237 properties in 2009. One of the main catalysts of the rapid growing seen in the hotel intentness has been the expansion of multinational hotel groups into China (Guillet et. al., 2011). China is poised to become the morsel one external tourist t erminal in the future. tourism in China, twain municipal and international, has exploded in recent historic period along with the boom economy and foreign hotel companies are racing to wing their flags in key markets in China and capture a stack of the rapidly growing tourism market. Chinas hotel industry is different from that of opposite countries due to erce argument, multiform ownership and counselling systems, coupled with Chinas unique culture society (Kong and Cheung, 2009). The hospitality industry is one of the forerunners in economic give risement and privatization in China (Chan & Yeung, 2009). A strong local loyalty program is key to winning visitors as swiftness middle class Chinese are influenced by them when choosing a hotel (A.T. Kearney report, 2013). thither are four barriers to hotel chain development in China, which are economic and political systems, hotel ownership, management capability and resources, and competition mingled with local and foreign chains (Pine and Qi, 2004). Additional hurdles MHGs whitethorn encounter when evolution in China are establishing a successful loyalty program, navigating the aleatory government environment, understating the role of guanxi, relegateing skilled labour and dealing with high pollution levels (Chan & Yeung, 2009). 3.1 IHGs strategies in ChinaInterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) layed China in the mid 1980s. They were the first U.S. based MHG to focus on growth in China. IHG opened 8,084 juvenile rooms in China in 2011 alone, bringing their total room count in China count to an astonishing 55,182 rooms. The new IHG hotel openings included four of their flagship opulence InterContinental. Hotels and 11 Crowne PlazaHotels, which cater to the much sought after business travel segment. IHG account 17.4% RevPAR (revenue per available room) for the year in 2011, which was a 10.7% increase over the antecedent year (HMA Staff, 2012). China is IHGs second largest market after the unite d States and is believably to surpass the US to become their largest by reduce of rooms by 2025. IHG directly manages almost all its Chinese hotels and is on-line(prenominal)ly the largest employer among all international hotel companies in the region, with nearly 60,000 employees working at its merged office and hotels across over 70 cities in the terra firma. IHG in December 2013 announced plans to recruit more than 110,000 employees between 2013 and 2015. IHG has a highly ambitious development outline which includes deepening penetration in key cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou and seating Tier 2, 3 and 4 cities. In 2012, IHG launched HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts, a new hotel brand specifically designed for Chinese guests, the first of which is scheduled to open in 2014, with 21 hotels modernly in the pipeline. The English name Hualuxe redes as China luxury, opus the Chinese name reads Hua Yi. Hua message Chinese, and Yi stands for a metropolis or a capital. Yi is also often associated with cognac, which is a sign of luxury in China. Positioned between the companys upscale Crowne Plaza and luxury InterContinental brands, Hualuxe will focus on Chinas second- and third- tier cities and is geared to please business travellers from domestic companies, state enterprises and government. IHG has corroborate 20 Hualuxe properties in destinations including Zhangjiajie, Changsha and Lijiang. The new China brand is going to Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou in time, but not until its entered tier-two and tier-three cities because thats where the future opportunity is, Keith Barr, IHG greater Chinas CEO, told CNN travel.All frameures as of 30th September 2013. Source IHG websiteAll figures as of 30th September 2013. Source IHG websiteIn China, IHG sees the greatest opportunity for growth of any single country and their strategy has been to enter the market early, to develop their relationship with key local third company owners and grow their presence rapidl y. They also formed strategicalal alliances with large property developerswith the benefit of getting multiple projects and the security of working with a well- suasion-of developers who have solid financial background (Fei, 2006). In a country with 659,000 branded hotel rooms, IHG is the largest international hotel company with over 61,000 rooms and more than 50,000 in the planning phase or under construction. This rapid pace of openings for IHG has been in anticipation of increasing demand for hotels, driven by a large, emerging middle class and growing domestic and international travel. Their approach is to find the right hotel owner as a fashion of benefitting from local knowledge. IHG accordingly manages the hotel on the owners behalf, ensuring brand standards are consistently delivered. The owners, in turn, are keen to operate under the groups well-established international cachet. IHG focuses on franchising and management of the properties. Typically, the senior managem ent of the hotel such as the general manager and the financial controller are IHG employees with the third-party owner employing all other staff. (IHG, 2013) 4. What is Strategy?Strategies are the means which enable organisations to achieve their objectives in a changing environment through the configuration of its resources and make doncies with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations (Johnson & Whittington 2009). Strategy is a plan into future, a pattern that is consistency in behaviour over time for e.g. a company perpetually marketing the most big-ticket(prenominal) products in their respective industries pursue what is commonly called high end strategy similar Apple and Zara. Strategy is position namely the determination of incident products in particular markets and strategy is perspective that is vision and direction (Mintzberg, 2001). 4.1 Business level strategyA business level strategy is an unified and coordinated set of commitments and actions a firm uses to gain rivalrous profit by exploiting core competencies in specific product markets (Volberda, et. al., 2011). Every business mustiness design a strategy for achieving its goals, consisting of marketing strategy and congruous technological strategy and sourcing strategy (Kotler & Keller, 2006). To identify rivals in the international hotel industry, current practice is to use price, segment and proximity (Matthew, 2000). The main competition strategy research related to thehospitality industry has concentrated on competition interaction (Baum & Haveman, 1997) (Baum & Ingram, 1998), critical success factors, (Brotherton, 2004) (Geller, 1985), global strategy and marketing strategy (Whitla et. al., 2007). 4.2 Theoretical Framework4.2.1 SWOT analysisSwot stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and summarises the key issues from the business environment and the strategic capability of an organisation that are most promising to impact on strategy development (John son, et. al., 2008) At this point, the author will like to do a SWOT analysis of IHG in China. Strengths hint competitive positioning and broad geographic reach IHG is the largest hotel operator in China with 65,239 hotel rooms in 198 hotels across key Chinese cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou along with entering 2nd and third tier cities like Dalian, Tianjin, Wuhan and others. divers(a) brand portfolio The company operates a diverse portfolio of brands across multiple economic segments which cater for multiple price segments from the upper upscale (5-star) segment stress on the international business traveller, to the upscale (4-star) segment catering two to the business traveller and the leisure traveller down to the midscale (3-star) channeliseing both domestic business and leisure travellers. Early creation IHGs timely entry in China has led them to establish a strong brand presence in the country and consoli fitting its competitive positioning. IHGs Holiday Inn is the second most important hotel brand in the country, with 90% of its customers being Chinese. Pipeline Development As of 30th September 2013, IHG has 179 hotels in pipeline for China. This represents an enormous competitive advantage to the company as it nevertheless consolidates its global presence and capitalises on booming travel and tourism industries in China. IHG Academy syllabus China faces massive skills deficit in the hotel industry and IHG is winning the war on endowment fund by opening its own academies to attract and groom talents for non-supervisory level positions, hightail iting to the industrys largest talent infrastructure It now has 29 programmes in operation in China alone, with approximately 5,000 participants taking part in 2011. IHG were the first hotel group tointroduce this type of training programme, Today IHG boats of a highly occupied work force. Loyalty programme In order to create value for Chinese guests, InterContinental introd uced a paid membership program called priority Privilege, which was exclusive to China. Priority Privilege will help create brand preference for IHG hotels among consumers throughout China and is offered alongside IHGs global loyalty programme which is the largest loyalty programme in the world. safe strategic partners finished key strategic alliance IHG have developed its relationship with real estate developers, government and key local third party owners and grow its presence rapidly. A new hotel brand HUALUXE specifically designed for Chinese guests focussing focus on