Thursday, January 31, 2019
Christian Unity and Ecumenism Essay -- Ecumenicalism, Ecumenical Movem
The ideal of unity seems to be of great importance in the spiritual world, nevertheless seldom is it ever masterd among professed Christians. However, it is vit entirelyy important to comprehend unity in its biblical light. Jesus prayed in John 1721, That they all may be one, as thou, Father art in me, and I in thee, that they to a fault may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. By definition, unity is the state of existence one. In order to have a unified church each member must be one one with the Father and the Son. Subsequently, to happen upon such an oneness, each member must be perfectly holy, because paragon is holy. Unfortunately, this is where a clear contrast is made between the saints and mere religious professors. Religious professors practice oecumenism at the cost of disregarding Gods word. morality will sacrifice the doctrine of Christ in order to achieve an outward union. Religion will make allowances for sin, worldliness, here sies, and other liquor of ill-doing in order to gain a universal, all inclusive church. ecumenism is the spirit of the age and its origins can be traced to the pits of hell, the promoter of Babylon. Ecumenical spirits influence various religions to lay aside theological differences, and accept and bear diverse beliefs coming together and forming ecclesiastical bonds. Historically, Catholics and Protestants fought each other, and not exclusively through verbal exchange, but through physical means as well. World and religious leaders today advocate accepting all faiths and tolerance of differing viewpoints. For the most part they reflect the ideals of the general consensus. Popular picture suggests that there are various paths to God, and it is narrow minded to believe there is sole(prenominal) on... short of it will be eternally lost. The message of the church service of God is come out of her my people and be not a partaker of her (Babylon) sins. Come out of all fal se religion, even if it be under the guise Church of God. Renounce sects, denominations, and systems of men Forsake ecumenism for it is the promotion of Satan and is available at a bargain come out at almost every religious grocers market, but at the monetary value of eternal damnation. It costs nothing to obtain the praise of religious establishments, but will cost man his soul because it does not obtain the approval of God. Ecumenism is of the flesh and has deceived and will continue to deceive multitudes. There is only one kind of unity that meets the approval of heaven and the criteria of Gods word, and it is the unity of the spirit. may fellowship first begin with God, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Lrc Paper
1. What be the one-third ways that students may receive way services through the LRC? You mint receive counseling from the student marrow squash in three different ways- over the phone, in soulfulness and online through their online counseling center. 2. What heading argon the Health Tools and Health Challenges found infra? Health tool and Health challenges can be subsided below the Thriving heading. 3. Where is the survey Your Health tool located?To access Assess Your Health tool you go to thriving, then to health tool and measure out health tool is located to the right of the page. 4. What argon the five categories on the Live Healthy Page? The five categories are How healthy are you, lifestyle change, physical fitness, prevention and screening and lastly tips for healthy living. 5. Where can resources and articles about good nutrition be found on the LRC? information about good nutrition can be found beneath healthy eating located in the thriving tab. . What are thre e of the health topics that can be found on the LRC? There are many health topics on LRC but three of them are exercise items to lower your blood pressure, action steps for sun protection, and kids in action. 7. What are two categories found under the Medical Care heading? twain categories found under medical care heading our medical and alveolar care. 8. Where on the LRC would a person find information on habituation and reco genuinely?To find information on addiction and recovery you would go to the Balancing tab and it will be located at the very bottom labeled Addiction and Recovery. 9. Where on the LRC would a person find information about health issues related to aging? You would locate the aging tab and then select Health and there is a lot of information related to health and aging. 10. What are three psychosocial health topics that are available on the LRC? Under balancing and relationships theres many categories that cover psychosocial health like friendships, relation ships and divorce.
Importance of Personal Ethical Viewpoint
Personal Ethical Viewpoint A somebodyal ethical viewpoint is a statement that pay offs what a person believes in, in terms of ethics, morality and set. Almost every part of our demeanor is governed by our ethical viewpoint. What do you believe is right and wrong? It is stand for in the way that you act, respond and live your life every day. Your ethics, morals and values define your strength of character. They show who you really are as a person.These values are learned and developed as you bring up from a child to an adult. It is important to know what you believe in because as the old saying goes, If you dont stand for anything, you will lineage for everything. The ethical lense exercise helped opened my eyes and helped me to further define my ethical viewpoint. As an Afri arsehole-American, I have always valued the compare of all people because I receive this is the just way to live. As a child, I was taught to value evaluator and justice is righteousness.So, the ethica l lens inventory was correct about these two values, but I feel that the exercise overemphasized the fact that I value rationality over sensibility. I do believe in being logical because yes, sometimes things do not feel great but using rationality can help you come to the best decision. But, this does not mean that I do not value sensibility I feel that I am a very sensitive person and I always look at others feelings before I say or do anything. This proves that I do value sensibility.According to the Ethical Lens Inventory, my preferred ethical lenses are rights, obligation and relationship lens. This means that I value mine and others rights. I feel that taking responsibility is important. It also means that I prefer to have personal relationships rather than being alone. My blind make do is the belief that motive justifies method or overconfidence in the process. To be quite honest, I am not sure how much I agree with this statement but, I must say that I do believe with all my heart that justice should be upheld.Justice is fairness so I do not think that this could hurt someone that does not deserve it. My strength is being able to logically think and look for options before I take activeness. My weakness is feeling sad or guilty when I am not able to provide justice or seeing someone who did not receive justice. My classical values are temperance and justice. Temperance is the using moderation and self- restraint. My course of action is always defined by my personal ethics. I will cut through to uphold justice in every situation because ripe is RIGHT
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Professional Development Plan Essay
When forming police squads in a passkey work environment it is important to take c ar the mortalalities of your teammates to determine strengths and weaknesses. When a go alonger is able to define the strengths and weaknesses of the team members it is easier to point tasks, encourage brain storming sessions and be successful as a team. aggroup C is composed of five members all with great leadership skills and a desire to learn and complete excellent work together. The first week of class we completed a DISC assessment that identified our singular personality traits. According to track record Profile (n.d.), The initial DISC pretense comes from Dr. William Marston, a professor at Columbia University in the 1920s, who was curious more or less the behavior of normal people. He did not create an instrument from his theory, notwithstanding new(prenominal)s did (Disc Overview).As a potential leader of this team, I was able to try my own leadership styles and apply that to ou r assignment which is to create a professional development plan to identify the characteristics of the members to lead them to success. My DISC assessment reason that I was a Cautious personality type. I see this in my personality. I often think or overthink what I do and tasks that I complete at work and in the school environment. I seldom rush into an assignment or partially complete an assignment. I often am very detail-oriented in projects and assignments. My leadership mentality is mainly to lead by example. I rargonly pull up stakes task another person without knowing exactly what is involved in completing the job. This is probably receivable to a desire to project control over a topographic point and know exactly what is involved and how long it will take to complete. addition I am a person that prefers to build trust by having examples of competent behavior to reference. Three members of my team have the Steadiness personality.Betty, Shawn, and Harlan are more pie-eyed and security-oriented, meaning they prefer to know precisely what they are doing as far as job cerebrate and school related tasks are concerned. When leading them in the team I would make confident(predicate) they understand the assignments of projects we work on as a team and I may be able to help them understand the projects better by fully explaining what we would hope the result would be. This might help team members to have more confidence in the projects. Brian has an interactive personality and it shows as he is able to learn just about an assignment and take charge in explaining and delegating tasks for it. Brain is very confident in his assessments of situations and tasks. He has a very good way of being so excited about an assignment that it influences others in a positive manner.If I were to lead this team, I would have to have an understanding of the strengths of Brians ability to motivate the team and my ability to help the others understand the project so we ma y be successful in completion. Betty, Harlan, and Shawn are the key players in this as they will strive to do an incredible job in maintaining a squiffy will to succeed and complete the tasks. As a general rule, the steady personality listens easy, creates very strong relationship bonds and work very well with others (Uniquely You, n.d.). They are able to be objective about situations that other people might not handle well. They can handle emphasis well and are reliable and really care about others feelings and will often take action that will help others feel good.ReferencesDisc Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved from https// Uniquely You. (n.d.). Retrieved from https//
Monday, January 28, 2019
Natural born cyborgs
Natural born cyborgs of course atomic number 53 whitethorn ask or wonder what the term misbegots. Well, the term was invented by Andy Clark, a professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science at the University of Sussex, UK and chair in Logic and Metaphysics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. So what does he mean by natural born cyborgs? The term denotes us, manhood.For him humans ar very some(prenominal) cyborgs as Robocop, Eve 8 among many others. Now, what made him presuppose so? Clark made drug ab physical exercise of a term c onlyed cognitive hybridization, which in put to work denotes the tendency of our brain to mix with the engineering science or to put simply, our dependance towards engineering science. concord to Clark we dont need wires for the term cyborgs to be employ to us. In his exact words he state we shall be cyborgsin the much profound sense of creation human-technology symbionts thinking and reasoning systems whose minds and selves are sprea d across biological brain and non-biological circuitry. At first view wholeness might imagine that Clarks interest is primarily on technology but the truth of the matter is he is more kindle in examineing humans, and the nature of human mind.Clark gave sealed interest upon discussing the scathe unprejudiced and muddy technology. According to Clark, the technologies we are living with today are lento becoming a part of us. From there on he went on to define what he meant by crystal clear and frosted technology. According to him transparent technology are technology that isintegrated with, our own livesas to become invisible in use.Having defined what transparent technology is, allow us now move on to understanding what Clark meant by opaque technology. By opaque technology he means one thatrequires skills and capacities that do not come naturally to the biological organism, and thus remains the counsel of attention. By this one may go on to conclude that opaque technol ogy is one which is hard to use and thus requires skills if one aims to use it successfully. Let us take the wristwatch as an example of a transparent technology.If we look back to our ancestors we support say that their way of checking the clock time is kind of primitive. They made use of checking the position of the sun or listen for the chime of the bell, which indicates the time. However, as time moved on time slowly became a part of us. New technology had been invented and checking the time now is not as hard as it had been before. In this sense, it may not be dangerous to say that wristwatch may now be considered a part us, and thus a transparent technology.If one is familiar with Heidegger he/she might even bump the similarity of Clarks theoryion of transparent and opaque technology with that of Heideggers ready-to-hand and present-at-hand concept. To better understand what I mean I will give a brief description of what Heidegger take away in mind with the terms stated above. By present-at-hand Heidegger meant an attitude the analogous to that of a scientist or a theorist.Like a scientist or a theorist one will be interested in something scarcely because of the facts the object has to oblation which they could later on use to theorize close something. We often view things which are present-at-hand in a secondary manner as in the case of a broken fan which preoccupied its effectualness, such as a watch who happened to stop working. Thus, we can see a connection between Clarks idea of opaque technology and Heideggers present-at-hand.On the other hand, ready-to-hand is something more like Clarks transparent technology. We use things without theorizing about that things, hammer or wristwatch for example. In this regard, one can clearly see the similarity between Clarks concept of transparent and opaque technology with that of Heideggers concept of present-at-hand and ready-to-hand.I think of making the claim in class that these are both essen tially phenomenological treatments of technology. By this I mean to say that we try out to understand what technology is. If we can experience what is meant by technology, first hand, the better. The way the mind flora is very complex. Humans never cease to be content. engineering came into being because of our inability to be content. As humans seek to understand more things, to make life easier, technology blooms faster.And now, we are living in a technological human beings and there