Chinas 2nd and 3rd tier cities. WeaknessesLuxury focus IHG might have avoided mid- commence hotel sector in china for too long focussing only on luxury market and big cities which might have led to competitors taking over lions share of the mid- represent hotel sector in China OpportunitiesStrong economic fundamentals Robust GDP growth and continued urbanization will drive sustainable economic development lea ding to new cities and create new markets and better link existing ones tremendously conducive to long-term hotel growth. Domestic travellers on the rise in china IHG could target this segment which it has started to slowly address now. ThreatsPotential of over supply with the number of hotels in pipeline as some newly developed cities describe problems of occupancy local Chinese hotels already established in the mid-range hotel sector will provide competiveness along with other Multinational hotel companies entering china. contaminant in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai could affect the number of tourists coming to China Unpredictable government policies which could impact trading operations world(prenominal) economic slowdown effecting china. The booming hotel industry in 2012 did report slimly a slowdown for a brief moment before find momentum. Outbreak of diseases like SARS in 2003 and Bird flu and swine flu. homosexual resource shortage for the hotels in pipeline for 2nd, 3rd and 4th tier cities as labour is likely to be less skilled here coupled with risk of competitors seeking employees leading to shortage of skilled labour.Fluctuations in foreign currency can affect hotel operations Change in consumer taste can hurt IHG and its pipeline projects 4.2.2 Porters diamondThe conceptual framework that links structure, strategy and performance is Porters diamond which suggests that on that point are inherent reasons why some nations are more competitive than others, and why some industries within nations are more competitive than others (Johnson, et. al., 2008). In his framework, he suggests that national competitiveness will anchored along four dimensions A nations factor conditions, Demand conditions, sign strategy, structure and disputation and Related and supporting industries (Porter 1990)Source Johnson, et. al., 2008Michael Porters model illustrated above describes the factors contributing to advantage of firms in a predominant global industry and associated with a specific home country or regional environment. Applying Porters diamond to IHG in ChinaThe first dimension in Porters diamond refers to factors of production, the inputs necessary to compete in any industry labour, land, natural resources, capital and infrastructure (Volberda et. al., 2011). cypher condition advantages at a national level can translate into general competitive advantages for national rms in international markets (Johnson, et. al., 2008). IHG entered China in brief as it opened doors to FDI and economy has been booming since having excellent infrastructure. The population in china is exploding meaning there will never be shortage of people finding work however in Multinational companies slip-ups they whitethorn need to spend on training them to their standards. China is technologically ripe(p) allowing IHG to reach customers in innovative ways The second dimension is demand conditions characterized by the size of buyers ne ed in the home market for the industrys goods or services. As seen from above section, China has been a positron e guardianship tomography travel destination over the old age and in a a couple of(prenominal) years will become the number one tourist destination in the world. in that location has been emergence of domestic Chinese travellers due to the booming economy creating a newmarket. IHG has used these to competitive advantage by opening hotels catering to different segments. Related and supporting industries is the third dimension. Local clusters of related and mutually supporting industries can be an important source of competitive advantage. These are often regionally based, making personal interaction easier. China has excellent transportation and travel links with more and more upcoming high speed train projects. Chinese food is the best-loved amongst most international travellers and IHG operates the best restaurants in its hotels Firm strategy, structure and rivalry make up the final dimension. The characteristic strategies, industry structures and rivalries in different countries can also be bases of advantage. In China, IHGs strategy has read/write headly been to partner and develop relationships with owners that want to build properties and have their branding over them and also by investing in people. Its initial strategy was to target upscale luxury hotels and as it anticipated demand for other segments it catered by having hotels across different cities catering to different segments. Part of IHG strategy is they shape which hotel brands go into which city, along with where exactly they want to be in the city to achieve maximum growth (IHG, 2013) Their structure is a mix of as a franchisor, as a manager and on an owned and leased basis. IHG faces competition from both local and foreign hotel operators in China. 4.2.3 Porters five forcesThis is a framework for assessing and evaluating the competitive strength and position of a business organisation. This theory is based on the concept that there are five forces which determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market. Porters five forces helps to identify where power lies in a business situation. This is useful both in understanding the strength of an organisations current competitive position, and the strength of a position that an organisation may look to move into (Johnson et. al., 2008). These five forces can be seen in figSource Johnson et. al., 20084.2.3.1 Applying porters five forces to IHGThreat of substitute goodsIn the hotel industry there is usually another hotel just round the corner, as in the case of Chinese hotel industry. Many international chains have raced to china to start operations making it an extremely competitive industry. For IHG the challenge will be to get the guest to choose their hotel over competitors like Marriott or Hilton. few domestic Chinese hotels offer luxury at reasonable prices and whence being attractive to the domestic travellers in china. talk impairment power of buyersAs more and more customers become technology savy, it is now really simple-minded to go online and book a hotel eliminating the role of intermediaries like travel agents or corporate travel consultants. Customers are finding price comparison websites like or which will negotiate or discover bargains for them. All this means high service standards have to be maintained by IHG at all times to get customers to stay at their hotels again kinda of losing them to competitors. Competitive rivalryRivalry among competitors in the Chinese hotel industry is likely to be fierce. IHGs immediate rivals in China are JW Marriot hotels, Hilton hotels, Starwood Hotels and Hyatt hotels. There is likely to be price war amongst these hotels as competitors might crusade to gain advantage over others. Barriers to entryIt will be very difficult for new competitors to match IHGs already established operations in China. IHG was the first in china and today is the biggest international hotel company by number of rooms. Quanxi is get winded very important to do business in China, it gets developed with time as you do business in china. It will be very difficult for new entrants to immediately develop quanxi and get things done. IHG offers differentiation in the sense that it caters to different segments including a hotel exclusively targeting Chinese. It will be difficult for a new competitor to match this differentiation. China is not an easy place to do business and IHG over the years through key strategic alliances and partnerships have developed expertise which again will be difficult to match by new entrants.Bargaining power of suppliersThere is human resources challenges and shortages for the hotel industry in China. There are fewer qualified people to fill up service industry jobs. Trade unions exist in china which play a major role and sometimes might exploit the employers. IHG t ackles this war on talent by running various programmes at its IHG academys in China building a talented work force all proud to be working at IHG (IHG, 2013) 5. Strategy formulationIn many perspectives to strategy formulation, it is usual to define the purpose for the organisation and indeed develop a range of strategy options that might achieve the purpose. afterwards developing the options a selection is made between them (Lynch, 2000). Gary Hamel (1997) The dirty littler secret of the strategy industry is that it doesnt have any theory of strategy creation. The complexities associated with the make of strategy formulation are generally thought to be overwhelming, and, as a result, many people believe the process of strategy formulation cannot be structured or formalized. It is useful to consider strategy formulation as part of a strategic management process that comprises three phases diagnosis, formulation, and implementation. strategical management is an ongoing process t o develop and revise future-oriented strategies that allow an organization to achieve its objectives, considering its capabilities, constraints, and the environment in which it operates (Mitchell, 2005). 5.1 diagnosing includesPerforming a situational analysis (internal environment analysis) including identification and valuation of current mission, strategic objectives, strategies, and results, plus major strengths and weaknesses Analysing organisations external environment including major opportunities and threats. make out major critical issues that require high priority attention by management. 5.2 FormulationThe second phase in the strategic management process, produces a clear set of recommendations, with supporting justification, that revise as necessary the mission and objectives of the organization, and supply the strategies for accomplishing them. In formulation objectives and strategies are modified to make the organisation more successful. This includes trying to creat esustainable competitive advantages, although most competitive advantages are eroded steadily by the efforts of competitors. It is important to consider fits between resources plus competencies with opportunities, and also fits between risks and expectations. There are four first steps in this phase*Reviewing the current key objectives and strategies of the organization, which usually would have been identified and evaluated as part of the diagnosis*Identifying a rich range of strategic alternatives to address the three levels of strategy formulation outlined below, including but not limited to dealing with the critical issues*Doing a balanced evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives relative to their feasibility plus expected effects on the issues and contributions to the success of the organization*Deciding on the alternatives that should be implemented or recommended.5.3 murderStrategies must be implemented to achieve intended results. Final grade of the strategic management process involves developing an implementation plan and then doing whatever it takes to make the new strategy operational and effective in achieving the organizations objectives. 5.4 Strategic decision making inditeThe strategic decision making profile is a very important profile in an organisation. It is to do with strategic leadership which is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain tractableness and empower others to create strategic change as necessary (Volberda et. al., 2011) It starts at the top management level but includes a much wider range of potential actors, from strategic planners and consultants to middle managers. The conventional view is that strategy is the business of top management. In this view, it is absolutely vital that top management are clearly separated from operational responsibilities, so that they can focus on overall strategy. The chief executive ofcer is often seen as the chief strategist, ultimatelyresponsible for all strat egic decisions. CEOs of large companies typically spend one thirds of their time on strategy. However there are some dangers. First, centralising business on the CEO can lead to excessive personalisation. Organisations respond to setbacks simply by changing their CEO, rather than examining late the internal sources of ill. Second, successful CEOs can become overcondent, seeing themselves as corporate heroes and launching strategic initiatives of ever-increasing ambition. The overcondence of heroic leaders often leads to spectacular failures (Johnson et al 2008). The top management team, board of directors and divisional general managers are other commonly recognised strategic leaders. In truth, any individual with the responsibility for the performance of human capital is a strategic leader (Volberdo et. al., 2011). Strategic leaders have substantial decision making authorities that cannot be delegated. 6. ConclusionAs seen from the above sections, Chinese economy and hotel indus try both are booming. IHG took advantage of this and entered China at the right time indeed working its way towards the biggest hotel operator in China. Its strategy mainly has been differentiation at the start where it just focussed on 5 star luxury hotels and as the economy kept going upwards new markets were created and by bringing all of its brands to China IHG today caters to all segments in china in all major cities. It is also targeting upcoming cities by having major projects in pipeline. IHG operates in an extremely competitive environment and has made use of all opportunities by working on its strengths but must not get complacent and always be vary of threats while continue to eliminate any weaknesses it might have. The author concludes by summarising IHGs strategys key points. IHGs winning strategy bounteous portfolio of strong brands in key locationsLongest established loyalty programmeThe deepest relationships with key strategic partnersThe most focused development st rategy besides international hotel company with dedicated, standalone region reporting directly to the CEO Largest people infrastructure IHG is winning the talent war in China by 1st fast-track scheme for non-hotel talents, 1stAcademy to attract and groom talent for non-supervisory level positions. A managed model with minimal capital expenditure. Management contract focus (98% of system and pipeline) Ensures consistent delivery of guest experience, Imbeds operational capability, like by owners with limited operating experience, Potential to franchise Holiday Inn Express given the more standardised operating model. Contract terms Base fee = 2% gross revenues, Incentive fee = 6% 8% of gross operating profit, Length of contract 10 15 years, No fee discounting, No requirements for guarantees Use of capital expenditure -To date no capital expenditure requirements The most established relationships with key strategic partners 30 years of building relationships in China, (Guanxi)Str ong connections to the government (Guanxi) superior partnerships formed with leading real estate developers Almost half their hotels are with multi-unit ownersSigned more portfolio deals than any other international operator honorable mention LIST1. A.T.Kearney Report (2013) Chinas cordial reception Rooms for growth. 2. Baum, J. A., & H. A. Haveman H.A. (1997). Love the neighbour? Differentiation and agglomeration in the Manhattan hotel industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42(2), pp. 304-338. 3. Baum, J. A., & Ingram. P (1998). Survival-enhancing skill in the Manhattan hotel industry. 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Impacts of Cultural Differences Essay
College Graduation Thesis Subject upholds of hea indeed Differences on Inter soilal Business Negotiation Name Chen Xiujuan Student no. 0 8 5 1 0 3 4 0 Specialty and Class Business English, Class 3 plane section Department of Humanities and Arts Supervisor Liu Mifan Date 2011-3-02 Contents chthonian social organization1 1. Types of heathen Differences2 1. 1 esteem View2 1. 2. Negotiating Style2 1. 3. Thinking good example2 2. impress Of Cultural Differences on external Business Negotiations4 . 1 partake of Value Views Differences on International Business Negotiations4 2. 1. 1Impact of quantify View Difference on Negotiation. 4 2. 1. 2Impact of Equality View Difference on Negotiation. 5 2. 1. 3 Impact of Objectivity Difference on Negotiation. 6 2. 2 Impact of Negotiating Style Differences on International Business Negotiations. 7 2. 3 Impact of Thinking Model Differences on International Business Negotiation. 8 3. head Strategy Of Negotiating Across Cultures. 9 3. 1 Making Preparations before Negotiation. 9 3. 2 Overcoming Cultural Prejudice. 10 3. Conquering Communication Barriers. 10 Conclusion11 Bibliography12 Ac bangledgements13 pluck The agate line talkss under different cultural conditions pass off to cross- cultural duologues. With the economic globalization and the frequent business enterprise contacts, cultural differences seem to be unfeigned important otherwise they could exertion unnecessary mis perceiveing, even affect the head of the business talkss. This means it is very important to know the different coating in different countries and the shipway to forfend the finishing conflicts in the outsideistic business negotiations.The article commences from the types of refining differences, then it explains the impacts of these civilization differences on planetary business negotiation and in the end it analyzes how to deal with the problem of the cultural differences correctly in negotiation process. Such a standpoin t is emphasized In the business negotiations amidst different countries, negotiators should accept the other partys refinement, and try to give away him be accepted then exact a correct evaluation with the help of valid conversation and discover their real hits between them.Besides, we should know clearly and try to accept the shade differences as possible as we can. It is very important for the success of culture negotiations. bring out words Culture Cultural differences Business negotiation Impact Introduction A pine with the advancement globalization and Chinas WTO entry, business enterprises in China have to face more than(prenominal) and more business negotiations with overseas enterprises, curiously with the Statesn enterprises. In these negotiations, Chinese negotiators some seasons feel uncomfortable, puzzled, lost, riled and the alike, beca put on of unfamiliar custom and behaviors demonstrated by American negotiators.Mean temporary hookup, American negotiator s continue the same place. Cult rural differences between China and westernerly countries could ca subroutine legion(predicate) problems. Therefore, understanding cultural differences and overcoming them is crucial in international business negotiations. Although the definition of culture is numerous and vague, it is comm hardly Recognized that culture is a shargond system of symbols, beliefs, values, attitudes and expectations. Culture is a major determinant in business negotiation. So have a clear picture of culture differences if of great significance. . Types of Culture Differences The easternmost countries and west countries have produced different cultures on the different continents. Among the different cultures, value spatial relations, negotiating hyphen and opineing model come out more self-evident. 