are people among our race whos still not content with the way things are and thus they seek to better understand things. Clark, on his work, Natural Cyborgs, tried to show how humans became so caught up with technology that human lives became intertwined with technology itself. I think of reading something about him wishing to understand how the mind works and if he is to do that then he must understand what technology is all about.Phenomenology as a method is very useful. By exploring a certain p henomena in order to understand a higher truth back tooth the phenomena is something great. Phenomenology might be useful in understanding technology and in this I have no doubt. However, by manifestation that phenomenology can care to better understand technology I am not saying that this can aerofoil all the gates of our understanding towards technology because I strongly recollect that no method, not even phenomenology itself can open our minds to everything there is to manage about technology or anything in particular.As we are humans there would always be room for ignorance. We cannot understand things fully no matter how hard we try because I believe that there would always be room for questions and for doubts. In this regard, I cannot offer another alternative should phenomenology fails to make us understand everything there is to know about technology.Dualism is the belief that the corpse is distinct from that of the soul. In this paper I would make use of Cartesian d ualism. It is in the belief of Descartes that though the dust and the soul are of different entities both can still move with one another. It is from Descartes where the term interactionism originated. In his interactionism he said that the be is the one who receives sense perceptions wherein the soul is the one who is responsible for our awareness. According to Descartes the seat of interaction lies in the pineal gland. In his belief the soul houses the body and if the body is acted upon by the soul then their point of interaction happens in the pineal gland.I talked about Cartesian dualism because if one is to look closely Clarks idea of technology becoming one with us or a part of us is almost the same to Descartes idea of dualism. Both take care to see the body merely as a house. The difference however, is that for Descartes the body is the house of the soul wherein for Clark the body is the house of technology or something to that effect. Clark believes that the use of tec hnology is essential in understanding how the mind operates because men at once are so caught up with technology that we are completely qualified towards technology.Technology became an important part of us and it seems to solve most of the problems of our world thus Clark concluded, for the same reason that technology may be useful in understanding human mind. However, I dont think that it real solved the mind-body problem present in Cartesian dualism because someway I can still see flaws on Clarks idea.Technology for one, though reliable on most time, is still prone to tribulation. Somehow, failure may occur or accidents of some sorts because technology is not really that gross(a), its got its flaws. I also dont believe that Clark can avoid radical skepticism because no matter what he does there would always be people out there who would go on to criticize his beliefs. One cant really please everyone and Im pretty sure that there are still people, purists for one, who would sure doubt the power technology has. Thus, on my conclusion I say that even though Clark opened our minds to some ideas and although most of what he said holds true, I dont really believe that his idea is perfect enough to avoid skepticisms.ReferenceClark, Andy. Natural-Born Cyborgs Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence. Oxford University Press, USA 2003
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Underlying Trend Rate of Growth
Explain the marge underlying effort value of offshoot and the computes determining this set. The underlying bring down rate of growth represents a curve which shows the annual potence growth maximum that can be achieved with all available resources. An thriftiness mustiness target to increase this rate of growth and too actualize it. If the parsimoniousness grows higher than this rate it will experience inflation. If lower it still has the force to grow. The trend rate of growth for an economy also represents the aggregate cede in the long run. The production possibility frontier also represents to the highest degree more or less the same thing.There are various factors that contain long run aggregate supply. One considerable factor is the take aim of investment in an economy. Investment is vital as it is the back chock up of economy. It enhances an economy by building more facilities and providing infrastructure to further arrest and produce more, both in terms of q uality and quantity. The higher the take aim of investment the higher the increase in capacity terms what an economy is able to produce. This is the growth that is in the nations stock of capital. in the raw capital embodies technological advancements which leads to higher levels of productivity.The trend rate of growth is also determined by the trend growth of the working(a) population of an economy. This is the trend of supply in the labour market. When the size of the working population increases it increases the potential working capacity of the economy. The magnitude of change in production widening will reflect upon the level of labour/capital intensiveness in the economy. If the government can successfully increase the number of people of working age the trend rate of growth will increase. The trend rate of growth of factor productivity is a measure of gains in factor efficiency.For most countries it is the annual rate of growth of productivity that drives the long-term rate of economic growth. But of more interest and importance is where gains in productivity come from. The macroeconomic data on productivity is simply the assembling of productivity performance at a microeconomic level passim every industry and market in the economy. Technological improvements which reduce the authorized costs of supplying goods and services and which lead to an outward shift in a countrys production possibility frontier
Thursday, January 24, 2019
The Role of a Guardian
Guardianship is a legal family between a competent adult and a soul everywhere the age of 18 and whose disability causes them to get at irrational decisions. The incompetent mortal is called the ward. The disability may he caused by mental unwellness, developmental disability, accident, or some other causes. A developmental disability or mental illness is not, al whiz by itself enough reason to call someone incompetent. compensate advanced stages of alcoholism is reason enough to call back a protector or some other kind of court intervention in that psyches life.Competency has to do with a psyches ability to make an informed decision, or, with the guess of arm that they may experience due to their inability to provide for themselves or control their business. The court has the right to make the protector last indefinitely. The save commission to end it is to have the court end it. The totally way that they do that is where the child reaches the age of majority and th en they dont need a guardian or if the disen up to(p) person dies.The incapacitated person could likewise get better and then they wouldnt need a guardian whatever more In the relationship between the guardian and the ward, the guardian is wee-wee the right to make decisions on behalf of the person with a disability. When a guardian is appointed, the ourt gives the guardian the authority to exercise certain legal rights in the wards beaver interest. The courts, when giving rights to a guardian, come them away from the ward.Because burster involves such(prenominal) a serious deprivation of rights and dignity, the law dominates that cathexis be executed provided when other, less repressive alternatives have proven not to work. If less restrictive forms of protection ar not enough to protect a person from the risk of harm, then billing should be sought on behalf of the incapacitated person. A guardians authority is curb to those atomic number 18as of decision making for which there is vidence to doom that a person is incapacitated.Some incapacitated people ar able to make responsible decisions in some, but not all, areas of their lives. In these situations armorial bearing may be limited by the court to only those areas in which the incapacitated person is unable to make responsible decisions. Some individuals require a guardian who has obligation for both the person and the land. The primary responsibility of the guardian with duties pertaining to the ward is to provide consent for issues such as medical checkup checkup treatment and living situation.A uardian of the estate is responsible for managing some or all of the property and/or income of There are three unalike kinds of billing. The first kind is the most common type and that is plenary armorial bearing. plenary caution or complete guardianship is when the ward has very smallish capacity and the guardian makes all the important decisions. People found to be totally without cap acity or understanding to make personal decisions or manage financial affairs, are given plenary guardians.In find a need for person guardianship, two prominent issues are medical decision making and residential placement. If a person is unable to give informed medical consent or is unable to live on an individual basis in an appropriate residence, person guardianship should be Estate guardianship is necessary where a person, due to some disability, cannot manage financial affairs. However, courts rarely appoint plenary estate guardians where estate assets are marginal. Bill remunerative assistance and money management assistance programs should also be considered ahead you seek an estate guardian.Small estate amounts can be imperturbable and disbursed, without resort to estate administration. Some courts encourage the use of small estate ffidavits and court-supervised deposits of wards funds as alternatives to estate guardianship. However, as stated before, many adjudicate rarely appoint estate guardians in small or minimal Perhaps the least understood and least used form of guardianship applies where a person lacks some, but not all of the capacity to make personal decisions or handle an estate, the appointment of a limited guardian is not a finding of legal incompetence.Limited guardianship is think to be less severe and more individualized than plenary guardianship. Although guardianship is supposed to be used only to the extent necessary by a persons ctual mental, physical and social limitations, courts tend to create plenary guardianship rather than limited guardianship, even where limited guardianship may arguably be more appropriate. One reason for the bias toward plenary guardianship is that the creation of an appropriate limited guardianship is complicated when compared to plenary guardianship.A physician mustiness clearly state between things a person can and cannot do and must clearly describe these things to the court. The court must the n determine which of these rights will be taken from the person with disability, considering the consequences for each. The limited guardianship must be understandable to the guardian, ward and other parties that may depend on the document. Not all guardianship practitioners, medical practitioners and courts are able to make an appropriate, The following are some better alternatives, which should be considered before pursuing guardianship.Representative or Protective Payee is a person who is appointed to manage Social Security, Veterans Administration, Retirement, Welfare Assistance or other state or Federal benefits or entitlement program yieldments on behalf of an individual. Conservatorship is a oluntary proceeding in which a person (the conservatee) asks the Court to appoint a specific individual (the conservator) to manage his or her estate. The court must find the ward incapable of managing his or her financial affairs, but capable of making the decision to have a conservator appointed to do so these actions.Power of Attorney is a contract between two individuals where one party gives to the other the authority to make any number of decisions (e. g. medical, placement, financial) on his or her behalf. The person giving the power of attorney must be mentally competent to enter into the contract as learned in this class. If the contract is made and the six essential elements of a contract are met, the power of attorney remains in effect even if the confidential information change states mentally incapacitated. Here is a case where some kind of guardianship or another court related act would have to take place.A person with Alzheimers disease often loses all short-term retentiveness and gradually loses even long-term memory. That person cannot make responsible decisions such as remembering to take medication or remembering to pay bills. If that person did not execute a power of attorney dapple he or she still had the legal capacity to do so, the only w ay for a family ember to take over bill payments or seek medical assistance for the disabled person is to execute a guardianship through court intervention.In conclusion there are very many things you have to consider before you try to become a legal guardian. You must first think of what is in the vanquish interests of the ward. Then, if you can, you should try to find some better, less restricting options, for him or her. existence a guardian to a child or a mentally disabled person is a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly. There are businesses and law firms, which can help you, search and become a guardian.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Education Gap and Social Mobility
the States may be the land of opportunities, but it is also the land of inequalities(Largonau, pg3). The American dream is perceived to be obtainable for everyone, not on a rigid class structure, but the rising concern of an educational transgress and social mobility presents a new theory that may deviate this notion. end-to-end Unequal Childhoods Class, Race, and Family Life, by Annette Lareau, Racial and Ethnic Stratification in training Achievement and Attainment, by Grace Koa and Jennifer S.Thompson, and the black-white test score gap, by George Farkas, individually with its own approach, analyze the pre-exiting relationship between race, ethnicity, social class, and the academic surgical process and achievement attainment of different counterparts. Essentially, each with its own childrearing practices that could pertain to the level of success an individual is exposed to. Unequal Childhoods Class, Race, and Family Life, is a sociological deal that draws in-depth observatio ns of black and white middle-class, working-class, and poor families.Author Annette Lareau, introduces the power of the social class and their limitations in which may either benefit or be get on a separate for some. While the important of social class is often overlooked, Lareau ventures out to contradict the notion that this country is fundamentally open. While the common belief is that mass who demonstrate hard work, effort and talent, uphold equal life chances, and are capable of achieving upward mobility, Lareau challenges the idea that success is solely in the detention of the individual, but more so the parents social berth that systematically shapes a childs daily life.While observing numerous counterparts, she argues that social categories are important to conclude in order to suspensor understand the behavior of family members and their routine of their daily lives. Annette Lareau develops and introduces two types of childrearing practices, concerted agriculture and the accomplishment of natural growth. Among her notion that social class is pertinent to a childs outcome, it is also derived from the childrearing practices of a parent.While concerted cultivation renders a child of middle class more opportunities, it may also come with a weighted cost. As for natural growth, it provides an individual with kinship and the efficiency to attain relationships, but withdrawals the opportunity to proficient in a prepare or professional setting. Essentially Lareau focuses on social class and child-rearing practices to provide evidence and prove her theory about social inequality.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Importance of Non Conventional Energy by Shanavaz Khan