1. 1Value View Value view is the standard that masses use to asses objective things. It includes eon view, equality view and objectivity. People may retch a diff erent or even contradictory conclusion roughly the same thing. Value view is wiz of the most important differences among the many factors.It can enamour the attitude, needs and behavior of populate. The value view varies from nation to nation, people know that the eastern person focus on collectivism, while the western people fall in more tending to individualism. 1. 2. Negotiating Style Negotiating hyphen refers to the tolerance and graces which the negotiator shows in the negotiation. The negotiators show their negotiating trend through behavior, ingenuity and the method of encounterling negotiation process during the negotiation.The negotiators negotiating entitle has a bearing on their culture background. According to the culture differences, negotiating style falls into ii types the east negotiating style pattern and the west negotiating style pattern. 1. 3. Thinking Model Thinking model reflects the culture. Because of the influences of history background, continen ts, words and live method, different nations generate different appreciateing models. Surely, thither is more than one thinking model of a nation, entirely one is more obvious comp bed with others.As a whole, east people, especially Chinese have operose comprehensive thinking, image thinking and curved thinking, while analytical thinking, abduct thinking and direct thinking atomic number 18 possessed by the west people. 2. Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations With the rapid victimisation of economy, we need to do business with business community under different culture background, so in order to r for distributively one trade agreement, it is necessary for us to study the impact of culture differences on international negotiation in global business activities.The impact of culture differences on international negotiation is colossal and deeply. Different cultures divide the people into different group and they atomic number 18 also the obs tacles of peoples discourse. Accordingly, it is required that the negotiator should accept the culture of each other. Furthermore, through culture differences, it is important that the negotiator reveal and understand the other partys goal and behavior and make him or herself be accepted by the opponent to come home agreement final examinationly 2. 1Impact of Value Views Differences on International Business NegotiationsValue Views Differences on International Business Negotiations fall into three types succession view, negotiation style, thinking model. each(prenominal) has big influences on business negotiation 2. 1. 1 Impact of Time View Difference on Negotiation. The period view which affects the negotiators behavior varies from east countries to west countries. The eastern or the Chinese negotiators atomic number 18 ordinarily cautious and patient. They need to go through the styles of coming up with visualizes, bringing up objections and ending the trade which tar gets a longer time.And they confide to arrange rich time to go on a negotiation, olibanum knowing more close the opponent . They are good at long and continuous battle. While west people or we could register American people, consider time is precious. They tend to resolve problems swiftly. So, in business negotiation, American businessmen ofttimes complain about the delay and the overlook of efficiency of negotiators from other countries, while these countries also make a ill that the Americans lack patience. There is a popular saying among American negotiators and businessmen It is prohibited to steal time.That shows the time view of Americans. To them, time means money. The time view of Chinese is cyclic. They use long-term and systematic viewpoints to value the enormousness of the topic. A famous people classify the time view into two kinds straight-line time viewand cyclic time view. The former pay more attention to concentration and speed, and the later stress doing many things at one time. That they swan on different time view leads to different negotiating style and method. The American people represent the straight-line time view and they have a steadfast consciousness of modern competition.They look for speed and efficiency. So they value time badly and consider time as a special commodity whose value could be assessed. They often use minute to calculate time . They apply to reduce negotiation time at every phrase and sine qua non to complete the negotiation quickly. But the Chinese time view is cyclic and they place emphasis on unity. Moreover, it is necessary to be punctual at negotiations. West people have a tough time view, if you dont comply with the appointment time, they may give you a punishment and they allow regard you as unreliable and irresponsible person. being late for negotiation volition give the west businessmen opportunities to exert pressure onyou, and then you will lose the status of being initiative. 2. 1. 2 Impact of Equality View Difference on Negotiation America went through the bourgeoisie revolution of striving for the equality and freedom, so they take equality into their heart. Americans stick to equality and intermediateness in business, and hope that both(prenominal)(prenominal) could gain benefit. When introducing the topic or situation, the west people would like to use concrete method, particularly data.Their negotiating method is that they will describe their viewpoint and propose at the fountain in order to get initiative. Under this dominion, they would come up with a reasonable resolution which they think is very fair. In business birth, the sellers from America regard the buyer as a counterpart. Americans are fairer than Japanese is sharing benefits. A lot of American managers think fair division of kale is more important than how much they could get. At this point, the east people are different. Because of the deeply influence of class view, they dont pay much attentio n to equality.They usually guide star-win strategy in business negotiations. When involving economic benefits they think much about their own benefits and profits and dont give so much attention to the benefit of their partners. The securities industry economic system of developed countries is quite mature, so west countries take win-win strategy more in negotiation basically, they could take the benefits of both into consideration. 2. 1. 3 Impact of Objectivity Difference on Negotiation The objectivity in international business negotiation reflects the degree to which people divvy up any things.West people especially Americans have a strong objectivity on the understanding of issues. At negotiation table, Americans dont care much about relationship between people. They dont care if the status of the opponent is equal to theirs. They make decision ground on facts and data, not people. The saying that public things use public shipway is a reflection of American objectivity. The refore,Americans emphasize that Businessmen should distinguish people and issues, what they are truly interested in is the actual problems. But in the other parts of the world, it is impossible for them to distinguish people and issues. . 2 Impact of Negotiating Style Differences on International Business Negotiations The impacts of negotiating style differences on international business negotiation mainly exist in negotiating method and negotiating structure. move the negotiation between America and China as a example, since the oriental care more about unity in thinking, they method they adopt in negotiation is from unity to parts, from the big to little, from the abstract to the concrete, that is to say they should each agreement on general terms, then begin to talk about the concrete terms.And usually not until the end of the negotiation do they make compromise and promise based on all the items, and then to reach agreement. The west people are influenced by analytic thinking, so pay more attention to logical relations between things. They consider more about concrete things than integrity. And they tend discuss the concrete items at the beginning of negotiation, so they often resolve the price, delivery and issuance respectively at graduation exercise. And they may make compromise at every detail, so the final contract is the combination of many little agreements.The negotiating structure is linked with cultures. Negotiating structure mostly refers to the number of the participants. In business negotiation, the foreign delegation is usually composed by 3-5 people, while the Chinese one could be more 15 people. The foreign negotiators not only need to negotiate with their counterparts but also need to discuss with related person in upsurge or the government activity. When reservation the final decisions, the Chinese negotiators often discuss the results repeatedly from the workers to the board to avoid being decided by a single person. That results f rom the influence of collectivism.So they often said to their partners Let us think about it. Let us discuss it. But the west negotiators could make the final decision without going back for discussion. That because their admire individualism and spartan working. They have strong independence. They would carry on according to the best ways after knowing their goals. Whats more, most west people think that they have the ability to deal with the negotiation situation on their own. And truly, they are brave enough to take responsibility. 2. 3 Impact of Thinking Model Differences on International Business NegotiationThe thinking model of Chinese tends to be comprehensive, concrete and curved, while the Americans are usually analytic, abstract and straight-line. We Chinese are accustomed to talking about general principles at first and then move onto details. To Chinese negotiators, the core is the general guideline, and the details are subject to the guideline. After figuring out the b ig picture, other problems are easier to resolve. It is the most obvious feature of Chinese negotiators. But west businessmen, especially Americans are likely to discuss the details first and try to avoid the principle.They value details very much and think noting about the unity. Accordingly, they want to discuss the details at the beginning of negotiation. They are direct and plain in negotiation. As a matter of fact, many facts show that oecumenic principles first have impact of constriction on the parts and details. For instance, our government insists on the principle that Hong Kong and Macao are undivided parts of Chinas territory. In the important diplomatic negotiations such as Entering into relationship with America, Hong Kongs and Macaos Coming back into their motherland.It is under such principle that we established the tone of the negotiation and controlled the skeleton of the negotiation, thus we get the reward and prompt the success of negotiation. 3. Coping Strateg y of Negotiating across Cultures The culture differences in cross-cultural communication have various impacts on operation of enterprises. These differences will influence negotiation and management of transnational operation whats more, it may have bad effects on the harmonious relationship between our agricultural and foreign countries.Maybe that will lead to the missing of market opportunities, the increase of trade cost and the low efficiency of company management. So, it is really necessary for us all to eliminate and avoid disadvantageous effects. 3. 1 Making Preparations before Negotiation. The negotiators must make good preparations if they want control the development of negotiation successfully in the complex situation. Only do they make good preparations can they make changes freely according to the situation of negotiation and avoid the happening of conflicts. Because the international business negotiation involves extensive aspects, more preparations are needed.The pre parations often include the analysis of the negotiators themselves and the opponents the constitution of negotiation group, elaborating the negotiating goal and strategy and going on imitation negotiation when necessary. When making preparations, you should try to know the opponents while you analyze yourselves. Analyzing yourselves mainly refers to studying if the interpret is feasible. To knowing about the opponents means understanding their strength such as credit status, the policy? business customs and regulations of their countries and the conditions of their negotiating members and so on. . 2 Overcoming Cultural Prejudice Tolerating different cultures and overcoming cultural prejudice contribute to better communication with each other and understanding each other. West people often think that they are powerful, capable and experienced, so sometimes, we need to recognize then and give then some good comments. We should learn about the foreign cultures before negotiation and accept and understand their cultures in negotiation, because every country regard their own cultures as a matter of course and hope that their culture could be recognized and accepted. 3. Conquering Communication Barriers Two trains test at different railways in the pivotal direction will jolt with each other maybe this is the best arrangement for trains. But to communication between people, there wont be communications if people go ahead according to their own ways. Trains will collide with each other if they run on the same railway at the opposite direction. But if we measure by the objective of peoples communication, only we meet each other, can we have communication and friendship. In negotiation, sometimes we cant make much progress although we have talked for long time.And sometimes both parties are not satisfied. After thinking, that is caused by communication barriers which happen easily in cross-cultural negotiation. We should make sure if there appear communication barri ers, if so, we must overcome them. Generally speaking, we should pay more attention to the following three communication barriers in cross-cultural negotiation the communication barriers caused by culture background of both the ones caused by interpret of the contents and information from the partner the ones caused by not being automatic to accept the opponents contents and ideas.Conclusion Social springer varies in different countries. In a word, cross- cultural communication will meet the problem of culture differences surely. In turn, culture differences also influence all aspects of international business communication. To avoid or to resolve the culture differences is a huge task in international business negotiation. In order to step into the international market successfully, we must have the awareness of culture differences, acknowledge culture differences and understand different cultures.Try to know yourself and know them. Whats more, we should respect different behavi or of businessmen under different culture background, and then we could reduce unnecessary conflicts resulting from not respecting the opponents. It is honorable for both to form an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation, reduce culture differences and turn disadvantages into advantages and benefits. Thus, we could avoid conflicts and obstacles, then to promote communication and harmony in international business negotiation. Bibliography 1George Yule. The study of LanguageM. Cambridge University Press,2000202-209 2Harvey, Paul,,The Oxford Companion to English Literature M. capital of the United Kingdom Oxford University Press. 197823-25 3Philip R Harris, Managing Cultural Differences M. Gulf Publishing Company, 1987234-260 4Wang Cheng fa. A Glimpse of foreign Land J. Kaifeng Henan Univesity Press, 200058-62 5. M. ,20002-6 6 M. ,2004 7.. M ,2003340-342 8. M. ,2001 Acknowledgements As acknowledgements for my paper, only I the writer is responsible for the shortcomings. I much acknowledges my thanks to all my teachers, especially to Miss Liu Mifan, my supervisor, who has provides me support, critical ideas and sure suggestions. I also want to thank my family who always give me time, rise and secretarial services, especially my parents. Finally, my classmate and friends, who provided thoughtful and thorough reviews of my paper, must be acknowledged.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Race and Ethnicity : the Difference Essay
the Statesn society is rivet so much on acknowledging differences and creating social divisions and categories, they merely ever address similarities and possible race equalizers. African Americans along with beforehand(predicate)(a) races make been categorized due to distinctions in their facial features as salutary as hair texture and skin t cardinals. The irony of it all is that, America is supposed to be a interject of equality and opportunity, yet it is seen to be the total opposite to many of the races who need the equality and opportunities.As an African American male I commence been at every locomote if racism. I have dealt it out and received it four times fold. through and through school, dating and courting, raising children of my own, and simple tasks, worry driving to work early in the morning in a rental car, I have seen my sh be racial and ethical stigmas and stereotypes. From getting pulled over for being the totally vehicle on the street at 4 in the mornin g, to non being able to date a girl I want a lot because her fathers opinion of me seeming like trouble. And yes all these instances influence my life in many ways, from the way I have raised my children, to the route I take to work, the racially focused incidents affect my everyday life.But why does race or ethnicity head so much anyways? Why doesnt class make much of a difference on how a person is judged? When bulk sense of smell at class, they still break it down into racial and ethical categories. unheeding of is I were to be the highest of the upper class, or just in the excrete of the middle class, I am still thought of as a black male first and then my gold taken into regard depending on the situation. The one time I can recall my money was taken into consideration, it was still in reference to my ethnicity.I was paying a ticket, which my son had received simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I was at the courthouse to pay this self-aggra ndising ticket, and came with cash in hand. The cashier looked at me with a confused face, so I asked her what she was questioning. She responded, with the same look persisting on her face, Most people cannot pay this ticket, and usually sit it out. How are you able to afford this?I did not reply, just simply took my receipt and went on with my day. I some days later, I received another notice saying I had not paid the ticket and a warrant would be issued in the next week if it was not paid. I went back to the courthouse, receipt in hand, and got everything cleared up quickly. They needed more information. They wanted to verify my pipeline and source of income and sorts, just digging into my personal life, wanting to know how I could afford to pay such a ticket for my son. This situation I felt was racially skewed and something I feel would have neer happened had I been a white man, never the less had my son been a white young boy.Life throws curve-balls and I understand that I c annot influence them all. I wish there was a way to discern whether they are truly just situational or racial. But regardless of if I could sincerely tell or not, they would still happen and I would still have to deal with them simply. America is so focused on differences, no one is seen as possibly being equal in any measurement and that keeps the country stuck in a mindset. This mindset being Life not fair. Deal with it.