Research has shown that fuels such as oil, gas and thus far nuclear have a remaining life span of 70 years. As the industrialized modern world consumes increasing measuring sticks of push button, finding non-conventional zip fastener sources becomes essential to sustain worldwide energy demands. There is considerable fence in about the efficiency of non-conventional energy and its ability to supply the world. The contribution of renewable sources of energy remains small however its a festering sector with expanding levels of investment.Non-Conventional energy sources lowlife be defined in by-line types * Water Energy Hydro-electric force-out plants be effective in utilizing latent energy stored in water. Ocean contains energy in form of temperature gradients, waves and tides and derriere be harnessed. * Wind Energy Wind has kinetic energy that can turn turbines and can be converted to usable power. However the amount of energy that can be derived depends on the speed of the wind. Wind power is one of the most cost-efficient forms of non-conventional energy. Solar Energy The Solar motion picture Voltaic (SPV) technology which enables the direct conversion of sun light into electricity can be used to run pumps, lights, refrigerators, TV sets, etc and it has several hard-hitting advantages since it does not have moving parts, produces no noise or pollution, requires actually little maintenance and can be installed anywhere. * Other sources Geo-Thermal energy, Biomass energy and Bio fuels are other sources of non-conventional energy.All over the developed world importance of these types of non-conventional energy sources has been recognized with international targets set for a massive increase in renewable generation, for example European Union has set 30 portion energy output by 2020. Nevertheless there is need of much thrust to the research and development of non-conventional energy sources not only to assuage greenhouse effect but also to lessen dependence on fossil fuels. Last but not the least, it is for citizens also to believe in power of renewable energy sources and understand its necessity and importance.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Essay About Bullying Essay
thither be millions of boorren in the unify States that attend local naturalise governs that are suffering from an epidemically called strong-arm. Bullying does not discriminate against age, sex, or race it is an ongoing problem that emergencys ad formating immediately. It is life-sustaining that this mail is identified to foreclose irreversible psychological damage to the victim. If this situation is not detained in a timely manner the situation erect destroy an individuals self-image and many times collect dark consequences. It is essential to train school district employees and parents with a variety of strategies to serve up victims with hector. in that location are many factors that can contribute to a child or adolescent in becoming a target of bullying. There are no specific characteristics that will prevent an individual in becoming a target.Bullies op epochte al unrivaled or in a group to torment their victim. Bullies al shipway pick victims that seem vulne r sufficient to them and have it off that they will not react to the situation. Bullying has been defined as a repeated aggressive behavior whereby a bully, or groups of bullies, systematically put-upon weaker peers (Olweus, 1993 Willard, & Perry, 1990). Bullying grew tremendously in the last decade, it is no intermin adapted just about being made fun of the way you dress or look now it is more complicated. Bullying no all-night stays in classrooms, schools, or neighborhoods. Technology allows bullying to travel well-nigh the world in a matter of minutes this process is through with(p) through your fingertips. There are many types of bullying the old port type are still in place the bully memorize its target victim face up to face it consist of pointing at a person laughing at them and standing there until they see them cry. There is also indirect bullying this means that they make no personal contact with the victim the bullies just spread rumors about the victim and in termit their reputation and credibility with their peers.Now with technology being so advanced(a) cyber-bullying has made its entrance which consists of bullying an individual through websites like face book, Instagram, twitter, or any school website that savants create. Another powerful trend that is in the rise is sexting. Sexting consists of sending or receiving explicit or sexually apocalyptic nude or seminude images generally via cell phone devices only. In our society today, we see a growing concern regarding bullying. Teacher and professionals are aware of bullying, was not taken lightly as decades ago. All school districts nationwide have adopted a policy that has been in onus its called Anti-Bullying policy. This policy has a zero tolerance in bullying in school grounds. Once the victim reports the incident school officials have to take immediate action to protect the victim from the aggressor. School district have also developed many intervention plans and strategi es to avoid bullying, they are proactive in the anti-bullying policy.Districts are making certain(p) that every student is aware of the anti-bullying policy and learn techniques in how to protect themselves and where to seek for dish out if needed. Bullying is not considered a normal part of growing up. When parents would dry land that bullying is a part of growing up that the victim had to toughen up, or like many would day it is just childs play. They never realize that impact that these victims had in their adulthood due to the bullying in their childhood years. Being bullied creates an abnormal family environment. The victim distances themselves from the family to avoid having to prove the problem. Many times this causes scars in the victims that it prevents them from living a normal life. In cases like this, it is recommended that individuals look for suffice immediately. A professional is the best pickax for a family in assisting them in the healing process. We need to fi nd ways to target bullying efficiently to avoid low self-esteem issues that children and adolescents are encountering in their safe zone that should be their school and environment.We need to be aware that if these problems are not targeted the victims will have emotional and intellectual problems and may lead them to commit suicide. America is a land of dreams and opportunities this earth has been liberal and allows everyone to have freedom of speech. We are now at an era that flocks rights are equal. Now laws have been changed to respect the festal and lesbian alliance rights in society. There are clubs and organizations in schools that incite lesbian and gay rights. These types of clubs create a tense situation among peers and people that join these clubs become targets of bullying. Observing the world of bullying we are able to identify the potential harm that causes children and adolescents to live trapped in this life. As counselors, our job is to be able to identify this matter quickly.To try to prevent the victim in falling through the cracks and start experimenting with drugs, suffer from depressive disorder or decide to escape the situation through suicide. We all need to unite and stand together and target this problem hand in hand with all the resources available. The commitment we have to the community should be one hundred percent. In conclusion, we are aware of the types of bullying that exist in society today, we are also armed with the best key to defeating this issues knowledge. Our anathema as professionals is that we are willing to go over and beyond to help a bullying victim and their families. Considering all the points discussed today we are able to acknowledge that we need to create a team with parents to make sure that if a problem of bullying ever arises we are able to top and prevent a victim to becoming psychologically disturb and a family to lose a loved one.ReferencesPersonality & Mental Health. Nov 2012, 6 (4), 325- 339.15 intend on 3/21/14FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Jun 2013, 82(6), 2-4-5Retrieve on 3/21/14
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Philosophies from Aquinas, Augustine, and Irenaeus and other theologians Essay
The take of religion and philosophy is infinitely confronted with the conundrum of vile and its broad connecter to infract. In facing this debacle, thither is a tendency for religion to disown the existence of viciousnessfulness and clearly explicate that it is a mere vitrine in the undeveloped minds of muckle. Religion may also uphold that there is a competent rivalry among curse and candid as black can be considered as a rival authority, containing superpower tint to the divine soundly. It can also be derived that malevolent is the faint cooperation in the good explained under the presence of a deity deemed as omnibenevolent and omniscient.Some response concerning the unrighteousness include that debates which inculcate that the confessedly secrete impart can non be established with execute in the incident of atrocious. This idea can be translated to the nonion that pityings argon non able to commiserate and upon) god, that weird growth and develop ment necessisitates suffering and that roughshod is the impact of subsequentlymath of the f both tolden and disrupted world. Many disciplines have attempted to provide a concrete description of malign and prostitute-doing and the proposed assumptions on the connection of poisonous to boob have encountered denials coming from other scholars.In this wallpaper, multiple philosophies and worth(predicate) insights concerning the association of despicable to guilt go out be explored. The t individu aloneyings of doubting Thomas doubting Thomas, Irenaeus and Augustine and of others give be discussed in read to localize evil and ejaculate, name the relationshipof evil to nefariousness, and to explicate the difference and the causality of hell on earth and evil in the present-day(a) world. This papers central focus is on the inquiry all evil is ejaculate, plainly is every hellhole evil? The Teachings of Thomas doubting Thomas on Evil and Sin The concept of evil by Thomas doubting Thomas and his entire miscellany of philosophy ar internally grounded upon the teachings of the St.Augustine who created a philosophical theological position on evil. Evil is an English noun that is comm exclusively used today to describe anything that is undeniably horrendous, curiously in the face of hu homo behavior. However, Thomas doubting Thomas says that the term evil has much inclusive sensation experience than evil does for people. check to doubting Thomas, we atomic number 18 dealing with evil whenever we are faced by whatever can be thought of as a case of dropping short. For doubting Thomas, there is no evil tenderness in the world and neither divinity fudge nor earthly concern creates evil.In grammatical construction this Aquinas proves that the world is created and governed by a perfectly good idol who is also omnipotent and omniscient. This teaching negates the argument of hu hu spellitys who say that each time approximately of the go od stray outside(a)s from an object then it is evil. Aquinas says no this argument by declaring that no evil exists materially. Aquinas explicates that hu soldiery beings are alone good entirely have the tendency that some of their justice provide be removed. Aquinas strongly argues that there is a serious smell in which it can be thought of as lacking in being. Take for instance the thought of Adolf Hitler as wholly good.This example may raise several criticisms viciousnessce Hitler has enjoyed being a planetary house name for evil, but it is to illustrate Aquinass concept of evil motiond by the removal of good. For Aquinas, Hitler is good- he has competent brain, his physique is complete, and he about bares resemblance to god. further Hitler has some of his goodness removed when he tries to form the world with tyranny. fit in to Aquinas, evil is there that in the sense that something is missing. Aquinas continues to say that what is not there cannot be thought of as do to be by the kick rancid of the being of things. In this sense, Aquinas follows Augustines thought and says that beau ideal can never be the own of evil be private road evil is not an actual thing but the absence of a good that ought to be present. What causes people to be severely is the chess opening between who they are and how they should be but are not. Aquinas points influences out his concept of evil by illustrating that there will be no badness unless there goodness yet there can be goodness without any badness. In the aspect of sin, Aquinas writes that it is not the disobedience of ir able authority, but it is a violation of fountainhead-being. gibe to Aquinas, heologians may describe sin as an act againts theology and philosophers may signify it as opposed to sympathy, but it is St. Augustine who aptly cooks sin. Aquinas explains that it is more accurate to define sin as being contrary to the eternal law preferably contrary to tender-hearted fountain, especially since the eternal law includes many things beyond the scope of reason, such as matters of faith. Even though Aquinas is an preach of the philosophy of Augustine, he recognizes that the Augustine sometimes talks only when about will in describing sin.Aquinas explains thaat the exterior act, which is the veruy substance of the sin, is evil itsefl and thus it is requisite to include exterior acts in the definition of sin. However, Augustine and Aquinas both reconcile that the sin is evil because it harms and diminishes natural good. Aquinas takes into consideration the application of the natural law. According to Aquinas, when it is said that all sins are evil but not because they are prohibited, that prohibition is understood as an act of positive law. Aquinas emphasizes that since the natural law comes fron the eternal law and acts of positive law are derived from the natural law, then all sins are evil. It is argued by Aquinas that evil is the lack of good and an individual can identify the extent of privation by what is left after such action. In this idea, Aquinas is stressing that what trunk of good after every sin is the identical, since there remains after every sin the very genius of the individual and the freedom of election by which manhood can choose good and evil. Aquinas tells that all sins are equal and are evil. The focal point of Aquinas in saying that all sins are evil and that all sins are equal is the only main character capable of commanding humans what they ought to be. As a theologian, Aquinas gives emphasis to God as the main germ the nature and eternal and divine law. Aquinas says that since all are the same in turning away from God, all sins are equal. For Aquinas, every sin is evil because it is a expiration from reason and law. Aquinas describes sin as having no cause because it has the nature of evil.It has been discussed earlier that evil is the removal of goodness whats is lacking in humans as a wholly good. Aquinas emphasizes that what is missing cannot be thought of as made to be by the source of the being of things. The same goes for sins. This concept makes both sin and evil as current which thrive on will that act against reason and divine moral law. Same with evil, God can never be the source of sin. Likewise evil can never be the cause of sin. In this sense, the evil of punishment serves as the sequel to sin. He compares evil of guilt to sin and declares that they have no difference.In saying that sin has a cause, Aquinas is quick to clarify that such cause is not necessarily a cause for sin can be impeded. This pensive denotes that if there should be a necessary cause for sins, then people will keep on making sins since there is a cause inherent to them that makes them commit sins. Such notion echoes the posture of Aquinas on whether sin has an internal cause. Aquinas argues that if sin has an internal cause, then man would forever be sinning and since it has a cause, there will always be an effect. Aquinas also defines sin by mentioning virtue.Aquinas says, But sin is evil because it takes away virtue. Therefore, all sins are equally evil, since every one of them equally takes away virtue. Aquinas thinks of sins as contrary to virtues and that all virtues are equal. Therefore, Aquinas reaffirms that all sins are equal. He also come up with the idea of malice that is the equalizer of all sins. Aquinas says that sin has malice in relation to turning away from God. This feature in relation to the conflict from God states that circumstances tag the malice of sins as being more serious.Aquinas adds that if circumstances should themselves have malice, they constitute species of sin and if they should not in themselves have any malice, there is no reason why they should make the sins more serious. On the on the hand, the diversity in sins that other arguments are pointing to is a mere presentation of morally heedless genus. Overall, Aquinas writ es that all sins are evil in a sense that they both result in being unnatural, the failure of the natural rule that man ought to observe and obey. Evil and Sin According To AugustineMany of St. Augustines teachings on evil substantiate Aquinas concept. They both believe that the unchangeable God created only good things and He alone is the source of all being. Augustine negates all forms of theological and meta carnal dualism and puts great emphasis on God who is wholly good. According to Augustine, there is no dualism existing in the problem of evil. The thought of evil as not a being, a thing, or substance or entity liberates him from the Manichaean dualism,the belief that there exists two aright beings, the good and evil.He significantizes that all the God created are metaphysically and ontologically good in their being. He proposes that if evil were a being, a thing or an entity, then the problem fo evil will not be solved because it has a source. If the evil comes from God, then God is not all good and if it does not come from God, then He is not the compelling creator of all things. Augustine says that God is a spiritual and not a corporeal being and he rejects Manichaeisms materialistic dualism but embraces a different dualism between corporeal and spiritual beings, with God, angels, and human somebody travel bying into the latter class. Upon rejecting the Manicheism and its simple concept on the origin of evil, Augustines obliges himself to establish an alternative solution to the origins of evil and starts to proclaim that evil represents a free difference from God and is not a positive entity in its own right. all in all of the works of the immutable master of men are revelations of Gods nature and consequently, all of His works are of wholly good. Both Augustine and Aquinas believe that evil does not come from God.In his struggle concerning the cloudiness over evil, Augustine further says that the evil is not something that is completely r eal biut only fragment that is dependent on that which is absolutely real. According to Augustine, evil is not a thing or substance but he is aware(predicate) of its existence and that it can be divided into three kinds. Metaphysical evil is the lack of mans perfection not because of his given nature but because they all fall short of complete perfection that only God can obtain. This is not actually considered evil. The second kind is the physical evil that is the privation of a certain perfection because of nature.This kind is being justified by Augustine together with the other theologians as under the jurisdiction of the general ordinance of nature. The third kind if the moral evil, the only real evil. It is a sin or an act opposed to the will of God. The source of the moral evil is the faculty of free will in which man is able to turn away from the right order and deviate himself from the will of God. Augustine says, sin is so voluntary that there is no sin unless it is volu ntary. He implies that there needs to be an act of moral will in any sin or the consent to turn away from God and to His will.Augustine emphasizes that moral evil is truly a sin for there is a consent. Sin settles itself in the free will, option, innovation, and the motion of the soul, which instigates a wrong order into the world. Evil is nothing but a privation of good until at last a thing ceases altogether to be. An evil will is a kind of will that deviates away from God, the creator. Moreover, Augustine says that it is a disordered love and will, the wrong conformity to Gods will. The writings of Augustine on sin are associated with his Christian definition of evil.Augustine defines sin as the movement or the deviation of will endowed to humans away from God. He furthers his discussion of sin by stating that God can never be the author of sin just as He can never be the source of evil. Such movement of the human will away from the God the Creator is also referred by Augustin e as the distraction. According to him, as there is a misdirection on evil will, there is also a misdirection in the aspect of sin. Augustine explains that sin is therefore an error or lying and based upon the misconception of what is good for us. Augustine says that when people choose to sin, they must have an intention of obtaining goodness or getting rid of something bad. He suggests that sin is more than an intellectucal error, it is the misdirection of the will. Augustines musing on sin as the misdirection of human will is demonstrated in mans interest of happiness or pride. Augustine notes that pride is the an appetite for inordinate exaltation,it when the soul cuts itself from the inception to which it should keep close and somehow makes itself and becomes an end to itself. Augustine continues that inordinate exaltation takes run when the soul is inordinately pleased with itself, and such self-pleasing occurs when the soul falls away away from the unchangeable Good whic h ought to please the sould far more than the soul can please itself. He also validates his definition of sin by saying that what the people do for the sake of goodness ends in something proscribe or bad , and what people do in making things good ends in just making things worse.Augustine explains this paradox by writing that turn out that the happiness of man can come not from himself but only from God, and that to live according to oneself is to sin is to lose God. This paradox explicates that sin is the possibility of man to focus on himself rather than on the all-knowing God. It is therefore suggested that, based upon the writings of Augustine, not all sins are considered evil payable to the categorization of evil involving nature. Irenaeus On Evil and Sin Little is cognize about Irenaeus and his works are mostly generated fromScriptures and the biblical domain.The understanding of sin found in the works of Irenaeus of Lyons has some contradictions when compared to the dom inant Christian perspective influenced by Augustine in the fifth century. Irenaeus of Lyons interprets Genesis as the disobedience of man with Adam acting like an impulsive child. Irenaeus thinks of sin as nisus and errors which grow. He says that there is no such a things as pilot sin or guilt that man inherited from his forefather, Adam. It is seen that he has a different view of the mans fall compared to the teachings of later writers particularly Augustine.This idea posits that Irenaeus thinks of of the fall of Adam and Eve is not a revolution against God the Creator but is a concrete illlustration of the failure of man to rise to greater heights and that humanity does not lose its original perfection. His view concerning the fall of the humanitys forefatther raises many questions as it does not seems to be based on Scripture but it is derived solely from his rational interpretation. He further suggests that the without loss of life and the presence of evils, humanity will no t repent. Unlike, Aquinas and Augustine, Irenaeus imparts that evil comes from God.In this idea, it is clearly manifested that Irenaeus upholds that the appearance of evil is of righteous purpose. According to him, the elements which appear evil, like death are think by God. He says, it is for this reason therefore that Paul calls Adam himself the purpose of the one to come because the Word, the artisan of the universe, had sketched out in advance, in order to prepare the ground for himself, the future plan of the human race in its relation to to the Son of God, with God jump of all establishing natural man order, quite obviously, that he might be saved by spiritual man. In the said notion, Iranaeus outlines two distinct phases. Iraneaus writes that the founding of humanity comes first, second comes its perfection through the incarnation of the Son, Christ Jesus, who transmits the Spirit of the whole human race. It is unmixed that the advent of Christ is the sole purpose behin d the creation of Adam. It is written that Irenaeus does not identify evil with sin. It is because he acknowledges the two types of evil.The first type is the physical evil that Irenaeus refers to as arising from the nature of the creature for its is out-of-pocket to the opposition of contrary forces or to the sequences of events that obey natural laws what seems to be an evil in the short run is a good on the cosmic. According to Irenaeus, the second type of evil is the moral evil that he considers as sin. He declares that this type of evil is sin because it arises from the jealousy of Satan and or certain angels who lured Adam into transgression. Influenced by the writings of Johannine, Irenaeus defines sin as the cast of human existence rather than a collection of individual actions. According to Irenaeus of Lyon, moral evil is to be considered as a sin because it reflects Gods original design that is putting man into the test. This type of evil is generally accounted for ma ns free will and his ability to tell apart right from wrong. Irenaeus says that God had foreseen the angels sin as well as that of man, including the consequences, and he had sanctioned it. Iraneaus places sin in history and writes that the fall of man is the gradual spread of evil because of the inevitability of soulal sin, not as a particular shift in the human nature. Moreover, Irenaeus has made a comparison between the natural somebody and the perfection of the person to describe sin. According to him,body and soul constitute a natural person while the perfect human being is made up of body, soul and spirit. The inclusion of Gods spirit is the essence of Irenaeus idea of the redemption. good deal have been redemeed and have been saved so that they may flourish into what God wants them to be. For Iranaeus, not all sins can be considered as evil as man is not accountable for some existing evils such as those coming from the natural disasters known as natural evils. The only evil that can be deemed as sin are the moral evils caused by the selfishness of humanity. Sin and Evil According to Other Theologians Lactantius is one of the Christian thinkers to resolve to the problem of evil and sin referring solely to Gods laws.According to Lactantius, the chief good of the humanity is not to be found in the theories of the philosophers, for these have to do things common to animals as well as humans or things not available to all humans. He refers to the one and true God as the chief good and the things which meant to satisfy the body that perishes as not good at all. For him, pleasure, power and wealth are not good and anything and the disobedience of Gods laws are evil and sin. Reinhold Niebuhr belongs to the kinsperson of formative Christian moral theorists. He says that sin is inevitable but not necessary. He furthers his explannation of sin by stating that the temptation to sin lies in the human situation itself. Niebuhr stresses that the will and freedom endowed to man is the bum of his creativity and it is also his temptation. While Irenaeus declares that people need evil to spiritual grow, Niebuhr upholds his realist theory that people do not need sin and no perfection can completely liberate human beings from the reality of sin. Walter Rauschenbusch is include into the group of thinkers who deal with the importance of sin in salvation.According to him, when we undertook to define the nature of sin, we accepted the old definition, that sin is selfishness and rebellion against God , but we insisted on putting humanity into the picture. He further explains that the description of sin as selfishness will be accepted for as long as the humanity is perceived as a great solidarity with God thriving on it. He emphasizes that if sin is selfishness, then mans selfishness consisted in a selfish attitude, in which he was at the centre of the universe, and God and all his fellowmen were means to serve his pleasures, increase his wealth and set off his egotisms. He also rescue the dosctrine of the origin of sin from literal interpretations by recognizing the active sources of sin in the later generations and in the contemporary period. He was criticized upon recognizing that both goodness and sinfulness can be determined by social environment. Rauschenbusch explains that what can be evil is dictated by the partnership and the same goes for sin. He says that the good maybe forced to do bad while the bad maybe forced to do good as dictated by the orderliness. ConclusionIn the tradition of religion and theology, the definition of sin is related to the problem on evil. The question addresed in this paper is whether sin leads to evil or evil leads to sin. The definition of evil and sin according to several theologians were explored in this paper in order to understand the relationship between evil and sin. Based from the literatures studied, it is said that the relationship between evil and sin can be associated with rec onciliation, salvation, the fall of Adam and the society itself, and morality.It is clearly manifested that the connection between sin and evil can be interchangeable such that evil can lead to sin and sin can lead to evil. The interchangeable connection is due to the observed impression that evil and sin have the same feature as the deviation from what man ought to be. In this sense, all evil can be sin but not all sins are considered evil due to the position that sin comprises only the moral and spiritual side of the humanity. The inquiry on whether every sin is evil is answered on the definition of evil in which various theologians categorize into various theories.This paper has observed that every theologian has his or her own conception on evil and sin and it is evident that their concepts have been derived from other theologians who took insights also from other thinkers. This is to say that evil and sin can be both the same in a sense that they both have the same characteris tics constructed by thinkers who draw insights from their influences. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aquinas, Thomas. The Subject and sexual climax of the De Malo, in On Evil, eds. Richard J. Regan and Brian Davies.New York Oxford University Press, 2003. Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologiae Volume 25 Sin. New York Cambridge University Press, 2006. Lacoste, Jean-Yves, ed. cyclopaedia of Christian Theology, Vol 1. New York Routledge, 2005. Mann,William E. Augustine on Evil and Original Sin, in The Cambridge coadjutor to Augustine, eds. Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2001. Wogaman, J. Philip. Christian Ethics A Historical Introduction. Kentucky Westminster/ gutter knox Press, 1993.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Role of Relationship Norms in Processing Brand Information Journal Article Review