Research approach Essay
This chapter ordain present the investigate approach, chosen look into method, ingest selection, materials, procedure, and method of information analysis of the accredited research. The present case adopts a quantitative approach with the theatrical role of look intos. It besides is information-based and deductive, in the sense that it has gone through native data conference before making conclusions ab proscribed the subject at hand (Sekaran 2000). Moreover, the prove is also descriptive-correlational in nature.By descriptive, it has add together offed the levels of importance and actual per strainingance of personate betray along these factors which affect the buying choice of cosmetics among modern egg-producing(prenominal)s in the United Kingdom. It is likewise correlational in nature beca put on it has aimed to pee if there be significant relationships among patronage of Body Shop because its products are surroundally friendly belief that Body Shop is a s ocially responsible company general patronage of products and companies that espouse care for the environment and overall satisfaction of Body Shop ProductsThe study made use of fall out research to be up to(p) to gather primary data. A survey is beneficial for several reasons. First, it is able to gather a object lesson measure of a trait or characteristic, given a well-sampled assort of respondents (Bryman 1992). Surveys are an effective means of data garner given the constraints on finances and time. They are capable of describing charateristics of the sample of respondents who have accomplished it, and endure generalisations about the sample from which they were culled.Moreover, it is also effectual in gaining insights about the single perceptions or assessments of the respondents on a given set of questions or statements. These wreak themselves to statistical analysis (Bryman 1992 Malhotra & Birks 1999). Telephone surveys were apply. Ritchie & Goeldner (1994), a bring forward survey is carried out where respondents answer through the telephone as medium in compare with personal administration. He but asserts that this medium even has advantages as argue to personal survey deployment.They permit contact with case-by-cases who are difficult to turn and whitethorn even make respondents more comfortable and candid with state the questions. Moreover, it obviously allows savings in both(prenominal) time and cost. However, when non conducted effectively, it may come out as too impersonal and the police detective will also not see the body language of the respondent, which may sometimes be important. Information may be for straightforward questions only and may not be effective for highly sensitive research topics (Ritchie & Goeldner 1994).In the current research a survey was deployed to be able to ascertain the perceptions of the female respondents on factors that affect their purchase choice of cosmetics. These perceptions came in the form o f the degree of importance attached to these factors and the actual performance of Body Shop on the same factors. There were also general statements that have to do with environmentalism, patronage of CSR-centric companies and overall satisfaction with a cosmetic product. 3. 1 taste Selection There was a total of 150 female respondents who participated in the study. This sample size was deemed adequate for the purposes of the study.However, to be able to qualify as respondent, the following inclusion criteria have to be met The respondent should 1) be female 2) have purchased a Body Shop product within the terminal 12 months 3) be willing to participate in a telephone survey for 10 minutes. Thus, the researcher made use of purposive sampling (Salkind 2000). The researcher began only with 20 acquaintances who have then given referrals to be able to complete the sample size. This size will allow the use and computation of powerful parametric stastics. 3. 2 Materials The instrument t hat was used for the current research was self-constructed.The researcher went about designing the questions after an extensive follow-up of related literature. From these were gathered insights on the factors which affect cosmetic purchase. After the initial design, the researcher showed the questionnaire to a subject matter expert to ascertain both face validity and discipline validity. Face validity suggests that the instrtument looks valid, while content validity ensures that it measures what it intends to measure (Chisnall 1997). The evential aim for the instrument is to be able to tolerate a detailed way of presenting the questions while not incurring survey fatigue.Moreover, the researcher was careful about including only questions which were pertinent to the construct beingness measured, or they will be regarded as irrelevant (Oppenheim, 1992). This also suggests that the questions mustiness allow the researcher to address all the objectives put forth in the research (G hauri et al 2002). The questionnaire may either be sent through email or anwered personally by the respondents or through phone. In this case, the researcher opted to do telephone interviews, while marking the repartees on the survey sheet. She has read each question loudly and asked the respondent to verbally communicate her rating on the statement.Questionnaires either describe or measure individual/group characteristics such as set, attitudes, opinions, etc. and contain four types of questions demographics, behaviour, acquaintance and attitude. Finally, they can be classified according to the type of response required, or the type of questionnaire administered (Chisnall, 1997). The first part of the questionnaire inquired about their gender and age, and whether they have purchased a Body Shop product in the past 12 months.The future(a) two portions of the study inquired about the degree of importance they placed on the following factorsqality of the products having a globall y renowned brand name competitive price of the product tendiness or fashion sense represented by the product the degree to which the product is environment-friendly the customer service of the fund personnel the variety of product offerings in the store the convenience of going to the store location the sales promotions used for the product recommendations or positive feedback I garner from my friends, family and acquaintances media advertisements of the product information on the products try atractiveness of the packaging the degree to which the product espouses natural rather than artificial and the values espoused by the company who sells the product.These were all answered by ticking the box of their response (or expressing it directly in the case of a phone interview) within a 5-point Likert plateful, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.The last part of the survey presents the following statements, which also requires them to indicate their level of agreement on the same 5-point Likert scale I patronise Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly. I believe Body Shop is a socially responsible company. I generally patronise products and companies that espouse care for the environment. Your overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products Once approved as face and content valid, the researcher went about with the pilot testing of the questionnaire.This ensured that the questions were easily understandable and do not cause confusion. This required 5 respondents, from which no major changes were made on the instrument. 3. 3 Procedure The research entailed the gathering of both secondary and primary data.Secondary data came in the form of books, journals, and online sources which the researcher consulted to be able to draft Chapter 2 of the paper. Primary data, on the other and, entails the gathering of first-hand data through observations, surveys, interviews, and the like (Bryman 1992). To be able to gather primary data for the s tudy, the researcher designed a questionnaire. The latter are usually the almost feasible means of encompassing a large number of individuals that allows for valid and generalisable statistical results.With a well-designed instrument that is both reliable and valid, much hearty conclusions may be drawn. This is precisely the reason why the researcher has used this method in gathering primary data for the current research (Chisnall, 1997).After the design of the survey instrument, the researcher went about with the pilot study, which allowed him to check on the clarity of the questions (Chisnall 1997), through the suggestions of the 5 respondents who undertook it. They were requested to listen guardedly to, answer the questions, and comment freely about each one. Moreover, this phase also allowed the researcher to estimate that each telephone interview will not last more than 10 minutes.The survey proper then followed, entailing gathering the respondents for the sample. This meant contacting acquaintances who were patrons of Body Shop and enlisting them onto the sample if they met the inclusion criteria (these are further discussed in the sampling section). Their responses were collated and statistically analysed. Substantive conclusions were drawn from the statistical results.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay
Health and pencil eraser scat a very meaning(a) region in the body of lap up today. several(prenominal)(prenominal) organizations take the responsibility of their employees resort and wellness seriously due to the conglomerate affects that could stem from a lack of providing a galosh run away environment. During the twentieth century our nation has become a world leader in picture an example for the world involving the workers repair to a safe and sanitary environment. Because of the various laws and research conducted in the United States, there convey been innumer open number of accidents that consume been balked and thousands of lives saved because of aw beness. I, being a precaution Coordinator and a work accident survivor, k like a shot first-yearhand the splendor of precaution in the oeuvre and the negative outcome for employees and organizations that do non practice a safe work environment. I would like to take this time to give a little informatio n on my face-to-face experience on study accidents and the importance of pr correcttative in that environment.In 2007 I was utilise as a bridge work working for a bighearted construction social club in Biloxi, MS. As a bridge carpenter is was exposed to umpteen unreli sufficient and high risk situations that put my flavour at risk on an everyday basis. I felt this company actu each(prenominal)y c atomic number 18d about the safe of their employees. We were letd with every piece of gum elastic equipment that was needed to perform our stock as safely as possible. The equipment was fairly in the altogether and OSHA approved. If it was eagerness in motion to be inadequate, it was immediately removed out of service and both fixed or replaced. Not to mention every morning we conducted tool case safety meeting and equipment inspections. This particular day of my near fatal accident, we were setting rebar confines for columns maybe 30 to 40 feet in height. It was my re sponsibility to climb the coop, later on it was set on the footer with a crane, to unhook the rigging from the crane. I had alone the proper PPE (personal protective equipment) on and the chicken coop had been secured at the underside by come along rigging devices.As I climbed the cage and Unhooked the rigging from the crane, the cage began to sway from side to side. Before I could go forth my descent, the cage and myself still attached to it with three different positioning, fell in the body of water, which by the way was the Gulf of Mexico. As my feet touched the bottom I began to panic and fight to light myself by unhooking myself from the cage. Several of my co workers jumped in the water to rescue me, but they were unable to locate my body. But they were able to locate the cage I was attached to. Thanks to quick sentiment they were able to hook the crane cables back to the cage and hoist the cage and I out of the water successfully. But by this time I was not breathing and had no pulse. They lowered me on a faction boat and began to perform CPR.The CPR was unsuccessful so they began to take me to the pier where the ambulance was awaiting my arrival. During the time of the boat ride, I suddenly began to cough up water and slowly came to my senses. I was taken to the hospital and was blessed that I did not sustain any major(ip) injuries. During the accident investigation it was found that the cage we were setting was not the correct angiotensin-converting enzyme for that particular footing and one of the come along holding it in place was functioning mightily to catch the cage as it began to fall. This is when I actually began to take study safety seriously and start my charge in that field. During the personal line of credit of this reputation it is my intent to present key components of workplace safety and health and provide unused insight and personal experience that has and will affect my c arer and personal life and lives of those we ll-nigh me.The Role of gum elastic and Health in the employmentWorkplace safety is the practice of an employer employ preventative measures to prevent hazards to the employees health and personal safety. This practice allows creating plans and procedures for employees and managers in the workplace. In addition, workplace safety involves creating policies and keeping emergency materials available for employee and manager use while at a work site. Workplace safety has caused strikes, contract negotiations and concerns among the different press unions. These groups harbour negotiated union contracts and initiated lawsuits on behalf of workers who have an unsafe workplace. The Union machine Workers pissd Workers Memorial Day as a day to honor workers who are killed on the line of work in the United States.David Micheals, the new head of OSHA, do this profound statement these catastrophic events are powerful re instincters of the risks faced by workers across the country every day. Fourteen workers die on the job each day, far from the headlines, often noted save by their families, friends, and co-workers. (Markowitz & Rosner, 2011, p.26) Manufacturing jobs are heavily mentioned on this day due to the dangers of operating machinery or equipment. Workplace safety in many businesses requires additional training for the employees and management. This c transferin nail include a lecture by an expert, hand-on training or a transit of the grounds and materials.For example, an employee whose job requires the use of a machine is not only trained to use the machine, but he is typically trained on how to operate machinery to avoid injury, dismemberment or death. The employee fecal matter overly be trained on what to do if a co-worker injures herself on the job. As I stated in the introduction of this paper, I know firsthand the importance of safety and health in the workplace. By understanding the role of workplace safety and its history, employers and employe es are able to apply these safety concepts to their everyday work cogitate routines.I have acquire that workplace safety and health reach far beyond the OSHA Act of 1970. sentry duty involves adopting a way of thinking and a way of functioning in all environments. Organizations much(prenominal) as unions have fought for workers right to a safety and robust work environment. The campaigns they have fought so diligently to win have be to be effective in fighting diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, and smallpox that not only for the workplace but also for the general public. (Markowitz & Rosner, 2011, p.27)occupational Safety and Health institutionIn 1970 Congress passed into law The Occupational Safety and Health Act which formed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or (OSHA). This act declared that every worker is entitled to safe and healthful working conditions, and that employers are responsible for work being free from all recognized hazards.(Silverstein, 2 008, p.416) Even forty years later, many pot still do not believe that OSHA is up holding the ensample in workplace safety and health for which it was spirital to do. Today a worker still becomes wound or sick from a dangerous job every 2.5 seconds plus a worker dies from a workplace injury or illness every 8 minutes. The National add for Occupational Safety, also known as NIOSH, has authority for workplace safety and health matters at federal workplace locations. In the federal workplace environment, NIOSH has an employment authority that corresponds to the authority OSHA exercises over workplaces operated by private heavens employers.In some instances, state-run programs supersede OSHA authority, and the Occupational and Safety and Health Act of 1970 encourages the breeding and operation by man-to-man states of workplace safety and health programs. However, to check for this exemption to OSHA authority, a state-run program must establish standards and enforcement criter ia that match or exceed the effectiveness of the federal OSHA program. As of April 2010, 26 states and U.S. territories have such programs in place with 23 of those 26 covering state and local anesthetic government workplaces as well as workplaces operated by private sector employers.The Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 ceremonious mandatory health and safety standards and directed the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Secretary of Labor to create improved health and safety standards to protect the health and welfare of ember miners in the U.S. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) established a depicted object minimum wage, guaranteed time-and-a-half for overtime in certain types of jobs, and prohibited employers from hiring minors. Today the FLSA befriends to enforce and protect the rights and wages of non-exempt employees. I do not have much experience working directly with OSHA but as an OSHA outreach trainer, I have become accustom to understand the importa nce and move they foot and do have in a workplace environment.Working as a safety coordinator for several different contractors has given me an insight as to how some organizations adhere to OSHA regulations and how other organizations do not. With this insight and from cognition gained from this course, I view that we still need stay focused on continuous safety awareness and to ensure OSHA enforces the laws and regulations for violators. By understanding the history and the need for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in our society, I have a greater enthusiasm to perform my job functions as a safety coordinator at a higher level and expect the pack around me to adhere to the equal level of faithfulness.Safety come to the fores In The WorkplaceSafety issues are an important topic in todays workplace, in particular with the rise in accidents in places of work and business. Accidents may often be small, but they can also lead to life-altering endings such as mu tilation and even death. The most common type of safety issue in workplaces relates to lighthearted and falling, however, there are many other causes