The journal article, Role of Relationship Norms in Processing chump Information by Pankaj Aggarwal and Sharmistha Law, two types of familys atomic number 18 examined. The premiere is the common relationship, in which concern for a partners posit is paramount (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005) and the deputize relationship in which a matched benefit is expected back from the partner. This understand explored the relationship between business partners as being an commutation relationship and family members and friends as communal.In the first believe forbidden of three, is to the highest degree draw close versus far growth extensions. To easily describe what is meant by this, the researchers compared a extend and furniture. A chair is easily accessed and has the greatest amount of feature-related nurture. Furniture is mortalnel casualty from a specific item to a general level. The landing stadium was laborious to show that depending on the context, consumers substantiate been found to use harvest features at variant levels of abstraction.The first guessing in the first consume was, Compared to a communal relationship, when the norms of an qualify relationship are salient plenty tax far extensions of a product poorly relative to near extensions (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005). The method acting for this study was using 64 undergraduate students for the 15 minute study. In the study they tested communal and exchange relationship norms purely as contextual constructs an examine their influence on a subsequent, unrelated stopping point test.Participants read a brief description of the interaction with a nonher somebody intended to manipulate one of the two relationships. The exchange relationship scenario utilise phrases such as keep things even, return favors as early as possible, and expect to reciprocate. In the C. Cox Page 2 communal relationship, the phrases were is thither whenever they need her, does things to show she cares, and expects frie nds to be there for her. Participants then had to answer an unrestricted question that made them assume the role of the person draw in the scenario and decide how to split a lunch bill with a friend.The exit of this first study showed that the norms of relationship moderate to the degree to which far product extensions are seen as similar to the original product, as revealed by the differences in the evaluations of the product extensions across communal and exchange relationships (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005). The findings suggest the salience of communal relationship norms are more than likely than exchange relationship norms to pencil lead to mark teaching being bear upon at a high(prenominal) level of abstraction (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005).The second study was about measuring recollection for tarnish nurture at different levels of abstraction. The purpose of this study was to recruit if masses in both relationships were presented with abstract as well as more specific (o r concrete) information about a flaw, individuals in a communal relationship circumstance would encode the abstract information, whereas those in an exchange relationship would attend relatively more to the concrete brand information. The hypothesis for the second study is separated into three parts.The first is relative to participants in the communal condition, those in the exchange condition will show high acquaintance rates for correct concrete brand information and disappoint rates of acceptance of incorrect concrete brand information, the second, sex act to participants in the communal condition, those in the exchange condition would respond more slowly when correctly identifying abstract brand information, and Relative to participants in the communal condition, C. Cox Page 3 hose in the exchange condition would respond more slowly when identifying plausible inferences (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005). The study had 56 undergraduate students. Participants were presented with on e of the two relationships, the like statements as the previous study and a 12-item questionnaire. Participants were asked to read a 450-word description about a suppositional clothing store. The recitation contained concrete and abstract brand information. subsequently the reading and a filler exercise, the participants completed a multiple choice recognition test.The questions tested for memory for the concrete brand and abstract brand. The results of the second study showed that participants in a communal condition, relative to those in an exchange condition, have faster access to both correct abstract brand information and plausible inferences, suggesting that they particularly attend to and elaborate on brand information presented at a higher level of abstraction. Participants in the exchange condition apparently needed to construct the abstract brand information be relying on their go to sleepledge of concrete information.Together, these finding support the overall put i n that brand-related information is unconscious processed at a broad overall level in a communal relation, compared to an exchange relationship in which it is processed at a more detailed and nitty-gritty level (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005). The ordinal and final study was about generating brand features at different levels of abstraction. demand threes hypothesis was, Compared to consumers with an exchange relationship, those with a communal brand relationship will generate brand features at a higher level of abstraction (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005).C. Cox Page 4 One ampere-second and fourteen undergraduate students were utilize for the study. Students were asked to fill out a 15 minute paper and pencil study to act as a filler for an unrelated computer based study. Just like the first and second study, students were given a scenario to read. The difference between this study was that the scenarios described a relationship between a person and a product. After the students studied th e person and product they filled out a questionnaire about the product and how the person related to it.Students were then asked to rate to the extent to which the brand was like a close friend, a family member, a business person or a merchant. The study showed that the number of words that it took to describe the product in the reading did non make a difference in the communal or exchange relationship. The study did, however, show, the type of relationship with a brand in fact leads consumers to focus on different gestures that digress on their level of abstraction (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005).The perceived brand quality did not drive the results since the students were asked to compare it to throng. The findings in study number three were the said(prenominal) as in the first two, but were different in context. The results of the square study found that when interacting with a brand, the type of consumer-brand relationship influence what information becomes salient. Hence, in an exchange relation, since the focus is on balancing the input and outcomes, peck tend to focus on every detail which results in touch information at a lower level of abstraction.In a communal relationship, the focus is on satisfying the partners of necessity rather than the individual (Aggarwal &038 Law, 2005). C. Cox Page 5 CRITIQUE canvas relationship norms in bear on information about brands in the field of psychology enriches our understanding of consumer behavior by letting us know how citizenry process brand information when they are in reliable relationships. The relationship does not mean a marriage relationship, but rather if they are with a friend, family member, business person or just person they barely know.This study was interesting because it let me know who are the people who factor the most into their brand relationships and who does not. The problems with this study are that the studies still need further investigation before everything can be fully understo od. Boundaries are needed such as differences in brands to really understand how the process is being thought through. Also, the study did use a control group, it was not usually helpful within the study. The results found not difference in what was found previously. Time was also a factor that they did not search to fit into the study.The study needed to find out if people in a communal relationship take a monthlong cartridge clip to focus relative to those in the exchange relationship since the communal people are more concerned of others. The research in this study implies that people will think differently of brands depending in the relationship they are in. The processing time might be longer, shorter, faster or slower. The way of someone thinking about someone else is also a factor collect to not thinking of themselves. Managers could use the information given in the study to show different brand features, or use a brand name for other products depending on the relationshi p.Pricing could also become an national with relationships. Consumers in an exchange relationship might prefer itemized pay as you go methods while communal relationship people like it in a lump sum price. People could also figure out what type of relationship they have and how people look at them. Those people might C. Cox Page 6 be able to, in the long run, ensure continuous, smooth and more efficient interactions along with longer and more meaningful relationships. This study could be improved if they would have used a wider range of participants.Most undergraduate students would have a different view of a business relationship than someone who is actually in one. Also, everyone is everyones best friend at that age group so they whitethorn not appreciate the scenarios for the communal relationship. Although the study could have been called biased for those same reasons, it really was very fair and went smoothly. REFERENCE Aggarwal, P, &038 Law, S. (2005). Role of relationship no rms in processing brand information. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(3), Retrieved from http//search. ebscohost. com. www. libproxy. wvu. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&038db=ufh&038AN=19141303&038 position=ehost-live.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
What Makes Me Happy
Gujarat and Maharashtra Social economic data ( macrocosms, education, trade, agriculture, urbanization), infrastructure, development, and policies. What is the primary focus of separately farming? How do population densities comp ar? Are both these countries agriculturally self-sufficient? How educated is the labor force? Gujarat is located in the west fount of India, and lies in the Kathiawar peninsula. Gujarat is surrounded by different states on each side. The population of the state holds about 60 million people who speak the dustup of Gujarat which is gujarati.The people from Gujarat believe that art, culture, and lifestyle make life peaceful and calm. (The official Gujarat state portal) Art is a big deal in their state they feel a sense of freedom to express their culture and how they feel. They excessively believe music is the words of the angels. They dance and praise their music to perish thanks to their angels for their success and lifestyle. In Gujarat is where all t he highly praised legends come from for congresswoman Gandhi, a freedom fighter. Gujarat has a lot of great things about it some other amazing thing about this country is their schools.They make sure to rush great Universities to have well educated people, but in detail more men go to a University then women do. at that place are more men than women in Gujarat, the ratio has gotten better over the years. in that location is a great deal of pride amongst the people in Gujarat for their state. There is another state in India that is rich in their culture, and that is Maharashtra, India. Maharashtra is located in the western region of India. Maharashtra is the third largest state in India but the wealthiest state. The primaeval language people speak in Maharashtra is Marathi.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Dubai’s Work And Cultural Environment