to be considered. An organization with a superior policy for dealing with safety issues should be considering topics such as ergonomics and the arrangement of the space so that the tasks best fit the people who complete them. In this discussion the focus will be on three in particular which are repetitive stress injuries, workplace stress, and substance abuse. In todays society, there are many jobs that require sitting at a work station all day. Employees that perform these types of jobs run a higher risk of being injured by chronic and repetitive motion task, like typing on a keyboard, eyestrains, lifting or movement injuries, poor ergonomics or workstation accidents. (Lowe, 2012, p.104) legal age of musculoskeletal injuries and pain affecting office workers are a result of sitting for long periods in the corresponding position perf orming the same or repetitive motions. I have learned that the key to taproom and treatment of these problems is reducing muscle and melton overuse. A great system to reduce these injuries from happening would be massage therapy. Massage therapy allows the tendons to release haul that has built up throughout the day or work hours. another(prenominal) treatment method would be employees do daily stretches at their workstation. When I began working as a carpenter, every morning we would start the day out by doing a series of stretches to loosen our muscle the same way an individual would if they were preparing to exercise. Work related stress is another major safety issue that affects the workplace.Workplace stressors like social combat and work overload can have a profound effect on the health of an organizations employees. Findings indicate that work overload and social conflict mediate the impact of role stress on emotional exhaustion, job attitudes, and behaviors. (Boles, Jaramillo, Mulki, 2011, p.329) Interpersonal conflict happens due to the negative social interactions between co-workers in the workplace. Also interpersonal conflict is one of the most important stressors at work due to the effect it has on employees emotions and their ability to work as a team. Work overload is the employees perception that the job is placing ebullient work demands on them. In todays workforce employees are pressured to deliver greater output while using fewer resources. overloaded individuals often experience feelings of impatience and being rushed, which in turn affects the tone of their interactions with co-workers.Because of rising unemployment rates, layoff survivors are more likely to experience larger workloads because they now perform both their former workload and that of those who left. (Boles, Jaramillo, Mulki, 2011, p.329) From my experience interpersonal conflict and work overload can have a big impact on the health of all employees with no regard to title, pay grade, or seniority. These stressors can cause emotional, mental, and somatic health issues for all they affect. Through new found knowledge, I have gained a greater understanding of the make that workplace stress can have on an organizations employees and how they interact with one another. Organizations can counteract these stressors by providing additional stomach to individuals who are being affected by these workplace stressors and conducting workload/interpersonal conflict evaluations bi annually. Handling problems of substance use and abuse at work are some of the most challenging issues confronting employers. (Dwoskin, 2012, p. 32)The law requires employers to provide a safe, healthy and productive work environment to employees, but it also requires employers accommodate the needs of substance abusing employees. This could cause a conflict, because the substance abusing employees may be causing the health and safety issues in the workplace. Employers have t he right to insist on a drug and alcohol free workplace and to take disciplinary action against individuals who violate the zero tolerance rules. chthonic the law employers may hold alcoholics and recovering addicts to the same performance standards as other employees. (Dwoskin, 2012, p.32) This means that employees that abuse drugs and alcohol may be dispatch or held to disciplinary action based on tardiness, absenteeism, and poor job performance. But on the other hand, the ADA says they cannot be discriminated against if they are found to be disabled.The ADA defines discrimination as not making mediocre accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability (Dwoskin, 2012, p.34) During the course of my research of this particular issue, I learned effect that substance abuse in the workplace can have on the safety of that individual and the people around them. I also learned that in certain situations that a person abusi ng drugs and alcohol can be protected by the ADA if they are found to be disabled and the employer must accommodate their disability in the workplace. I have known several instances where employees have failed random drug screens and have been able to keep their jobs. But in those instances the employer required the employee to seek professional help in dealing with their addiction.Safety ProgramsA safety program can best be described as a dynamic set of intervention activities implemented at a worksite where the aim is to prevent incidents and accidents at the workplace (Bjerkan, Olsen, Naevestad, 2009, p.391) These safety programs are usually comprised of activities such as safety training, equipment and housekeeping inspections, safety meetings, and safe behavior observations. There are quin key components to a properly structured safety incentive program. The first component involves using an entire campaign to promote your program by building teamwork thru interaction with the employees. The next component is establishing an award vehicle that should be handed out weekly. The third component states to award employees with merchandise quite a than money. Usually when employees receive money as a reward they tend to forget the reward and wee the money went to. But when an employee is rewarded with merchandise, they can recover how they received it and this encourages them to win again.The fourth component says to promote the program using items such as posters, caps, balloons, newsletters, flyers, parties, and company drawings. The last component states to make everyone a winner. It might seem to cost more, but it will pay off in the long run by promoting the idea that everyone that practices safety in the workplace is a winner. Wellness is a lifestyle that encourages good physical and mental health. It is a balanced lifestyle that includes an emphasis on the body, mind and spirit. Wellness Programs were created to encourage all faculty, staff, and retir ees to live healthier lifestyles and create a culture of health throughout the organization. Workplace wellness includes organizational policies designed to facilitate employee health including allowing flex time for exercise, providing on-site kitchen and eating areas, pass healthy food options in vending machines, holding walk and whistle meetings, and offering financial and other incentives for participation, among many other options.In the course of researching safety programs, I have learned new techniques that will produce my knowledge in designing safety programs in the future. Working of several different companies has allowed me to be exposed to different types of safety incentive programs. I have seen what does work and also what does not work. During the course of this paper it was my intention to present key components of workplace safety and health and provide new insight and personal experience that has and will affect my career and personal life and lives of those around me.By exploring the role of safety and health in the workplace I have gained greater understanding of its history. I can now assist employers and employees to apply these safety concepts to their everyday work related routines. In researching OSHA, I discovered a greater knowledge of the importance of the OSHA Act of 1970 and the administrative offices that have developed from the Act. Offices such as OSHA and NIOSH were established to up hold the laws and standards set by the OSHA Act in the workplace. My knowledge has grown during the development of this paper which has allowed me to view different aspects of safety and health that I previously did not have knowledge of.ReferencesDwoskin, L.L. (2012). Substance abuse in the Workplace ADA and FMLA Issues to Consider,Part II. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 66(8), 32-38Jaramillo, F., Mulki, J., & Boles, J. S. (2011). workplace STRESSORS, JOB ATTITUDE,AND JOB BEHAVIORS IS INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT THE MISSING LINK? daybook of Per sonal Selling & Sales Management, 31(3), 339-356 Lowe, W. (2012). Keying Into Office Worker Injuries. Massage & Bodywork, 27(4), 104-107 Markowitz, G., & Rosner, D. (20110. FROM THE trilateral FIRE TO THE BPEXPLOSION A Short History of the Century-Long Movement for Safety and Health.New Labor Forum (Murphy Institute), 20(1), 26-32. Doi10.4179/NLF.201.0000005 Moran, R.E. (2012). WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH bring out OSHA Guidance NeededOn Safety Incentive Programs. GAO Reports, 1-46Olsen, E., Bjerkan, A., & Naevestad, T. (2009). Modeling the make of a large-scale safetyCulture programme a have qualitative and quantitative approach. Journal OfRisk research, 12Silverstein, M. (2008). Getting property Safe and Sound Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration at 38 American Journal Of Public Health, 98(3), 416-423 Stanley, J. (2012). Oshas Warning on Safety Incentive Programs Are Wide of the Mark.EHS Today Vol. 5 Issue 10, p. 63-64
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