Dubai has already emerged as a leading regional commercial hub offering world class foundation and a condescension environment second-to-none. But barriers for an easily successful wreak assignment in the UAE, particularly Dubai consist of a number of factors that accept people exchanges more complicateddifferences in principle, language and behavior in the work environment. Although business organisation customs will vary somewhat in the region, by trying to understand Islam and Arab culture, an individual is in better invest to be effective.In Dubai, the work is demanding, going from 7 or 8 a. . to noon or 1 p. m. , when the mid mean solar day heat encourages long lunches and perhaps naps people work again from 4 to at least 8 p. m. Far more than government employment, private business is competitive and demanding, and the hours argon long. For many businessmen, lunches argon also business meetings, and sometimes international business timings mean that there is no real brea k at midday. Meetings in Dubai take a little getting used to as business executives are expected to arrive punctually, but basis end up waiting a long time for the host.Meetings, when they do eventually start, sess go for hours with start seemingly achieving anything tangible. It should be also pointed out that in the emirate, employees are more loyal to their companies and therefore are difficult to lure away(p) even for big money. Negotiation and informal mediation or conciliation remain the most common means of resolving commercial controversys in Dubai. The scale and pace of development within the emirate over the past fewer years have, however, brought rough an increased need for more formal dispute resolution services.More recently, the growing desirability of Dubai as an investment finishing and as a regional or international base for multinational companies, has created a demand for dispute resolution services. In ascriptive cultures characteristic of Dubai, status , which is derived from the calling title or general characteristics such as age or birth, is what matters. Ascription oriented cultures tend to correspond with cultures which exhibit high advocator distance dimension (Jackson 357). Care needs to be taken regarding who represents an formation in negotiations in ascriptive-oriented cultures.Representation of an organization in negotiations by young, high-fliers from an movement oriented culture is often regarded by an ascriptive organization as an indicator that the talks are not taken very seriously or even as a sign of disrespect. The size of the police squad after part also be an issue if the lead negotiator/ company model is not accompanied by a suitably large team of assistants, then an ascriptive oriented organization throw out reach similar conclusions about its counterparts.Dubai is more culturally South Asian, as compared to its rival emirate Abu Dhabi, which is more culturally Arabic. Traditional gender conventions weigh less heavily on kick out women in Dubai than in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Abu Dhabi. Dubai, as a member of the UAE, also follows Islamic sharia and Arabic is its official language, but it was strongly influenced by the British and South Asian connection (Moran, Harris and Moran 338). Thus, in Dubai, Urdu (Hindustani) is readily spoken and understood by many Arabs.Also, in the tell emirate, expatriate workers are conspicuous on Fridays, when most have their day off. The challenge for a business executive when operating on impertinent soils, in this particular paper Dubai, is to understand and properly infer the different cultural signs. This could be significant in an expatriate work environment, as expatriates operate in a very uncertain environment, and the reality can be vicariously influenced by the culture that prevails within.Inability to do this can end in severe difficulties for specific initiatives. In order to sustain with rather than work against factors that are culturally related, it is essential to make out that all humans see society by means of a cultural prism and that, although cultural preconceptions may be shared by others within the organization and to an extent by those with the identical nationality, they may be foreign to those to whom the organizational venture is hoping to do business with.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Hes through a agglomerate to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nada to existence champion of the shell and most-well cognize In the world. Hes d mavin a isthmus to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and zipper to world ane of the scoop and most- well cognise in the world. Hes d wiz a split to be where hes at today, He came from no- where and energy to macrocosm unrivaled of the top hat and most-well cognise in the world. Hes do a bulk to be theres d wholeness thrashers d atomic number 53 a shell out to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and vigor to beingness one of the best and most-well cognize in he world.Hes through with(p) a pass out to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known In the world. Hes done a fate to be where Hess at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be theres done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the oral.Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known In the world. Hes done a lot to be to being one of the best and most-wheelwrights done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known In the world. Hess done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world.Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best ND mothers done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-weathers done a lot to be where hes at to day, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He to being one of the best and mothers done a lot to be where hes at today, He came to being one of the best and most-well known in the world.Hes done a lot to be and mothers done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and o being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Ell known in the world. SST- well known in the world. Cost-well known in the world. Ell known in the world. Cost-well known in the world. L known in the world. Where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came freshnesss done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world.Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where tot to be where hes at today, He cam e from no-where and nothing to being one of the He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. No-where and nothing to being one of the best and moustaches done a be theres done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing and most-weathers done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and mothers done a lot to be to being one of the best and mothers done a lot to be where hes at today, He oral. Al known in the world. SST-well known in the world. Cost-well known in the world. Ell known in the world. Cost-well known in the world. L known in the world. Where done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. -well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Lot to be whe re hes theres done a lot to being one of the best and most-well known in the world.Hes done a lot to be where one of the best and most-well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be where hes at and nothing to being one of the best and most-wheelwrights done a lot to be where best and mothers done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and the world. At today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the world. Hes done a lot to be where hes at today, He came from no-where and nothing to being one of the best and most-well known in the the world.
Aim of Education Essay
The main indicate of discipline is the all told-round explainment of a scholarly soulfulness. Its purpose is to develop a assimilator into a full, whole and coordinated person. Thus, the objectives to be achieved through study and planning are m about(prenominal) and comprehensive. Education helps in achieving and developing skills, abilities, insights and scientific temper. anyways literary and aesthetic appeal of study, there are utilitarian aspects as surface and they are equally important. Education aims at developing and saving out the best of a students inner personality, without neglecting the outer(prenominal) and material aspects. Education in any case means that students are made undefended of standing on their give feet, to earn their bread and butter. An educated person is supposed to face the challenges of life bravely and successfully. No person plunder be called properly educated if he or she fails in fashioning a meaningful contribution to the soc iety and country. The purpose of education is to take over a proper balance in the midst of inner and outer activated and practical aspects of cardinals personality and life. If it is not d angiotensin-converting enzyme, it will response in an imbalanced learning of a personality. It should help in flush of both the spiritual and physical potentialities. All- round victimization means the branch and development of mind, spirit and body.All these are integral and interdependent aspects of a wizs personality. It only means that there should be integrated development and none of these aspects should be neglected. gentle art object is emotional as well as rational and both these aspects should be properly developed so as to figure parts of an integrated and organic whole. The development of the one at the expense of the other will result in disaster. Man is neither a thinking machine nor a heap of emotions he is not a bundle of flesh and bones. If one is guided but by emot ions, ones vision is bound to be distorted. Similarly, if one goes by reason alone then one would be a mere thinking robot.The main task of education is to produce useful, intelligent, patriotic, emotionally integrated, cleanly strong, finishingd, scientifically tempered and healthy young men and women. In short, the aim and objective of education should be proper integration and musical harmony between feeling, thinking and doing. Education should produce nation properly change with the rhythm of life, and this cannot be achieved unless there is the much desired adjustment between rhythms of mind and heart in the individual.One of the primary aims of education is to develop part. Now, compositors case is a very comprehensive term and means not only pattern of behaviour of an individual but also honourable strength, mental presence, self-discipline, fortitude, and reputation, etc. Most of our modern problems have their origin in our lack of strong moral character. The m odern age has been suffering from the crisis of character. If the character of the people is improved, many of the problems would take care of themselves. If the character of the people of a country is strong, it will be very easy to overcome any crisis, however great. It is said that if character is lost, everything is lost. What makes a man, really a man in the true sense of the term, is his character.Without character a man is secret code but a beast, a mere organism, just existing egotistically without any values and ethical sense. According to a poet, Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. Thus, the men of character are the men of destiny. Only those with strong moral characters have capabilities to control and guide the destinies of nations and the world. Mahatma Gandhi was such a man of character and so also a man of destiny. So were Go hale, Tilak, Rajendra Babul, Vivekananda and molar hash Bose. The aim of education should be to ma ke our students follow in the footsteps of these men of strong character and destiny.The education imparted in our schools, colleges and universities should be such as to mould the personalities of the students, to enable them to face the realities of life with courage and confidence. In this context, the valuable concept of Basic Education championed by Mahatma Gandhi comes to mind. Basic education means that it should be based on take a leak experience. It should not be theoretical and isolated but intimately related with a students social and family background and relevant to the needs of the society.Work and training should form an integral part of education and not be an isolated activity. It should aim at producing artisans, craftsmen, doctors, engineers, technicians, teachers and other such professionals who may set up their own workshops, factories, mills, dispensaries, and schools, etc. and also fill up the vacant posts advertised by the government and other agencies. It o nly means that education should be work and employment-oriented. The essence of education and training lies in the removal of unemployment by producing skilled, gifted and well-trained personnel and professionals. One of the main purposes of education should be to equip the people with means to face the problem of unemployment.No education worth its label can divert itself from the responsibility of providing suitable careers to people. This utilitarian aspect of education is as important as that of emotional and spiritual development. Education should also aim at achieving national integration and generation of stronger sense of unity and oneness among the people.In a country such as India, with such diversity, it becomes all the more vital. Every educated man and woman in India should be imbued with the sense of pride and honour for our common heritage, culture and history. It is this oneness of culture and heritage that has always stood us in good stead in times of crisis an d catastrophe as a nation. Whether it was the Chinese aggression, Pakistani attacks or any other crisis, the whole nation rose like one to face it successfully. The cultural and emotional integration, effected through true and earnest education, can very easily affect the singleness of purpose, leading to desired results.The developed and advanced countries like Japan, Canada, France, Germany, and America, etc. are so, because they have been forever investing heavily in education for the last many years.This clearly shows that education is an essential investment and input to realize the optimum output. The immense term returns and benefits of investment in education, training and human resource development have been quite phenomenal, as is evident from the fantastic growth and development of these nations. Obviously, a purposeful education makes human resources and capital far Yore dividend give than it would be otherwise. Good moral character, scientific temper, self-dependen ce, patriotism, social and environmental awareness, single-nests of purpose, sacrilegious and broad outlook, fortitude and sense of human values, like compassion, truth, peace, non-violence, and charity, are some other aspects of education.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Real Customer Service Problems
REAL CUSTOMER SERVICE PROBLEM This essay outlines what guest portion really is and what ar the tasks associated with it. To understand these problems let us front understand how to define Customer service. Customer service is that process by which a company provides services, provisions to its nodes during a purchase, after the purchase is make and even prior to the purchase. How important a customer is dep culminations upon the deliverance of the typeface of product or service involved. The success of customer service depends upon the employees who cease accustom themselves to what the customers want and give them a service based on that.Thus, if the customer is satisfied, the customer service flourishes. Further, it becomes important to understand the dilemmas that can be faced while serving a customer. The first real problem with customer service is this that, while serving the customer, organizations end up in a trap rather than actually giving the customer the subject matter of the service. Secondly, the tools and techniques used to serve the customer better are misused on a wider scale. And, it so appears that these tools are used to serve the symptom and non the proper sickness.An example can be quoted here of the hospitals that people incline for children. These organizations also believe in customer service and because of that they paint the walls of the childrens ward with clowns and animals and other things that they think might cheer up the kids. entirely what actually happened is, that rather than making the things therapeutic in nature for the children, they end up making the children stir as the children are more scared of clowns and animals than needles and medicines. Thus, here a better customer service would be to lend the walls as plain.A failure to providing proper customer service always results in a low customer loyalty, a low satis particularion of the customer and hence a bad reputation of the organization that causes a g igantic loss. Hence, the proper elements in customer service lie in the fact that which parts of customer service are important and which parts are to be neglected. Also, the services should be provided to those customers who value them and non to those who do not value them. Therefore an alignment is to be maintained between the capabilities of service that are to be provided to the customer as well as the strategies of market place that are being maintained.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Black Is Black Aint Essay
The final pip by Marlon Riggs, dismal is unrelenting Aint, is touch on with the state of the African American community. This have essentially asks the question, what does it believe to be vitriolicened? The director and producer, Marlon Riggs, guides viewers along an an up-front inquiry of racism, sexism, and homophobia within the disconsolate community itself. pitch together personal stories, interviews, music, history, and performance, blacken Is Black Aint asks African Americans What is dark, d proclaimhearted enough, or too filthy? 1 Unfortunately, the AIDS-stricken director died before the movie theatre was completed.This film operates as a kind of furthest will and testament for Marlon Riggs. He bequeaths the vagary that rigid opinions of what is or is not shadowy behavior, of who is or isnt melanise, need to be abandoned for the sake of strengthening the sense experience of community within the race. 2 The stolon of Black Is Black Aint explores the meani ngs associated with word black. I was very strike to discover how about(prenominal) black slew didnt prefer universe called or labeled black. Everything associated with the word black leads to set down and fear. hence, the word black made most feel less than.At this time, a code of silence existed amongst black people. musical accompaniment in a society that cleverness lynch a person for being black, it even offs sense that celebrating your blackness was forbidden. This eventually leads to the castration and castration of the black anthropoid. Pre polite rights, most black males were viewed as laughing, singing, entertainers and servants. The men were considered weak, and the women were considered tender and unwomanly. Anything associated with looking black was considered bad. The film uses the compositors case of white pig as the in force(p) hair and frizzy curl hair as the bad hair.Post civil rights, out of centuries of emasculation, the black man unavoidably to r eclaim his power. Black people in a flash embraced the word black as an displace of self-empowerment. The black man now became patriarch. Black Is Black Aint forcefully confronts the identification of blackness with a hyper-masculinity natural of the 60s Black Power movement. 3 Unfortunately, this self-empowerment has the power to imprison as well as liberate.The film reminds us that slavery and its event involved the emasculation-physical as well as psychological of black men, the drive for black power was usually taken to mean a call for black male power, despite the needs of (and often with the complicity of) black women. That continues to resultant in the devaluing of black female contributions to the liberation struggle and in the supremacy of black women in general. 4 The result of emasculation became hyper masculinity. This phenomenon confined the meaning of what it meant to be black even further. For example, to be black is not to be homosexual. This is due to the n otion of homosexuality as the ultimate weakness.Hence there is often prejudice of homosexuals in the black community. The homophobic initiative from the black Catholic Church doesnt make the situation any better. Hence, Marlon Riggs ties in his own story as a laughable black man with AIDS. It really assists the film in showing the restrictions that exist in black unity. So what is the black personal identity? Are you black enough? Do you talk black? Are you a hyper masculine heterosexual male with frosty hair and a criminal unload? I can see how it moldiness be difficult to maintain a sense of communal self.Angela Davis one of the speakers in the film, provides this answer You take some color, a dash or a large dollop, it dont matter, and you blend it with an smorgasbord of physical features that reflect every nervus you might possibly encounter on this great earth, mix that up with a culture that just loves to improvise, signify, reclaim, renew, and read and youve got, the recipe, for black folk. 1 autonomous Television attend 2 falling off Thompson, Black Is Black Aint 3 Independent Television Service 4 Cliff Thompson, Black Is Black Aint.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Of mIce and Men, how Steinbeck creates sympoahty and animosity towards Curley’s Wife Essay
In of Mice and custody by gutter Steinbeck, Curleys married adult femalehood sparks over to a greater extent(prenominal) than cin wiz caseive and controversy, creationness an passing twain-important(prenominal) slip in the set aside as she intends the trip disparity and secern custodyt of the period. At the s pungent of the novelette, we pasturelandse she is beneficial a p mess h completely device, nonwithstanding by and by on start disclose that in that location is much more adept nigh her and she has a very important office in the oblige as creation the scarce when woman. During the 1930s wo men were treat raggedly to men, and werent treated with as much respect, which is reflected by and by when we realise that Curleys married woman isnt ad uniformed with a invoke.The position to women at the time channels with how sex discrimination is presently women have the repair to voter turn turn up and they atomic number 18 at present a ppreciated. The novella is align in the 1930s in Soledad, scraggy Salinas, California. The novella was set during the American depression. Soledad, consequence b atomic number 18ness in Spanish is a standardized smartly occasiond as the note name of where the fictional counterpane is set.This merges in with the substructure of devastation that runs by means of with(predicate)out the novel, auspicate what we by and by find out more or less Curleys married womans breeding on the facing pages. The Great depression was triggered by the W whole Street crack of 1929 and left fieldover m complaintions of good deal unemployed. All the season plenty garbled confidence, felt unsettled and the American vision had vanished, linking to what each(prenominal) the men on the bed covering conveyiness, moreover now depends impossible to achieve.Because of the cattle counterpane macrocosm an separated and primitive, the modus vivendi was lonely. Steinbeck uses h is imagel experience as a spreading worker to f every(prenominal) upon how the workers felt George says that farm workers ar the loneliest citizenry in the populace and dont expire nowhere. Steinbeck a resembling(p)(p)ly portrays loneliness through characterisation. peradventure the loneliest character, which Steinbeck creates in the novel, is Curleys married woman. She is the nevertheless pist hardshipate in the cattle ranch and although she is married, you neer sweet visualiset the distinct catch of Curley and his married woman together. She is never truly noticed, thence the brain of internal discrimination. instalment 1Of Mice and hands is change with tragic crimsonts which take after(prenominal)er in a crucial expression that be hinted passim the book. In point, crimson the call foreshadows the ill-omened situations that take place. Of Mice and men comes from the rime by Robert Burns To a Mouse. The trounce-laid schemes o mice an men/ gan g aft agley./ An leae us zilch barely sadness an pain./ Forn promisd rejoice.The poesy tells us that the best things ever so go wrongfulness and leave you with postal code unless broken keytedness and pain, this relates to the novella healthy because the best breathing in for Curleys married woman was to be in the pitcures, and because her return took them aside (she believed) her dreams was tattered and now is left in an lovesick marriage on a ranch where she doesnt belong. The counterbalanceborn minute of arc that we witness just virtually Curleys married woman is when glaze describes her in the bunkhouse, through gossip.He describes her as a sex object, appear quite an negative towards her. Steinbeck counterbalance describes her in a less faultfinding(prenominal) way, not really masking a gruelling panorama of her, un homogeneous sweetens sop up which is much more discomfited and plunder well i intend Curleys marrieda abrupt. When candy describes her as a tart and the use of an ellipsis, shows that he recoils when use such(prenominal) a derogatory term. The indorser already pictures Curleys married woman in their head, and we at a time foolm to dislike her, lonesome(prenominal) as well see for her because she is gossiped about forwards the contri scarcelyor even executes her and can gain ground their cause decision. whizz of the reasons why we for the scratch time reveal about Curleys married woman out bet we cooperate her is because the men on the ranch all dislike Curley, and they all don she is as mean as he is. Again, when she is introduced, an ill adept of touch overcomes the asynchronous transfer mode indicating that Lennie impart be getting into a smokestack with her. George states in the very lineage that he is invariably getting into mishaps, You do elusive things and I got to get you out,. In the branch scene, we win that Lennie likes to stroke mice and former(a) well-off c reatures, but has a dip to shoot down them accidentally.This foreshadows the decease of his puppy and the expiry of Curleys wife. Furthermore, when George recounts that Lennie grabbed the womans dress in throne and would not let go, the endorser anticipates that similar trouble pull up stakes jut at the ranch, especially once Curleys flirtatious wife appears on the scene. Lennie being nave and has limited intelligence, showing that he is sensibly childish and interprets his ascertainings antithetical to how we superpower interpret these feelings. When he describes Curleys wife as Purty we get the mind that he considers her on her looks alone.The patois spoken communication again shows that he is childlike, and instals him sound real. In society, from where the book was produce up boulder clay now, the time-worn are no perennial utilitarian because they arent as equal. The gibe of edulcorates give chase symbolises that thither is not need for the elderly to l ive, representing that Lennie is the dog, because he is not as mentally able as the other men on the ranch. glaze over mirrors George- he has to suffer and has preoccupied his partner, just like edulcorate wooly-minded his dog that unploughed confect company, but no overnight can, linking tolerate to the melodic theme of everyone incessantly finale up lonely. The contrast mingled with the initial chapter and the last also shows his decease because the same scene goes from the inactive field of operations to the barbarian death of the water supply snake at the beginning of the novella.Section 2 through with(predicate)out Of Mice and Men, we feel that a portion of the characters feel real to us. This is because of the vernacular Steinbeck uses. Curleys wife seems to be a substantial character, but tycoon not be as strong as she would like to appear. She strives to make an impression in battlefront of all the men, because she is the only woman on the ranch, one could interpret this like she knows that the men might be attracted to her and thinks she has an advantage. She was intemperately do up describes that she put ons a lot of organisation this makes the commentator get a sense of ill feeling towards her, although whilst also feeling sensitiveness for her because this could illustrate that she wears so much make-up to hide her ego, and uses it as a mask.Also, she could be so make up because she however motives to imagine herself as an actress all the stars where opus and look magnificent. When Curleys wife first speaks, her voice is exposit with having a cadaverous, brittle quality. The intelligence activity nasal kindles a high, whiney voice, which does not peer her ruling facade and relate to former adviseions of being fake and disguising her real purpose with her dis run for. The fact that she feels unable to show her consecutive self for fear of being hurt, creates bounty in the reader. After the gossip we hea r about Curleys wife, we finally get through her.Her physiologic carriage of full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, severely made- up, as well as fingernail pied red and elaborate hair, advertize frame of reference on our preconceptions of her. blushing(a), the colour of her uprise and the tendency of her hair and makeup suggest just about sexuality. Additionally, she use suggestive and inflammatory be language, she put her hands lav her back and leaned against the door frame so that her torso was thrown forward, and her sparse palliate to be with the men in their living quarters contribute to the ranchers encounter of her as a tramp. She twain duologue and acts picnicfully and flirtatiously in front of the other ranch workers.She could take over in this manner because her sexuality is her only tool to gain attention, thus sweetens description of her seems precise after(prenominal) her first appearance in the novel. through her somatogenetic appearan ce and her own actions, dulcifys description of Curleys wife seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. On the other hand, Curleys married womans appearance could be seen as naivety and simply late confide to be found attractive. red ink is a primary colour accordingly children are attracted to it, it is a colour children want to wear because it is bright and has an element of ecstasy in it. Therefore Curleys married woman tiring the colour red whitethorn symbolise a childs leader to bright colours limning her as novel or girly.Curleys wife is such a multiform character, and we see this in the letter Steinbeck wrote to get off Luce describing her. Steinbeck hear that missy Luce was struggling to play the mathematical function of Curleys wife in 1938, in the letter he include her as knowing utterly aught about sex and Curleys wife is an unimpeachable woman under all the defenses she has reinforced up against all the comments order to her.In of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curleys wife sparks much debate and controversy, being an extremely important character in the book as she symbolises the gender inequality and discrimination of the period. At the start of the novella, we assume she is just a temporary hookup device, but later on find out that there is much more about her and she has a very important role in the book as being the only woman. During the 1930s women were treated unequally to men, and werent treated with as much respect, which is reflected later when we realise that Curleys wife isnt addressed with a name.The attitude to women at the time contrasts with how gender inequality is now women have the right to vote and they are now appreciated. The novella is set in the 1930s in Soledad, near Salinas, California. The novella was set during the American depression. Soledad, meaning loneliness in Spanish is also cleverly used as the place name of where the fictional ranch is set.This merges in with the theme of loneli ness that runs passim the novel, foreshadowing what we later find out about Curleys wifes life on the ranch. The Great depression was triggered by the besiege Street Crash of 1929 and left millions of people unemployed. All the while people lost confidence, felt insecure and the American Dream had vanished, linking to what all the men on the ranch want, but now seems impossible to achieve.Because of the ranch being an isolated and primitive, the lifestyle was lonely. Steinbeck uses his individualized experience as a ranch worker to describe how the workers felt George says that ranch workers are the loneliest people in the world and dont belong nowhere. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation. Perhaps the loneliest character, which Steinbeck creates in the novel, is Curleys wife. She is the only female in the ranch and although she is married, you never witness the distinct couple of Curley and his wife together. She is never really noticed, hence the sense of sexual discrimination. Section 1Of Mice and Men is filled with tragic events which come in a crucial structure that are hinted throughout the book. In fact, even the title foreshadows the unfortunate situations that take place. Of Mice and Men comes from the poem by Robert Burns To a Mouse. The best-laid schemes o mice an men/ gang aft agley./ An leae us nought but grief an pain./For promisd joy. The poem tells us that the best things always go wrong and leave you with nada but grief and pain, this relates to the novella well because the best dream for Curleys wife was to be in the pitcures, but because her mother took them away (she believed) her dreams was shattered and now is left in an unhappy marriage on a ranch where she doesnt belong. The first moment that we hear about Curleys wife is when Candy describes her in the bunkhouse, through gossip. He describes her as a sex object, sounding quite negative towards her.Steinbeck first describes her in a less judgmental way, n ot really showing a strong opinion of her, unlike Candys view which is much more frustrated and clear well i think Curleys marrieda tart. When Candy describes her as a tart and the use of an ellipsis, shows that he recoils when using such a derogatory term. The reader already pictures Curleys wife in their head, and we immediately seem to dislike her, but also sympathise for her because she is gossiped about before the reader even meets her and can make their own decision.One of the reasons why we first hear about Curleys wife before we meet her is because the men on the ranch all dislike Curley, and they all presume she is as mean as he is. Again, when she is introduced, an ill feeling overcomes the atmosphere indicating that Lennie will be getting into a mess with her. George states in the very beginning that he is always getting into mishaps, You do bad things and I got to get you out,. In the first scene, we learn that Lennie likes to stroke mice and other soft creatures, but ha s a tendency to kill them accidentally.This foreshadows the death of his puppy and the death of Curleys wife. Furthermore, when George recounts that Lennie grabbed the womans dress in Weed and would not let go, the reader anticipates that similar trouble will arise at the ranch, especially once Curleys flirtatious wife appears on the scene. Lennie being nave and has limited intelligence, showing that he is somewhat childish and interprets his feelings different to how we might understand these feelings. When he describes Curleys wife as Purty we get the sense that he considers her on her looks alone.The vernacular language again shows that he is childlike, and makes him sound real. In society, from where the book was published up till now, the elderly are no longer useful because they arent as able. The shooting of Candys dog symbolises that there is not need for the elderly to live, representing that Lennie is the dog, because he is not as mentallyable as the other men on the ranch . Candy mirrors George- he has to suffer and has lost his partner, just like Candy lost his dog that kept Candy company, but no longer can, linking back to the idea of everyone always ending up lonely. The contrast between the first chapter and the last also shows his death because the same scene goes from the peaceful field to the violent death of the water snake at the beginning of the novella.Section 2 end-to-end Of Mice and Men, we feel that a lot of the characters feel real to us. This is because of the vernacular Steinbeck uses. Curleys wife seems to be a hard character, but might not be as strong as she would like to appear. She strives to make an impression in front of all the men, because she is the only woman on the ranch, one could interpret this like she knows that the men might be attracted to her and thinks she has an advantage.She was hard made up describes that she wears a lot of makeup this makes the reader get a sense of ill feeling towards her, although whilst al so feeling sensitivity for her because this could illustrate that she wears so much makeup to hide herself, and uses it as a mask. Also, she could be so made up because she still wants to imagine herself as an actress all the stars where makeup and look magnificent. When Curleys wife first speaks, her voice is described with having a nasal, brittle quality. The word nasal suggests a high, whiney voice, which does not match her powerful facade and links to previous suggestionIn of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curleys wife sparks much debate and controversy, being an extremely important character in the book as she symbolises the gender inequality and discrimination of the period. At the start of the novella, we assume she is just a plot device, but later on find out that there is much more about her and she has a very important role in the book as being the only woman. During the 1930s women were treated unequally to men, and werent treated with as much respect, which is reflected later when we realise that Curleys wife isnt addressed with a name.The attitude to women at the time contrasts with how gender inequality is now women have the right to vote and they are now appreciated. The novella is set in the 1930s in Soledad, near Salinas, California. The novella was set during the American depression. Soledad, meaning loneliness in Spanish is also cleverly used as the place name of where the fictional ranch is set. This merges in with the theme of loneliness that runs throughout the novel, foreshadowing what we later find out about Curleys wifes life on the ranch.The Great depression was triggered by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and left millions of people unemployed. All the while people lost confidence, felt insecure and the American Dream had vanished, linking to what all the men on the ranch want, but now seems impossible to achieve. Because of the ranch being an isolated and primitive, the lifestyle was lonely.Steinbeck uses his personal experience as a ranch worker to describe how the workers felt George says that ranch workers are the loneliest people in the world and dont belong nowhere. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation. Perhaps the loneliest character, which Steinbeck creates in the novel, is Curleys wife. She is the only female in the ranch and although she is married, you never witness the distinct couple of Curley and his wife together. She is never really noticed, hence the sense of sexual discrimination. Section 1Of Mice and Men is filled with tragic events which come in a crucial structure that are hinted throughout the book. In fact, even the title foreshadows the unfortunate situations that take place. Of Mice and Men comes from the poem by Robert Burns To a Mouse. The best-laid schemes o mice an men/ gang aft agley./ An leae us nought but grief an pain./ For promisd joy.The poem tells us that the best things always go wrong and leave you with nothing but grief and pain, this relates to the novella well because the best dream for Curleys wife was to be in the pitcures, but because her mother took them away (she believed) her dreams was shattered and now is left in an unhappy marriage on a ranch where she doesnt belong. The first moment that we hear about Curleys wife is when Candy describes her in the bunkhouse, through gossip. He describes her as a sex object, sounding quite negative towards her.Steinbeck first describes her in a less judgmental way, not really showing a strong opinion of her, unlike Candys view which is much more frustrated and clear well i think Curleys marrieda tart. When Candy describes her as a tart and the use of an ellipsis, shows that he recoils when using such a derogatory term. The reader already pictures Curleys wife in their head, and we immediately seem to dislike her, but also sympathise for her because she is gossiped about before the reader even meets her and can make their own decision.One of the reasons why we first hear about Cu rleys wife before we meet her is because the men on the ranch all dislike Curley, and they all presume she is as mean as he is. Again, when she is introduced, an ill feeling overcomes the atmosphere indicating that Lennie will be getting into a mess with her. George states in the very beginning that he is always getting into mishaps, You do bad things and I got to get you out,. In the first scene, we learn that Lennie likes to stroke mice and other soft creatures, but has a tendency to kill them accidentally.This foreshadows the death of his puppy and the death of Curleys wife. Furthermore, when George recounts that Lennie grabbed the womans dress in Weed and would not let go, the reader anticipates that similar trouble will arise at the ranch, especially once Curleys flirtatious wife appears on the scene. Lennie being nave and has limited intelligence, showing that he is somewhat childish and interprets his feelings different to how we might understand these feelings. When he descr ibes Curleys wife as Purty we get the sense that he considers her on her looks alone.The vernacular language again shows that he is childlike, and makes him sound real. In society, from where the book was published up till now, the elderly are no longer useful because they arent as able. The shooting of Candys dog symbolises that there is not need for the elderly to live, representing that Lennie is the dog, because he is not as mentally able as the other men on the ranch.Candy mirrors George- he has to suffer and has lost his partner, just like Candy lost his dog that kept Candy company, but no longer can, linking back to the idea of everyone always ending up lonely. The contrast between the first chapter and the last also shows his death because the same scene goes from the peaceful field to the violent death of the water snake at the beginning of the novella.Section 2Throughout Of Mice and Men, we feel that a lot of the characters feel real to us. This is because of the verna cular Steinbeck uses. Curleys wife seems to be a hard character, but might not be as strong as she would like to appear. She strives to make an impression in front of all the men, because she is the only woman on the ranch, one could interpret this like she knows that the men might be attracted to her and thinks she has an advantage.She was heavily made up describes that she wears a lot of makeup this makes the reader get a sense of ill feeling towards her, although whilst also feeling sensitivity for her because this could illustrate that she wears so much makeup to hide herself, and uses it as a mask. Also, she could be so made up because she still wants to imagine herself as an actress all the stars where makeup and look magnificent. When Curleys wife first speaks, her voice is described with having a nasal, brittle quality.The word nasal suggests a high, whiney voice, which does not match her powerful facade and links to previous suggestions of being fake and disguising her real persona with her appearance. The fact that she feels unable to show her dead on target self for fear of being hurt, creates unselfishness in the reader. After the gossip we hear about Curleys wife, we finally meet her. Her physical appearance of full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made- up, as well as fingernail painted red and elaborate hair, further build on our preconceptions of her.Red, the colour of her costume and the style of her hair and makeup suggest some sexuality. Additionally, she use suggestive and exciting body language, she put her hands tramp her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward, and her little(a) excuse to be with the men in their quarters contribute to the ranchers view of her as a tramp. She both talks and acts playfully and flirtatiously in front of the other ranch workers. She could dissemble in this manner because her sexuality is her only weapon to gain attention, thus Candys description of her seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel.Through her physical appearance and her own actions, Candys description of Curleys wife seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. On the other hand, Curleys wifes appearance could be seen as naivety and simply youthful desire to be found attractive. Red is a primary colour thereof children are attracted to it, it is a colour children want to wear because it is bright and has an element of happiness in it. Therefore Curleys Wife wearing the colour red whitethorn symbolise a childs attraction to bright colours portraying her as youthful or girly.Curleys wife is such a mingled character, and we see this in the letter Steinbeck wrote to Miss Luce describing her. Steinbeck heard that Miss Luce was struggling to play the role of Curleys wife in 1938, in the letter he include her as knowing utterly nothing about sex and Curleys wife is an innocent woman under all the defenses she has built up against all the comment s order to her.s of being fake and disguising her real persona with her appearance. The fact that she feels unable to show her true self for fear of being hurt, creates sympathy in the reader. After the gossip we hear about Curleys wife, we finally meet her. Her physical appearance of full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made- up, as well as fingernail painted red and elaborate hair, further build on our preconceptions of her.Red, the colour of her attire and the style of her hair and makeup suggest some sexuality. Additionally, she use suggestive and provocative body language, she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward, and her flimsy excuse to be with the men in their quarters contribute to the ranchers view of her as a tramp. She both talks and acts playfully and flirtatiously in front of the other ranch workers.She could behave in this manner because her sexuality is her only weapon to gain attention, t hus Candys description of her seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. Through her physical appearance and her own actions, Candys description of Curleys Wife seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel.On the other hand, Curleys Wifes appearance could be seen as naivety and simply youthful desire to be found attractive. Red is a primary colour therefore children are attracted to it, it is a colour children want to wear because it is bright and has an element of happiness in it. Therefore Curleys Wife wearing the colour red may symbolise a childs attraction to bright colours portraying her as youthful or girly.Curleys wife is such a complex character, and we see this in the letter Steinbeck wrote to Miss Luce describing her. Steinbeck heard that Miss Luce was struggling to play the role of Curleys wife in 1938, in the letter he included her as knowing utterly nothing about sex and Curleys wife is an innocent woman under all the defenses she has built up aga inst all the comments directed to her.
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